Friday, July 30, 2010

Brigadeiro and Pao de queijo (Brazilian Snacks)

For the Brazilian National Night, the Brazilian delegation prepared their famous snacks.

The first one is Brigadeiro which is a Brazilian candy named after Brigadier General Eduardo Gomes, who ran for presidency in 1940's. This candy was his favorite one and his wife served it at every parties. Gomes lost the election, but the candy made a history. In Brazil, no birthday party is complete without brigadeiros - it is as important as the birthday cake itself.

The Brazilian delegation made the Bridgadeiro from a ready to use chocolate condensed milk (Nestle product).
You can also make it by yourself if you can't find the ready to use chocolate condensed milk with the following Bridgadeiro recipe:

1 can Condensed Milk
2 tablespoons Butter
2 or 3 tablespoons Chocolate Powder
Chocolate sprinkles

1. Combine the first three ingredients in a pan and stir constantly over medium heat, bringing to boil.
2. Continue stirring for about 2 minutes or until mixture thickens enough to coat the bottom of the pan.
3. Remove from heat and carefully scoop hot mixture out of the pot into a separate bowl to cool
4. Let it cool completely,
then the next steps are as follow:

Coat hands with butter and scoop out a tablespoon size amount of the chocolate condensed milk into the palm of your hand.
Roll into a small ball.
Roll the ball in sprinkle.
Let rest on a non-sticky paper or in a paper cup.

Beside the Brigadeiro, Pao de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Roll/Bread ) was also being served as the second snack during the Brazilian National Night.

The Costa Rica leader and me helped the Brazilian leader to make the Pao de Queijo.

It's so easy, fast and convenient to make it from this brand "Yoki Pao de Queijo Mix".

For one bag of Yoki:
- Add 2 eggs and 1/2 cup of water, then mix well with the Yoki powder until become a dough.
- Make small rolls and place them in a tray.
- Bake in oven (350 degrees F) for about 30 minutes or until the rolls become golden color.

Can't believe that the taste of this Pao de Queijo made from the mix Yoki powder is totally the same like the Pao de Queijo (recipe from Everything4sweets) that I made several months ago :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Caipirinha & Batida de Coco (Brazilian cocktails)

On the Leaders' Night Out, my Brazilian friend made the famous Brazilian cocktail "Caipirinha" and also the alcoholic drink specially for ladies called "Batida de Coco".

Caipirinha is made from Cachaca (distilled alcohol beverage from fermented sugarcane), lime and sugar. It tasted almost like Mojito, both used lime and sugar. The difference is that Mojito is made from white rum, soda water and mint.



1 liter Cachaca
10 limes
500 sugar
Crushed ice/ ice cubes
Cut the limes
Use a muddler or small pestle to muddle the limes, add sugar
then add crushed ice, pour the Cachaca and mix it (or use a cocktail shaker).

Batida de Coco
is also known as Ladies' Coconut drink.
it's delicious... tasted rich, a bit creamy and sweet.

Ingredients of Batida de Coco:
250 ml vodka
200 ml coconut milk
395 gram condensed milk

Combine all the ingredients, then stir well.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Beside eating all the food in the camp, I also had 3 BBQs during my stay in the USA. First one was the the "Welcome Party" BBQ, the second - the 4th of July BBQ, and then the third - the "Leaders' Night Out" BBQ.

The "Welcome Party" BBQ

Love the salad :)

The "Leaders' Night Out" BBQ
Macaroni and cheese
Potato salad
Chewy cookies
Hot dog
Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew
Some Alcoholic Drinks
German's alcoholic beverage
During the "Leaders' Night Out" BBQ, the Brazilian leader made 2 kinds of Brazilian cocktail. I will post about those cocktails soon. So... stay tuned! ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The food at the camp in Ohio, USA

I just came back last Saturday from the USA and now, still recovering from the exhausting trip :)

I was in a summer camp in Ohio for 28 days. During the camp, the food was prepared by the volunteers.

Here are some pictures of the food in the camp.

Usually fruity loops or other cereals with fresh fruits and also toast breads.

Toast bread with sour cream
Cereal with fresh blueberries and banana

Lunch & Dinner
Chicken and potato salad plus salad
Macaroni, grapes
Meatballs in bun with green beans
Broccoli and cheese
Homemade Salsa with corn, black beans and tomato
Ramen noodles with carrot and celery
Sandwich, corn and rice pudding
Pasta and meatballs
Hot dog and macaroni, pudding and cookies
Lunch bag
(sandwich, celery, apple and crackers)
Uncooked rice with corn and beans
Soup, crackers and hard/ not done potato
Macaroni and another hard potato
Ramen noodles and red beans
Sloppy Joe
I really love the cherries and blueberries :)
Hot dog
Macaroni and cheese
Burgers and left over macaroni and cheese
Quesadilla with cheese
Ramen noodles
A small quesadilla with salad
Pasta and corn
Macaroni and cheese
Hot dog with salad
Meatballs on hot dog bun
The last lunch - Sloppy Joe
The last dinner - quesadilla with chicken and cheese

This is how we got our food on our plates :D