Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Imperial Treasure La Mian Xiao Long Bao

Wishing you all:


Today, my ex-supervisor invited me and my colleague for a Chinese New Year's lunch at Imperial Treasure restaurant located in Plaza Indonesia.

imperial treasure 1
We ordered:
- Deep Fried Dice Chicken with Chilli Rp. 58.000
- SoonHock (fish) with Fresh Chili 300 grams Rp. 108.000
- Steamed Beancurd with Shrimp Rp. 60.000
- Fried La Mian with Chicken and Bamboo fun Rp. 55.000
- Xiao Long Bao (Shanghai Steamed Chicken Dumplings) Rp. 20.000
- Red Bean Paste Pancake Rp. 33.000
- Almond Beancurd & Fruit Rp. 18.000
- 3 Chinese Tea Rp. 18.000
- 1 steamed rice Rp. 6.000
- Pickle (braised peanuts) Rp. 6.000
All prices subject to 10% Tax.
Food is Halal

(currency: 1 USD = Rp. 11.300
1 RM = Rp. 3.100)
Oh.. and if we use the wet tissue, we have to pay extra for Rp. 500/sheet.

It was a really nice lunch, not only because of the delicious food but I also had a great laugh and chitchat :)
p.s: I was so impressed with the watermark that Criz Lai made for Precious Pea, thus I emailed and asked him whether he would make one for me. As you can see on the pics in this post, Crize Lai designed a special logo for me and provided the instruction on how to do the watermark. I'm so happy. Thank you so much, Criz! I love it! You really made my day! :)

Related post:
Imperial Treasure Kitchen

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kue Pukis

kue pukis 0

Another Indonesian traditional snack called Kue Pukis. One piece of Kue Pukis is Rp. 1.000. You can also make it by your own. It's quite easy as long as you have that special long square baking pan ;)

This is how to make Kue Pukis:

150 grams flour (high protein)
180 ml coconut milk
1/2 tbsp instant yeast
60 ml warm water
3 eggs
100 grams sugar
Margarine for coating

Mix the instant yeast with the warm water, set it aside. Beat the eggs and sugar until it becomes volume and thick then pour flour gradually. Slowly stir it in the instant yeast and coconut milk. Leave the batter for about 2 hours before you put it on the coated pan with margarine. You can add some toppings on the Kue Pukis like chocolate sprinkles, cheese, roasted peanuts with sugar, or strawberry jam.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Harum (Arum) Manis

I was walking down the street when I saw this man selling the traditional candy similiar to "cotton candy" which I used to eat it during my childhood. This candy has different names such as Harum Manis or Arum Manis (trans: Sweet Fragrant ) and Rambut Nenek (trans: Grandma's Hair).

I asked the man how to make harum manis and without any hesitation, he explained it to me. The main ingredients are sugar, flour and vegetable oil. It's pretty interesting to know the process of making this Harum Manis. First, heat the sugar and vegetable oil together until it becomes clump then add a little food color (usually red color), pour flour on the sugar dough to become formed. Next, put it on a brass foil and then it need to be pull over and over until it becomes like fiber/thread. This process is quite difficult because it requires special skill and extra energy.

gulali 2

Rp. 5.000/plastic bag

Harum Manis is usually eaten with special Kerupuk (chips/wafers made from sago flour).
Do you think it really looks like grandma's hair? hehehe...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Es Podeng

It's been raining almost everyday in Jakarta since last week, even some places are having flood. But then, despite the rainy weather, it doesn't stop me from eating ice cream :)

The ingredients of a "simple" Es Podeng:
- Sago pearls
- Chopped bread
- Avocado
- Indonesian traditional ice cream made from coconut milk

and for the "non-simple" Es Podeng, there'll be additional ingredients of tape (fermented tapioca), coconut and jackfruit.

es podeng1

- Condense milk (chocolate flavour)
- Chocolate sprinkles
- Roasted peanuts

Rp. 5.000 per cup

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kue Serabi Solo

Kue Serabi is the traditional pancake in Indonesia. The main ingredient is rice starch/flour mixed with coconut milk.

Actually, there are many varieties of Kue Serabi.

Last time, I posted about Kue Ape or Kue Tetek (trans: Breast cake) which is also Kue Serabi, originally from Jakarta.

And now, I'm posting this Kue Serabi Solo which is originally from Solo (a city in the Central of Java).

Isn't this interesting, Kue Serabi Solo is being sold and cooked from a private car that just is parked on the street? ;)

The Serabi's batter

There are different toppings like banana, jackfruit, cheese, chocolate sprinkle or if you don't like the toppings, you can ask for plain Kue Serabi.

One thing that I noticed, this man is using little woks to make the Kue Serabi. The real Kue Serabi Solo is usually cooked in small clay pots.

1 piece of Serabi = Rp. 1.500

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bubur Biji Salak & Sum Sum

If you are craving for sweet porridges, you can find it easily on the streets in Jakarta.

The man is selling it on his motorcycle.

Although the direct translation from Bubur Biji Salak is Snake Fruit's Seed Porridge but this porridge isn't made from the real seed of Snake Fruit ;)

snake fruit

The Biji Salak is actually made from sweet potato and tapioca/sago flour.

Biji salak

Bubur Sum Sum is known as the Indonesian Rice Pudding; made from rice flour, coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves.

It's Rp. 3.000 per cup

People usually will eat the Bubur Biji Salak together with Bubur Sum Sum.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ta Wan (2)

Mom and I had lunch at Ta Wan restaurant in Mall Taman Anggrek. Usually, we always ordered the set menu for 2 people but this time, we were trying the porridge which is well known at Ta Wan. The porridge tasted really good because of the soft texture.

related post:
Ta Wan (1)