Sunday, September 9, 2007


If you wish to contact me, you can drop a line at:

selba22 [@] gmail [dot] com

You also can follow me on:
twitter: @selba
instagram: selba22


  1. Selby, your blog is great!

    I've never come across any food blog, much less Indonesian food one, as comprehensive and tastefully done as yours. I really enjoy this blog.

  2. Natalia: Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and also leaving a nice comment :)

  3. What a fun, comprehensive blog! I found this blog while my Afghanistan friend asking about 'mie kocok', and I searched it. I definitely recommend this blog for foreigner or anyone who is interested in Indonesian culinary, especially street food. You go girl!

  4. apop: Hello Apop, glad that you can share about what "Mie Kocok" is to your friend. Thanks a lot for your compliments, you made my day ;)

  5. Hi Selby, your section re snack and street food is crazyly AWESOME! I am expecting and you have just all the possible thing that I would crave - if I list them down, can you please help me to identify their location? :D

  6. Paulina: Hi Paulina, thanks so much for your compliments and congrats for your pregnancy :) Well, the problem with street food, they usually move around so it's kinda difficult for me to put their location. Is there any special food street that you are craving right now? I can tell you where I've met the street food.

  7. Hi selby, I was wondering where could this delicious nasi uduk can be found

    thank you!

  8. Istiawan: Hi Istiawan, the nasi uduk vendor is located in Tanjung Duren Raya - Jakarta Barat, opposite of the fire brigade station.

  9. TBA: Hopefully someday I'll be able to visit Surabaya again to try the delicious food there :)

  10. hello Selby

    If you ever need a guide in Surabaya lemme know
    The type of restaurants we review seems to be similar, hopefully we also have the same taste :D

  11. FGf: Thanks for the offer. Do you have a blog?

    1. You're most welcome

      my blog is in
      still crude though, not proficient in website design :p

    2. FGf: Just had a look of your blog, you got a nice blog :)

  12. Info Plis untuk restoran masakan bakaran yang menggunakan arang briket sebagai bahan bakarnya.
    karena saya ingin menawarkan sebagai suppliernya.
    apabila ada refrensi yang bisa saya tawari.
    thank you.

    Cp : 082328878878

  13. Hi selba, if you have time I'd love an oppinion.

    I just recently decided to remove foodie blogrool from my blog since I don't see any benefit putting it there...
    do you think I'm missing something?

    1. albert chandra: Nope. So far, I actually don't find any benefits of putting it either. I just keep it because it doesn't make my blog not "empty". Same thing as the two advertisements on the top, I want to delete it because it hardly gives me benefit.

    2. Thanks Selba
      Yup that's what I thought, at first it's just functioning as a wall decoration ^^

      no traffic, no search result, nothing...

  14. Hi, selby...
    Blognya keren bgt bwt saya pecinta makan.. hehe
    ada rekomendasi utk mkn kepiting di jakarta?
    tp jangan holy crab ya,,,


  15. farida ismail: Hi Farida, thanks sudah membaca blog ini :) Waduh.. makan kepiting yah? Aku jarang banget makan kepiting.. terakhir kali makan kepiting di Saung Grenvil yang di Jakarta Barat.
