Monday, March 16, 2009

Selby's Cupcakes

Last year, I’d been trying to make cupcakes but then always no success because my cupcakes were sinking all the time although I tried the cupcakes recipes from those famous bakers. I actually already gave up on making cupcakes.

Yesterday, I got inspired to make cupcakes again after I read Big Boys Oven post. He made these beautiful yoghurt cranberries cupcakes with white chocolate cream.

From BBO’s recipe, I made some modifications because I don't have confectionery sugar, no yoghurt, no sun dried cranberries, then since I don't self-raising flour so I added baking powder. Hmmm.... it sounds that this is not following BBO's recipe at all, hahaha....


220g unsalted butter, softened
160g sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder
3 medium eggs
220g flour
1 tsp baking powder
100 ml milk

Everyone who loves to bake, definitely know the basic method of making batter which is mixing the butter and sugar first until light and fluffy then when adding the eggs, it supposedly one in a time after each addition. And guess what kind of silly thing I did? I mixed the butter, sugar, vanilla power and the eggs altogether at the same time! Oops!!!

If other people bake cupcakes between 20 – 30 minutes, my cupcakes were almost 1 hour in the oven! But, hey! Surprisingly... my cupcakes were not sinking at all!!! Wooohooo… finally, I made it! So happy :)

As for the topping, again.... I didn't follow BBO's recipe because no white chocolate and icing sugar. Thus, I melted the dark chocolate and put the small flowers which I made it from sugar fondant on the top of my cupcakes.

Not bad, huh? ;)


  1. haha .. least they still came out fine i hope? :)

  2. Selba, they look good. Did you enjoy them?

  3. Mary: Yes, mom and I enjoyed my cupcakes for an afternoon tea time :)

  4. bits of life 'n' taste: Hehehe.. thanks :D

  5. Cute! Two precious pups get their share too?

  6. precious pea: Absolutely! And also their mom! And after that I made sure they brush their teeth with dentastix ;)

  7. Nice job with those! I admire your kitchen creativity, especially when you didn't have the ingredients you needed. Btw, you forget to say how they tasted! (I'm sure they were great!)

  8. great effort-nice looking cupcakes

  9. sapuche: Hehehe... let the reader guess about the taste but.. psstt.. tell you the truth, it's yummy! :D

    foodbin: thank you.. thank you *big grin*

  10. oh selby, you are SO talented!

  11. pearl: Hehehe.. thanks, Pearl *blushing*

  12. Well done! You did well with your improvisation. ;-)

  13. lyrical lemongrass: thank you! I'm so happy... :D

  14. Happy for you. Really delicious looking!

  15. tummythoz: hehehe.. tengkiu.. tengkiu... :D

  16. These look incredible, Selby! Were they good? They look sky high in the picture, makes for a nice presentation!

  17. donna-ffw: Thank you, Donna! Yes, they were yummy! You are right, they were higher than the normal cupcakes because the recipe supposedly to make 20 cupcakes but I made to 12 cupcakes because my pan only got 12 holes, hehehe...

  18. Great cupcakes, Selby! I love the little flowers; they're adorable!

  19. Wow...the cupcakes came out perfect even after all the changes it went through.

  20. Selba they came out beautiful anf I love your cup cake holders, so much prettier than what I can buy here in the States. You did a terrific job!

  21. The cupcakes are adorable and look just scrumptious!

  22. honey.. u bake too?? hehe..not bad huh..know hw to substitue here n there! LOL. for me, i stick the the recipe like glue yet can stil turn out disastrous sometimes! heheheeh

  23. Selby they look great where do you get your cute cupcake holders? (I want).

  24. Nice to hear your success story for your cupcakes! I also made a lot of silly mistakes in my cooking and baking journey. Guess learning from our mistakes makes us smart next time, right?

  25. I haven't baked for quite some time now. I don't bake cupcakes very often because they never turn out good :(

    Yours look delicious though! *steal a cupcake from Selba and run*

  26. Look at those happy cupcakes :D I like it!! Were they quite delicious?

  27. Selby, they look tasty and so cute too.

  28. those cupcakes just looks too cute!!!

  29. Oh, lovely cupcakes and the dark chocolate topping was the BEST choice!


  30. They look wonderful! They are so nice and tall and I love the chocolate icing.I bet they were yummy!

  31. How cute this cupcakes looks! The dough looks so soft!

  32. ONE HOUR!? Holy crap! Well they look good! Nice job! :D

  33. Looks beautiful in any way! They look good enough to be sold at a high end bakery with the outside cup and the flower decoration.

  34. such happy cupcakes! they're adorable! i love, love, love chocolate!

  35. Congratulations! You've successful!

  36. This is awesome awesome! hehehehehe sorry for dropping by late due to the classes I was running over the weekend. Wow! it looks very beautiful. from the ingredients you had used those cupcakes are defintely winners. hehehe now we know how to tempt our guests!

  37. They look wonderful and I love the little flower candies..So spring looking.

  38. I am impressed with your decoration skills! Good thing you didn't give up on making cupcakes for ever. After trying so many times (I do that in baking all the time) it does eventually work.

  39. Not bad at all!!! And the one with the smile is SO cute!!!

  40. very good ! make sure you bring them by the thousands when you land in KL !

  41. mica: Thank you, Mica! It’s quite easy to make those little flowers with the fondant sugar :)

    cumi & ciki: Thank you :)

    ck lam: Hehehe… What a surprise :)

    Katherine aucoin: Thank you, Katherine :) I actually have been looking the white cupcake holders like the ones being used in the US. These dark brown cupcakes holders got flowers design like Louis Vuiton and size is a little bigger and higher.

