Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chef in Black

Yesterday, Sid from Big Boys Oven told me that he's invited that afternoon for a cooking demo and new Brazilian tapas menu by Emmanuel Stoorbant - the Belgian celebrity "Chef in Black" who has his own show on the AFC (Asian Food Channel).

I wish I could join that cooking demo but too bad, it's held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Thus, since I'm a fan of Chef in Black, I asked Sid to get an autograph for me.

Sid and also Ken from Food Point of Interest made an effort to get an autograph for me! Today, Ken sent me the scanned autograph and he told me that mine was the first one being signed. Yay!

I'm so happy right now, although I couldn't meet Emmanuel Stoorbant in person but I got a personal autograph from him.

Thank you so much, Sid and Ken! :D


Review Links:
A Day With Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stoorbant by Big Boys Oven

Chef In Black, Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant Launches Exciting New Menu at 7ATENINE by Food For Interest


  1. You are truly blessed to have made such good friends thru flogging.

  2. lucky you! i want an autograph too! lol

  3. tummythoz: Hehehe... you too :)

    cumi & ciki: Gotta find the chef in black! I think he is still in KL :)

  4. lucky you. :)
    happy that many good things are happening now for you. keep looking up, positive vibes are healthy. and the crowd that you keep is important to keep the positive vibes up. ;)

  5. misti: Thanks for the kind words, Misti :)

  6. What a shame you couldn't go but that's wonderful that you got the first autograph. I hope you'll tell us more about the Asian Food channel sometime. I know I would personally find it very interesting.

  7. Lucky you! You must be over the moon eh? ;)

  8. wow. thats so cool. you're overin another country, and yet Ken and BBO have you in mind!

  9. You lucky duck! I know you will cherish this always!

  10. Sorry you couldn't go in person but the autograph is awesome! Excellent!

  11. How exciting, Selba! It's nice to have such good friends.

  12. Wow and autograph of Chef in Black! That is something that I would diet for.

    If I am not wrong the Chef In Black has a joint venture restaurant in KL. When would he venture to Penang?!

  13. wow.. lucky u! autograph from chef in black! :)
    BBO and Foodpoi are so sweet :)

  14. ohh you lucky girl! i will go by and visit BBO's blog!

  15. Lucky girl ! so many new friends from all over the world...

  16. You are so lucky... Please come by my blog and enter my new cookbook giveaway!

  17. How lucky are you. The asian food channel sounds so very interesting.

  18. sam: Asian Food Channel (more known as AFC) is a 24 hour cable and satellite TV channel that shows food programs from all continents. It’s kinda like Discovery Travel & Living channel but the segment is into food. A great food channel to watch :)

    bangsar-babe: Hehehe… thanks! And yes, I am ;)

    j2kfm: Yes, it’s very kind of them :)

    Katherine aucoin: Thank you!

    5 star foodie: Thanks :)

  19. mary: Yes, it is indeed :)

    pam: Thank you :)

    pisang goreng: Thank you :)

    Jason wong: Hahaha.. diet for? Or die for? Hopefully he will venture Penang soon.

  20. foodie with little thyme: Thank you :)

    Christine leng: Thanks! Yes, those guys are so sweet :)

    pearl: Thanks! BBO and FOI are great food blogs :)

    lesley: Thank you :)

  21. BSG: Hehehe… thank you!

    marybeth: Thank you! I already entered your new cookbook giveaway :)

    donna-ffw: Thanks. It is a 24 hour cable and satellite TV channel that shows food programs from all continents :)

    foodbin: That’s so sweet :)

  22. NKOTB: Hi.. thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  23. What lovely penmanship. How cool!

  24. haha, i just came from ck lam's blog. so cool to have an autograph from the chef in black! oh, just checked your blog and realised that u met bobby chin too! woah!! ;D

  25. Lucky! The autograph is very, very beautiful :).

  26. precious pea: Hehehe.. Thank you :)

    monica h: Thank you :)

    nic: Cool indeed to have a personal autograph from Chef in Black  Yup, I was invited personally by Bobby Chin for his cooking demo last year.

    ETE: Thanks! It’s a cool autograph ;)

  27. Woooot~ I was there wish Sid and Ken too!! Hehehe... Lucky me.. LOL =D

  28. One lucky lady...happy for you :)

  29. Andrew's one nicer .... pix showing him looking at ES autograph for him :D

  30. ck lam: Both of us are lucky! Eh.. no you are more lucky, met ES in person, hehehe

    email2me: Yup... what a nice one!!!

    TNG: Thanks, sweetie!

  31. Very cool! Martin Yan (not sure if you've heard of him, he's pretty famous in america) taught me how to julienne carrots, it's fun to have contact with the pros :)

  32. Awww, how neat! You have some great friends to bring you back that autograph. How cool.

  33. Good thing you got the autograph at least. :)

  34. I love watching AFC too. Occasionally will watch Chef In Black. Lucky you to have his autograph! :)

  35. sara: Thanks! Oh yes.. I used to watch Martin Yan’s cooking show when I was still in junior high. Wow, you met him in person, that’s so cool :)

    tigerfish: Thank you :)

    elyse: Yes, it’s really kind of them :)

    MTC: Hehehe.. yup, at least an autograph!

  36. little inbox: Cool! What’s your favorite program?

  37. I loved watching AFC in our hotel room during our trip to the Philippines! It's such an awesome network and I wish it were available here in the US.

    Happy for you that you got your autograph!

  38. tangled noodle: Yes, AFC is a great food TV cable network to watch. Thank you :)

  39. Wow! All the way from KL! You are so lucky!

  40. food for tots: Hehehe.. thanks :)
