Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cooking Demo by Bobby Chinn

Bobby Chinn - the celebrity chef and also known as the host of "World Cafe Asia" that airs on Discovery Travel & Living channel, has invited me personally to see his cooking demo and lunch at the Scusa restaurant in InterContinental Jakarta Hotel.


Cooking Demo


Another post of Scusa: New a la carte Menu at Scusa


  1. Congrats for being a Featured Publisher in Foodbuzz! You look so pretty in the photo with Bobby Chinn.

  2. Sweetie, I thot you hate him!?!?!? But you look so prettier with short hair! :D

  3. food for tots: Thank you... thank you :D

    MOS: Uhmm... someone said, "There is a thin line between love and hate." Hahaha... No lah, there's no love nor hate.
    Thanks dearie :)

  4. Hi Selby... blog hopped until your site. Nice food introductory you had. Nice pics too...

  5. bits of life 'n' taste: hi, thank you and welcome to my blog :)

  6. Beautiful hotel, delicious looking food. The menu is fantastic. Tamarind glazed crab cakes? Coconut creme brulee? Yes please :)

    Sorry to hear your segment was cancelled...

  7. olivia: What a good choice! Yes, the best dishes was the crab cakes, the rest of the dishes tasted not really good, very plain...

    Well, the cancellation was a really big disappointment especially it was at the last minute before the shooting day, but then I learnt my lesson to be more careful with the entertainment world.

  8. Hi Selbi,
    Congratulations on being featured on food buzz. :) Am so happy, grining from ear to ear.

    The hotel and the restaurant both look snazzy. As for the food, nice presentation. :)

  9. nice food. making me hungry! =P

  10. Welcome to my blog, kenwooi :)
    Looking at food pic also make me hungry, hehehe

  11. laveena,

    thanks :)

    oh... yes, the InterContinental Jakarta hotel is nice.

  12. hey you're in Jakarta?

    I was thinking of going over for a trip there, but holding back cz dunno what to see or eat there.

    but your blog really highlighted most of the yummies over there.

  13. Hello Selby...thanks for dropping by my blog. I took some time browsing through yours and I find it so colourful and informative. It gives a wider info on the type of food available. My tummy is making noises now...haha

    It was great for you meeting Bobby Chin.

    ck lam

  14. J2Kfm: Hi... Just come to Jakarta and I would be happy to bring you around to try food in here :)

    CK Lam: Thank you for also dropping by to my humble blog :) whoa.. I'm not aware that the food pics in my blog can make noises in your tummy, hehehe...

  15. Wow, nice food presentation. Your photos are nice too! Got your link from Misti site

  16. Thanks, Pete.

    Good to see you in my blog :)

  17. Whoa... I wouldn't dare to step into a restaurant like that.... :-P looks so expensive and need to mind your table manners... :-P

  18. Welcome to my blog, cleffairy :)

    Yeah... it's an expensive restaurant because it's in a 5 stars hotel. The set menu cost about US$ 70. Good thing, that I was invited if not, I also wouldn't dare to step in, hehehe...

  19. precious pea: no.. no.. not lucky ;)

  20. goshhhh Bobby Chin ..he's a funny guy :-) Did he penned any cookbooks???

  21. pixen: you like bobby chinn? ;)
    Yes, he did.. He just published his new cookbook.

  22. Hi Selba... I just knew about him bcos of Vietnamese food :-D and the scene he created with Andrea De Cruz, the wife of Pierre Png (famous as Pua Chu Beng..Phua Chu Kang's lil brother.) Other than that i'm game for new ideas from new chefs...

  23. pixen: I think Bobby Chinn becomes famous since he got his show on Discovery travel & living.

    Yeah.. tell you the truth, it didn't really surprisse me when I read the article about the scene he created with Andrea De Cruz. I think what he did is really immature or probably just for the sake of making sensation or publication in the media.

  24. Bobby Chinn!! Wow. Back when he first opened up his restaurant in Hanoi I was working for Fodor's Vietnam and thought I'd do a little write-up to give him some free publicity. He totally blew up on me when I dropped by, screaming and swearing and thumping his chest, and kicked me out! I hope you had a good experience with him; he has a horrible reputation in Vietnam, unfortunately. On my latest trip there, in fact, I accumulated more "Evil Bobby" stories. Once one person shared, everyone else wanted to add something, too.

    Ah, I feel better now. Maybe you shouldn't publish this... :)

  25. sapuche: OMG!!! Well.. if you read the 2nd comment in this post from MyOrangeSweater, you probably can sense something bad had happened between me and him :(
    Yup, he also treated me really badly.
