Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Donat Kentang (Potato donut)

Some people say that Indonesia is the heaven of donuts in Southeast Asia because we have all the big donut franchises such as:

Despite of the donuts' demand at those big donuts' franchises, the traditional Indonesian donut made from potato is still existing. We called it as Donat Kentang (trans: donat = doughnuts, kentang = potato).

You can find it the small stalls in the malls or you even also can find the traditional donuts on the streets
Let's compare the prices ;)

1 pc assorted Dunkin Donut Rp. 6.000
1 pc J.Co glazzy donut Rp. 5. 000 and 1 pc assorted donut Rp. 5.500
1 pc Krispy Kreme original glazed Rp. 5.800
And guess what? 3 pcs of Donat kentang is only Rp. 5.000

(currency rate: 1 USD = Rp. 12.000, 1 RM = Rp. 3.500, 1 SGD = Rp. 8.000)
If you want to try to make it by yourself, below is a simple yummy recipe of Donat Kentang from my friend.

500 gr flour (high protein)
200 gr steamed potato then mashed it
12 gr instant dry yeast
50 gr milk powder (full cream)
75 gr butter or margarine
100 gr sugar
1/2 tsp salt
4 egg yolks
100 ml cold water
oil to fry the dough

- Put together flour, sugar, milk powder, instant dry yeast in a bowl, then add the mashed potato and egg yolks, mix them altogether until a soft dough is formed
- Put butter and salt, until elastic
- Leave first for 15 minutes.
- Devided the dough into small balls size of 50 gr each
- Leave again for 20 minutes to rise
- Make a hole in the middle of each ball
- Fry those dough in the hot oil in a medium sized pan until become golden
- Remove from oil and drain
- Let cool then you can put toppings like powder sugar, chocolate sprinkles or cheese on it

Btw, I recently received 2 awards, yay! :D
The first is from Yasmeen. Thank you, Yasmeen!
She made this lovely award by herself as an gratitude and pass it to all the bloggers who take time to leave encouraging comments and useful suggestions at her blog.

Hence, I'm also passing this award to ALL of you who have been reading and commenting in my blog :)

And the second award is from Xo , Thank you, Xo!
this award means:
This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

So now, I will pass this Proximity award to 8 bloggers: Food for Tots, Pam, thenomadGourmand, CK Lam, Pearl, Eat Travel Eat, Heather, and Pisang Goreng .


  1. The donuts look great! They look just as good and maybe even better than the big donut franchises! It is interesting that they sell it in stalls, which we never see that often, if ever, in the US. Like the photo of the dough too! It looks great and fluffy.

    Thanks for the award! You have my gratitude.

  2. eattraveleat: You are right, the taste of potato donut is better than the big donut franchises especially when its still eaten warm ;)

  3. We have a doughnut shop in town that sells potato doughnuts. They call them Spudnuts!

  4. joei de vivre: Spudnuts? that sounds so cute :)

  5. Mmm. I would love to try the donat kentang - I've never had a potato donut before.

    Congrats on your awards - thanks for passing one on to me.

  6. pam: let me know if you try the potato donut recipe :)

  7. oh my god!! i luvv donuts n i luv anything made frm potatoes!!! thks so much for the recipe~! will try out asap!
    and the award - so sweet of u laa..luv it! more to add to my blog side bar!

  8. thenormadgourmand: Hehehe... you are so cute! I love your enthusiasm :D

  9. lol.. me very enthusiastic abt food one...

  10. thenomadgourmand: Ditto.. Food is fantastic, isn't it? Hehehe...

  11. Congratulations on your awards Selbi! Its great to see you do so well with every passing day. Thanks for the donut recipe, can't wait to try it. :)

  12. laveena: Thank you, Laveena :) Don't forget to let me know the result of your potato donut.

  13. I have a soft spot for doughnuts though shouldn't be having too many. I like Dunking Donuts. The 3 for 5,000rup is very enticing.

  14. Potato and donut combined...I'm sold!!!! I love the glimpses into the local culture....congrats on the awards! :)

  15. the donut should taste just like our fried potato ball.

