Monday, April 27, 2009

Tape Ketan & Uli

tape ketan item uli

This man is selling Tape Ketan and Uli.

Tape Ketan is sweet fermented black glutinous rice and the Uli is the white glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk and salt then wrapped into banana leaves.

According to the seller man, the tape ketan will turn into alcohol after 2 days. Hence, it need to be eaten directly.


  1. How neat - I've never tried those kinds of rice!

  2. A nice intro to these type of rice. We do have glutinous rice desserts over in Penang but done in other ways.

    ck lam

  3. 5 star foodie: It's glutinous rice which is sticky if it's cooked :)

    ck lam: There are many kind of desserts using glutinous rice also here in Indonesia :)

  4. agree w CK, ours are cooked differently but i sure wannna try these when i'm in JKK! on the side streets of Thailand also got some varieties of snacks like these sold. Guess its a popular/affordable thing for us asians ;) ?

  5. I wish I could imagine what this tastes like but I really can't! It sure looks great though! I would try it if I had the chance! :0)

  6. TNG: Yes, I think so too :) Oh, in Thailand, they got the sticky rice with mango. I've never tried it.

    the ungourmet: It's salty and sweet. You gotta visit Indonesia someday ;)

  7. Mmm, glutinous rice with coconut? I am there!

  8. mica: you like glutinous rice and coconut milk? That's nice :)

  9. just like Tempe-wouldn't it be nice two days later with alcohol?

  10. The Uli is called TAPAI in Malaysia. Taste weird a bit .... maybe I am not used to eat this stuff.

  11. foodbin: you wish tempe to turn to alcohol after 2 days?Hahaha...

    email2me: Oh.. sweet fermented tapioca is called tapai or tape in Indonesia :)

  12. I'd like to try both the sweet fermented rice and Uli it seems as a yummy snack. I suppose that both are popular, aren't they? Why not glutinous rice more coconut milk?, for sure must taste very good :)

  13. Very interesting! I've never heard of fermented black glutinous rice before. Uli sounds very delicious :). I like how the man presented his products to the customers.

  14. Gera: Yes, these snacks are quite famous as a traditional snack, so I don't think you can find it in the malls or restaurants :)

    ETE: Yes, it is interesting indeed :)

  15. This is excellent for my carbo fix. I do eat quite a bit of sticky rice here esp. sugared one!

  16. worldwindows: This Uli aka glutinous rice is salty and the tape ketan is not really sweet :)

  17. When it's fermented, cannot eat oledi??? Interesting!

  18. precious pea: Can.. can eat it if it's already turn to alcohol but then it tasted like sake, I think :)

  19. So it's a savoury snack? I've never heard of this before...

    The red glutinous rice looks like the rice my mum use to make red rice wine! =)

  20. Dad used to love tape but I did not like it then. Interestingly tho u have black glutinous rice..I will wait two day for the alcohol..hic.

  21. ha ha
    this we called tapai
    at here there are two type

    1st is tapai ubi made by tapioca

    2nd is same as yours that in your post right now.
    we called tapai pulut. but we use white glutinous rice.

    I have try black glutinous rice in here Malaysia, Ithink the owner is from indon.
    yeah there are nice and damn good and sweet.

  22. I learn something new every time I visit here, I love that! These look quite delicious.

  23. I'd love to try this! Very interesting that it turns into alcohol in only 2 days!

  24. the glutinous rice quite watery...

  25. Looks good. Love how they cook rice in so many different ways, especially when turning it into sweet dishes.

  26. is the tape ketan still edible after it turn into alcohol ? :p
    just curious ~

  27. I've never had this kind of rice. I love coconut so I am sure I would enjoy this.

  28. Selba, you open doors to a whole new world for me. I always leave knowing a little more than when I entered.

  29. I think I would like to try the black one?

  30. banana leaves are so gorgeous! this all looks so good :)

  31. wow this is so interesting, looks simple yet full of values, this is incredible, full of culture!

  32. bangsar-babe: Your mom makes red rice wine? Wow.. that’s must be really nice :)

    jencooks: Psssttt.. tell you something, eating tape make the skin smooth and prevent from acne ;)

    pisang goreng: Ah.. sounds the same! We also have the tape from tapioca and also the white glutinous rice (usually they will color it with green, no idea why, hehehe).

    sara: Glad that you learn something new :)

  33. Katherine aucoin: Yes, I’m not so sure why it’s so fast :)

    mimid3vils: Hehehe.. yes, it is ;)

    laveena: Is there any dishes in India using glutinous rice?

    ling239: Yes, people still can eat it but mostly people don’t like the alcohol taste :)

  34. pam: I believe you will love the uli :)

    mary: I’m glad that I can share something different :)

    foodie with little thyme: If you have sweet tooth, you will like the black glutinous rice :)

    sarah: It is! :)

  35. heather: Food being wrapped in banana leaves has special aroma :)

    BBO: Hehehe… the full of culture sounds great!

