Saturday, June 13, 2009

PEPeNERO Cucina Italiana, Jakarta

So, it's been more than 7 years I've known this lady. She's the one who interviewed me after those many interview tests that I had to go through first before the next final interview of the user who was the Chairman of the company with more than 1,000 staff.

Yesterday, the lady invited me for a very wonderful lunch at PEPeNERO - Cucina Italiana. This lunch might become our last lunch in the relationship as of being colleagues.

PEPeNERO is an Italian restaurant opened in Indonesia since 2004 with several locations in Jakarta and Bali. A simple Italian Trattoria - an Italian style eating establishment, less formal than a ristorante (restaurant), but more formal than an osteria (simple restaurant), with very nice ambiance and a truly delicious taste of Italian dish.

The lunch was at the PEPeNERO Kuningan.
Menara Karya Building 1 Floor
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav 1-2
Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

The Bar
Outside dining
Inside dining
Our table
Ice Lemon tea Rp. 15.000

Bread (Complimentary)

Panini with tomato and olive oil (Complimentary)

Tagliolini Neri Al Salmone
- Rp 47.000
Homemade tagliolini pasta in squid ink with salmon fish in cream sauce.

Spaghetti alle Basil e Pomodoro
- Rp. 39.000
Spaghetti with tomato and basil leaf

Panceta Gran Pizza - Rp. 47.000
Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Italian panceta (dry cured meat)

Chocolate milk with alcohol (complimentary)

Cheesecake with Raspberry sauce - Rp. 43.000

All prices are subjected to 10% tax.
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 10.000

Thank you, Lilis... For the wonderful friendship and standing by me when no one else would. I really appreciate this priceless friendship that you have given to me. You are just like a godsend sister to me, listening to all my worries and giving me precious advices when I needed it.

Another post: Revisit PEPeNERO Cucina Italiana

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal tastebuds. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here.


  1. What a beautiful restaurant and an amazing meal to match the surroundings. I loved the photographs. You have an artist's eye.

  2. mary: You really praised me too high, Mary *blushing*

  3. That's cool, so many things complimentary, the bread and the chocolate milk. The food looks good and the environment is nice, guess it's a great dining experience! :)

  4. What a sweet story but sad ending for a lovely Italian meal; I am sure both will not forget the friendship that was forged. The cured meat panceta must be delightfully nice.

  5. Such a spectacular meal! Great Photos!

    I can't even try to imagine what squid ink tastes like. Can you describe it?

  6. i think the choco milk with alcohol is such a nice version of a childhood drink!

  7. What a lovely, lovely lunch!

  8. Chocolate milk with alcohol ?? i want!
    the pizza and squid ink pasta & the breads....ohh..!!

  9. sugar bean: It's definitely a very great dining experience :)

    jencooks: it's a 7 years friendship :) The panceta pizza is lovely! Very crispy with a perfect topping.

    the ungourmet: Thanks :) Actually, the squid ink is more being used as a food coloring and flavoring that provide a very black color and a salty tasting flavor.

  10. pearl:You are so right :)

    unconfidentialcook: Yes, a lovely lunch indeed :)

    TNG: The food is absolutely wonderful, can't resist to go again :)

  11. I like this type of Italian pizza. Thin and crispy, right?

  12. little inbox: You can't go wrong with the thin and crispy pizza ;)

  13. What a cute place and very yummy looking dishes.

    I can't believe the panini, the bread and the chocolate milk were all complimentary! cool.

  14. I wwant the cheesecake with raspberry sauce.I love cheesecakes!

  15. monica: Me too... what a surprise to get those complimentary :)

    mica: Absolutely :)

    peachkins: *hi 5* Cheesecake is one of the best cakes on earth!

  16. Yummy, all these pictures are making me hungry again. The restaurant looks really nice.

  17. Oh, everything looks so good! What a sweet tribute to your friend.

  18. curious to know how the choc milk with alcohol taste like??? looks quite rich ya!>?

  19. A friend in need is a friend indeed! I glad that you have such a good friend. I always like to try the pasta in squid ink. How's the taste? Btw, your photography skill has improved a lot!