  16. Those potatoes sound awesome. Maybe I'll try the recipe if I get up the courage to fry things...

  17. Congratulations on your awards :)

    I dare say the donat kentang looks pretty delicious--I'd like to try that!! I didn't realize Krispy Kreme was in Indonesia--do they have the neon signs that say, "Hot Now"?

  18. awww.. so sweet.. love the awards ;)

    donuts and coffee.. the perfect snack (I feel like Homer !)

  19. Congratulations on your awards - very well-deserved, especially when you offer such wonderful recipes as these donuts!

  20. Congrats on your awards!! And all of the donuts look tasty!

  21. I bet the potato donuts are healthier! I love how there are so many street vendors in Indonesia.

  22. somehow, adding potatoes to donuts seem to make it sound healthier! lol!

  23. Oh forget Krispy Kreme - the moment you mentioned potato donuts.

    There is a popular chain limited to Texas and some other southern states called Shipley's - they add potato flour to their mix, and they are the most heavenly donuts I've ever eaten - like biting into clouds from the sky! Mmmmmm I miss them so much. Krispy Kreme is now popular in the UK but IF ONLY they could try Shipley's they'd never go back to Krispy or their usual greasy grocery store fare.

  24. Cool, I love doughnuts, and would love to try these!

  25. WAU!!!!!!

    love love dougnut
    I tried dunkin dougnut there are delicious and yummy.

    but I never tried to taste donut kentang.....
    I bet it taste better than other donut.....

  26. Congrats on ur awards..Lovely Donuts..:)

  27. Love potato doughtnuts, great stuff indeed!

  28. Selba a lovely recipe of potato donuts never tried - certainly I can't find them here ;)
    They look very delicious!
    Btw congrats for your awards :)


  29. I have never heard of potato donuts before, however they do sound and look very delish! I bet they are not as overly sticky sweet as conventional donuts. I will have to give these a try.

  30. we have potato doughnut here in malaysia as well. i think it's called kuih keria. with a huge dose of sugar topping! love the starchy texture!

  31. worldwindows: Yeah, considering about healthiness, donuts are not really a healty snack because of the deep fried.

    andrea: Hahaha… Thanks, Andrea :) Oh.. and don’t forget to collect the “You’re a Sweet” award.

    foodbin: Fried potato ball? Interesting… Here we got the fried tapioca ball filled with green peas.

  32. mica: Hehehe… don’t forget to let me know how’s the result, ok ;)

    tavolini: Thanks and please don’t forget to collect the “You’re a Sweet” award :)
    Uhmmm, I don’t think we have the neon signs that say, “Hot Now” at the Indonesian Krispy Kreme. Oh, btw, a lot of people who have tried Krispy Kreme in the US, they say that the Krispy Kreme in Indonesia taste much sweeter.

    cumi & ciki: Hahaha.. I like Homer Simpson! You also deserve the “You’re a Sweet” award :)

  33. tangled noodle: Thanks, Tangled Noodle! Make sure you also collect the “You’re a Sweet” award, ok :)

    maria: Thanks, Maria! Please collect the “You’re a Sweet” award :)

    Katherine aucoin: Hehehe… you are probably right but still it’s in deep fried :)

  34. burp and slurp: Hahaha… still must count the calories! :D

    olivia: Wow… you are making me mouth-watering on how you describe the Shipley’s! I wish I could try it :)

    Jessica@foodmayhem: Great! Let me know when you try the recipe :)

  35. pisang goreng: hehehe.. you gotta try it yourself ;)

    varsha vipins: Thanks! Don’t forget to collect the “You’re a Sweet” award :)

    lore: Hi Lore, welcome to my blog! You must be a fan of potato donuts, ya? :)

  36. gera@sweetsfoods: Hello Gera, welcome to my blog. Hopefully, you can try to make potato donuts :)

    Marybeth: If you don’t really like the sweet taste in the donut, you can reduce the sugar to make the dough. Let me know how the result become, ok :)

    nic Kuih keria? Sounds cute as like kue ceria (cheerful cake), hehehe…

  37. These look so delicious, what a fun thing to eat!

  38. We Canadians are pretty fond of donuts too.
    Love the street cart shots.
    Potato donuts sound delish, especially fresh and warm.