  36. How cool - I would love to try both kinds!

  37. kerstin: You need to come to Indonesia to try it ;)

  38. Then we will wait for 2 days when it becomes the perfect food ! and then enjoy highly TQ

  39. Oh kangen sekali sama tape ketan and uli. No recipe dear?

  40. I LOVE those things! these little different "kuihs"!! It's the only way I'll ever eat rice! haha! what's your fav kind?

  41. rice cooked in coconut milk...drool..

    Making me jealous because I want cool stuff like that around here.

  42. elra: Eh… you can speak bahasa Indonesia? ;) Well, I do have the recipe but the problem is I always have difficulty in translating Indonesian recipes to English. Yeah..I know I need to learn it :D

    burpandslurp: Hehehe… This totally different than kuih. I like glutinous rice :)

    jeff: Yes, rice cookied with coconut milk and a pinch of salt is very savory and tasty. You can cook it by your own ;)

    food for tots: Another new food to be in your try food list ;)

  43. I bet I'd just love interesting, thanks.

  44. I've never seen those before. So nice of you to post pictures and talk about it.

  45. catherine: Nice to be able to show the Indonesian local snack :)

    helene: Glad to share it :)

  46. I've never seen the sweet black glutinous rice before, though I've had white and green (young rice) versions in Vietnam, both sweet and savory. They're called xoi, and they're a favorite snack of mine. Of course, they're different from these, but they're often wrapped in banana leaves, too. Ah, I'd love to try these!

  47. sapuche: Green young rice? That's sounds interesting. You should visit Indonesia someday ;)

  48. i guess tape is tapai here in malaysia. i havent tried it before but i'm sure it's delicious. i've tried black glutinous porridge though. ;D

  49. nic: Hahaha... the tape ketan tasted completely different than the black glutinous porridge :) If you like sake, then I think you will like tape ketan after it turned to alcohol.

  50. "the tape ketan will turn into alcohol after 2 days. Hence, it need to be eaten directly.."

    hmm... i think I'd rather wait the two days.. :P hehe

  51. cumi & ciki: Hehehe... make sure not to get drunk! ;)

  52. Selba, your blog is perfect for someone planning to visit Indonesia. I love it! So much interesting information. Thanks!
    You must try the avocado cheesecake...

  53. That looks so...interesting! I love trying new foods! I need to travel more.

    How did it taste?

  54. Thank you for sharing Selba. You are my new stop and visit blog. Always something interesting here. I even just enjoy the street pictures. It's nice to see outside my little world. I so wish I could go there and try some street food.

  55. for Malaysian bloggers
    if you wanna to try this thing just go to your nearest 'pasar malam' place
    and go to malay stall where they sell kuih.
    some of them sell 'TAPAI' and you can buy it....
    after that how many day you can leave it before you can eat it.

  56. They both look very exotic. I am learning quite a bit about Asian foods. Thanks for sharing.

  57. ooo over here we called them pulut tapai and its always white glutinous rice. this is my first seeing the black one in use.

  58. dragana: Hi Dragana, welcome to my blog and thank you for your compliment. Yes, definitely I will try the avocado cheesecake someday :)

    connie weiss: Hi Connie, welcome to my blog :) The uli (white glutinous rice) tasted a bit chewy and salty and as for the sweet black glutinous rice, it tasted sweet juice and a bit texture.

    lori: Thank Lori, I’m so happy that I can show something interesting in my blog :)

  59. pisang goreng: A great info for the Malaysian floggers :)

    MTC: Glad to share something different :)

    babe_kl: Must give it a try the black glutinous rice ;)

  60. Interesting! Extended from email2me, Iban serves tapai drink as guest that come to the long houses. It's a traditional drink which can taste from bitter to sweet..

  61. sakaigirl: It's also interesting to know that tapai drink is a traditional drink for the Iban :)

  62. I was just mentioning to Steven regarding where to get good white glutinous rice tapai aka tape in Penang. I used to take a lot of these but somehow I did not seem to find any around anymore.

  63. criz lai: No more in Penang? Ah... too bad, probably can try to make it by your own? ;)