  20. jo: Hehehe… even me, also feel hungry when I see the food pics again ;)

    Kerstin: A sweet tribute to a sweet friend :)

    sophie: Hahaha… who can’t resist cheesecake and chocolate milk?

  21. simple girl: It’s really good! Not creamy at all from the milk. You can smell the wonderful aroma from chocolate and when you drink it, you can feel the warm sensation inside you from the alcohol effect ;)

    food for tots: Yes, I will say that the lady is a godsend friend and sister to me :) The pasta in squid ink tasted almost the same as the normal pasta but I find the texture a bit harder. Oh… thanks you so much for your compliment, you really make my day!

  22. wow.. food looks exquisite! i alwys hv time for good pasta. like the deco of the place with high ceilings and lots of glass!

  23. cumi & ciki: Eating pasta can be so indulging, ya? ;)

  24. squid ink spaghetti is hard to get in Pennag. Would like to try some as heard that it is very delicious. ^-^

  25. I like tasty innovative Panini that are available in Italian restaurants.

  26. food paradise: Actually, it's the same like here in Jakarta, squid ink spaghetti usually can only be found in authentic Italian restaurants :)

    foodbin: Panini is something yummy that you don't want to miss it, rite? ;)

  27. With all the glass this must be a very relaxing for a day out esp BF and lunch.

  28. worldwindows: Yup, totally agreed :)

  29. very lovely food. fine dining in Jakarta? prices also rather reasonable, given the ambience and all.

  30. A pleasant place with good looking food!



  31. This looks like a wonderful meal! I especially would love to try the squid ink pasta, that looks spectacular!

  32. Beautiful restaurant. You have a great eye for pictures. What a delightful surprise to have some of those foods complimentary. I don't find too many complimentary items in restaurants, other than bread or salsa and chips.

  33. j2kfm: Yes, it's really worth it for everything. I will definitely go back to dine there again :)

    rosa yummy yums: It is indeed :)

  34. tammy: Hi Tammy, welcome to my blog and thank you for your compliment. The complimentaries came also as a surprise for me :)

  35. A nice & elegant setting for a close friendship lunch. Must be feeling good when people who you care also cares as much, maybe more...

  36. 5 star foodie: The squid ink pasta with salmon fish in creamy sauce is a wonderful dish :)

    BSG: Not only feeling good but it's really so great and blessed to know that someone cares ;)

  37. the pizza looks absolutely mouth watering.. i wanna piece of that! :)

  38. sc: Hehehe... the pizza is very yummy! You'll love it!

  39. Ah, Italian food... If I weren't already Chinese, I'd wanna be Italian... the food, the culture, the people... :)

  40. LFB: LOL, hopefully in the next life, ya? ;)

  41. Selby, that looks like an awesome lunch to me!

    How nice to have a great friend like that. They are priceless!


  42. Looks like a great place! I love the look of that bread basket, so many delicious varieties!

  43. Nice photos and what a wonderful friendship you have :)

  44. Foods looks good and at a reasonable price too. Great photos!

  45. jenn: Yes, a friendship could be so priceless :)

    sara: Love the bread! If we didn’t think there’ll be other food coming on the table, we probably would finish all the bread, LOL

    tigerfish: Thank you, Tigerfish :)

    colin woon: Hi Colin, welcome to my blog and thanks for your compliment :)

  46. wow! free Chocolate milk with alcohol? sounds good to me! hahaha! the dishes look good. and taste better with company like your friend, i'm sure. :D

  47. Friendship and fantastic food! Looks and sounds delicious. Do you mean your friend is changing her workplace?
    I think that would be a favorite restaurant of mine! Sounds very classy...

  48. nic: Yup, good food and good friends match either pretty well, ya? ;)

    glo: It's a very nice restaurant, everything is so good. No, I'm the one who is "leaving" the company :(

  49. So many complimentary food o..?

  50. mimid3vils: Hehehe.. yes and it's great! :D

  51. nice ambiance and layout. The price also quite reasonable. I love the way you capture the artistic pictures. Bravo Selby.

  52. this is awesome, such a lovely setting, I will defintely bring you there again, providing you are dining with me! :)

  53. I love the photographs. So interesting. The food looks wonderful however, I will head straight to the cheesecake!!! Love dessert!