  39. Oh my, I haven't had a donut in years but now I am craving one! These look so lovely and fresh, too!

  40. I am not a big donut fan, but I am always for homemade stuff since I think they're healthier. I'd probably consume them more if I made donuts at home. I have never tried potato donut.

  41. natashya: Hehehe.. I believe that Canadians are fond of donuts :) Yes, agree, the best time to eat potato when it's still warm and fresh.

    thinspired: Just wondering, someone told me that, "If you are on diet, eating one piece donut is equal of ruining your one whole week of diet" Is this statement true?

    Mediterranean Turkish Cook: My mom also prefer home cooking because she will know exactly what's inside the food and most important is the hygiene :)

  42. OMG!! These donuts look so delicious! I love the photos!! I have never had potato ones.

  43. donna-ffw: hehehe... you can try and make your own potato donut with the recipe that I put in this post ;)

  44. Droool , nice do"nats"! :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog again ... You mean there isn't BARLEY in Jakarta? :-(

  45. julian si: Hi Julian, welcome to my blog :)
    We have barley seed to make bubur (porridge) but unfortunately, no barley drink.

  46. Can't wait to find out the taste of potato donuts as its not commonly found over in Penang.

    My congrats to you for receiving the awards and also thank you wishes to you for sharing them with me.

  47. ck lam: are you going to try this recipe? let me know the result, ok ;)
    I'm glad to share the award with you :)

  48. HI Selba,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. It is interesting to know that all f those donut places are also in Indonesia. In the US, we have Donut Day the first Friday in June and we have doughnut week too! Bookmarked!

    P.S. I must try this donut recipe. I like it is potato donuts!

  49. I love the idea of the potato donuts! :)

  50. potato donuts!! thats something new to me...n they look sooo delicious as well..n congrats on your awards!! my first time here and you have a lovely blog!!

  51. ~~louise~~: Hi Louise, welcome to my blog :) Wow..There's a donut day and donut week in the US? Interesting!
    Please let me know when you try the recipe :)

    maryann: Hi Maryann, welcome to my blog, you gotta try the potato donuts ;)

    superchef: Hello Superchef, welcome to my humble blog and thanks for the compliments :)

  52. I wish you could eat donuts when you're on a diet!! Oh well, some day. The potato donuts seem very interesting. I would think they are healthier !

  53. Congrats on the awards...N although I am not a big fan of doughnuts...the potato one sounds good.

  54. elenka: Hi Elenka, thanks for dropping by my blog :) Don't we wish we can still eat donut though we're on diet? hahaha

    navita: Hi Naviata, welcome to my blog! For sure, the potato donut sounds healhier ;)

  55. fantastic for Indonesia to be bestowed as donut centre of South East Asia . And winning so many Blogger awards too !

  56. BSG: Hehehe... Too many people, thus good opportunity for those business people to open a lot franchises :)

  57. ahhh...I love these little stalls. The food is just amazing and you can't get it anywhere.

  58. pigpigscorner: Hehehe... you are right, sometimes the food being sold at the stalls taste better than the restaurant ones.

  59. I didn't know there were Krispy Kreme in Indonesia! We're passing on all the bad stuff to everyone.

  60. shavedicesundays : Hahaha... we have a lot of fast aka junk food here ;)

  61. Thanks or the comment on my blog! I love the sound of the potato donut - I'll bet they are nice and tender. All the street food is interesting too!

  62. n.o.e: Hello NOE, welcome to my blog :) Yes, the potato donut taste yummy.

  63. Thanks for the doughnut recipe - will have to try this!

  64. james: Hi James, thanks for stopping by at my blog. Let me the result when you try this potato donut :)

  65. Just noticed that my early comment for this posting was missing.

    This is the 1st time I hear about potato donut. Must try it if I go to Indonesia one day.

    Thank you so much for the award. I am really appreciated that. ;)

  66. food for tots: you are welcome :)

  67. let me, copy those.....
    iwant try made it.
    thank's before