    5 star foodie: Thank you, 5 star foodie :)

  42. thenomadgourmand: I like baking but sometimes I need a lot of effort to get my butt out of the chair to do the baking things, LOL

    bangsar-babe: Thank you, Bangsar-bAbE :)

    netts nook: It’s easy to find these kind of cupcake holders, a lot of baking supply stores in Jakarta, are selling this kind of cupcake holders. I wish I could send you some :)

    food for tots: Hehehe.. so it’s true, trial and error make perfect? :)

    angele: Hi Angele, nice to see you in here! Please help yourself in here *wink*

  43. tavolini: Yes, they were yummy indeed :)

    pam: Thanks, Pam :)

    superchef: Thank you, Superchef :)

    olivia: Don’t we all love dark chocolate? :D

    lynda: Thank you, Linda :) The cupcakes were yummy indeed.

  44. talita: Hello Talita, thanks for dropping by my blog :)

    how to eat a cupcake: Hahaha… Yes, one hour! And probably, that’s the reason why my cupcakes were not sinking, ya? :D

    eattraveleat: Hehehe… thank you for your compliment but it still need a lot of “improvements” to be able to sell it in a bakery shop :)

    heather: Thank you, Heather :) I also love chocolate *hi5*

    little inbox: Thank you , Little Inbox :)

  45. big boys oven: Yay! BBO is here finally! :D Aiyoooo… you are making me blushing so red lah with your high compliments. Can not compare at all with yours!!! Hehehe…

    Marybeth: Thank you, MaryBeth :) It's spring time! Hehehe...

    Mediterranean Turkish cook: Thank you so much for your compliment :) Yeah, definitely need many practices and also try different recipes to get a better result :)

    daziano: Hehehe… Thank you, Daziano *big smile*

    BSG: Hahaha… and please make sure that you will provide hot coffee and tea, ok ;)

  46. It does look good and edible at least at your first try. Great creativity for replacing certain unavailable ingredients.

  47. email2me: Thank you for the compliments :)

  48. sophie: Hehehe.. thanks, Sophie :)

  49. Congrats on finally getting the cupcakes to turn out good! And they DO look good!

    Where's mine? ;-)

    You know, I just remembered...I have a whole bag of dried cranberries in my cupboard. Hmm...

  50. I do know some people who only eat junky sugary Cadbury's milk chocolate!

  51. looks good, selba! congrats! baking is definitely fun, isn't it? so, will we be seeing more of baking posts from you?

    it'll be great! ;D

  52. the shrinking of cup cake because you rapid cooling
    e.c. you taking out of oven soon.

    you must let it oven cool it 1st in room temperature.
    then you can take it out

  53. 1 hour- holy moly! Selby, these look great! I love your paper baking cup and the flowers on top. Great job!!!

  54. MM: Thanks, MM! Come visit me in Jakarta and I will bake you some ;)
    You got dried cranberries? Maybe you can try to bake the BBO’s cupcake recipe, ya?

    livie: What??? They must be sugar high all the time! Euww.. scary!

    nic: Thanks, Nic! More baking posts? Hahaha… We’ll see, ok ;)

    pisang goreng: Thanks for tips, Pisang goreng :)

    monica: Hahaha… yup, 1 hour!!! Thanks, Monica :)

  55. I love the cupcake papers! So cool :)

  56. maryann: I also like the cupcakes papers but it's a little too big and tall.

    mimid3vils: Hehehe... yup, finally :D

  57. They look delicious! I was surprised at how long they took to bake, too. What temperature was the oven? Congratulations!

  58. glo: This is the big issue when I have to bake, my oven which made by Ariston (Italian product), has only numbers (1 to 5), no temperature clue at all, so I put at number 3 which my mom usually use it to bake her cookies and breads.

  59. woah your cupcakes look fantastic. How inspiring :)

  60. noobcook: Hehehe.. thank you, Noobcook :)

  61. Oh they're certainly very pretty to look at! Impossible for these to not taste good!

  62. wow..... your cup cakes look good and cute. Should try your recipe one day. lol

  63. Loved the cupcake liners!

    Your cuppycakes look terrific! You GO GIRL! And your little fondant flowers are so sweet. You didn't say but were they as tasty as they looked?

  64. They look so pretty and delicious! I love cupcakes.

  65. 550ml jar of faith: Wow.. what a great compliment from you, thank you :)

    food paradise: Nice to see you here, Food Paradise! Please let me know the result, ok ;)

    Ingrid: Thank you… thank you…! Yes, it’s yummy indeed :)

    Katie: Thanks, Katie :)

  66. They almost look too good to eat!

  67. maris: Hi Maris, thank you for stopping by my blog and your compliment. Please stop by again :)

  68. Selby, thank you for the Friends Award. I am very flattered and honored. I shall pass it on with pleasure.

    I am very envious that you live where the vegetable man comes by with his cart. What a wonderful way to learn to eat vegetables as a child.
    A friend of ours from Austria said when she was growing up a man would come by their house each morning with freshly baked breads and sausages.
    I could get spoiled very quickly with your vegetable man or her bread and sausage man.
    Isn't the food world amazing. I learn so much each time I visit your blog.

  69. my carolina kitchen: Hi Sam, I will move and reply your comment to the related post, ok :)

  70. Not bad? Pretty good I say ;)

  71. Hi ya Selba these cakes are delicious and really well made I am impressed. cheers thx 4 sharing xx

  72. laveena: Hehehe.. thanks, Laveena :)

    ricardo: Hi Ricardo, welcome to my blog and thanks for the compliment :)

  73. These cupcakes looks out of this World.

  74. helene: Salut Helene, thank you for dropping by my blog :)