  54. steven goh: Thank you for your compliment, Steven :)

    BBO: Whoaaaa… seriously? Can’t wait! LOL

    Debbie: Yes… the cheesecake is one of the best! :)

  55. How exotic some of the foods look and me at least. I love the colours of the walls of the restaurant...the pictures made me feel like I was right there. How sad and melancholy the thread that you wove throughout. Tis my first visit so I am not sure of the beginning nor the end of this tale but how kind that your friend took you out and to such a great meal and setting.

  56. I love your pictures, Selby....The food pics are great and making me hungry, again!

  57. trish: Hi Trish, welcome to my blog and thank you for your kind words :) Yes, it's sad that my friend and I would no longer to be colleagues anymore but then the friendship will always remain.

    lynda: Thank you, Lynda :)

  58. looks like a nice place with good ambience. I like the look of the pizza.

  59. Really good value for such nice looking food.

    Good friends are hard to come by, aren't they? It's a nice way to celebrate a friendship. :-)

  60. noobcook: The pizza tasted soooo good!!! Just thinking of it is making me hungry, hehehe...

    lyrical lemongrass: Yes, you are so right! It's very difficult to have a priceless friendship these days :)

  61. Lovely place, and the food looks great.

  62. The restaurant is great! Err, I am craving for that cheese cake, is it nice??!!

  63. MTH: Yes, the cheese cake tasted very nice especially with the raspberry sauce :)

  64. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to take a look around yours :)

  65. Lovely dishes..i recently saw that black spaghetti on Iron Chef show,looks so does it taste like?Never tasted choco milk with alcohol..

  66. What a beautiful restaurant with tasty food - I can't believe so many items were complimentary.

  67. Beautiful place, everything looks so good.

  68. What an elegant restaurant and so many top shelf looking dishes. I'd love to dine here!

  69. rachel: Hi Rachel, welcome to my blog. Hope that you will enjoy reading the food posts in this blog :)

    vrinda: Hi Vrinda, thanks for stopping by my blog :) The black spaghetti tasted almost the same like the ordinary spaghetti except it has a bit salty flavor and harder texture.

    pam: Yes, I also couldn’t believe that the restaurant is so generous with their complimentary :)

    helene: Yes, it is indeed :)

    Katherine aucoin: It’s very nice to dine there, I highly recommend it :)

  70. Awesome Selby, the tagliolini neri al salmone is the one I would choose, I love chocolate drinks with alcohol, and I have always wanted to know the difference between an osteria, a trattoria, and a ristorante! So thank you for clearing that up.

  71. livvie: Glad to share about the difference :)

  72. What a lovely post, Selby. All of the food looks so inviting. It sure does sound like you had a wonderful time. The prices don't seem that bad either. So many wonderful freebies. All those tempting dishes and I'm more curious about the Chocolate milk:)

    Thanks for sharing...

  73. louise: Thank you so much for your kind word, Louise :)
    The chocolate milk with alcohol is pleasing.

  74. Psst, just dropping by to say hi! :) I know where to go if I happened to go to Jakarta in future! :)

    Btw, is there any theme park in Jakarta?

  75. redsponge: Hi Redsponge, long time no see, how are you? Are you planning to visit Jakarta? Yes, we do have theme park in Jakarta called Dufan (Dunia Fantasi) and it's near the beach and also the Sea World. These places are located in Ancol - North Jakarta.

  76. Wah! First time see you write big restaurant review. Great photos and simple yet informative write up!

    Keep it up :D

  77. email2me: Thanks! Not my first time actually ;) Btw, where have you been? long time no see... :)

  78. My favorite ones are the spaghetti with tomato and basil and the pizza. What a great culinary experience with your colleague at the restaurant.

  79. MTC: The pizza is my favorite one :) Yes, it's absolutely great culinary experience.

  80. The panini was my favorite. Amazing how many things were complimentary. Beautiful restaurant too. I agree with Mary, you do have a way with photos.
    I also found the fans in the restaurant interesting. I've never seen fans like those. Thanks for letting us tag along Selby.

  81. I want that wall of acqua in my house. Love that stuff!

  82. And now I have a craving for lemonade and spiked chocolate milk. *sigh*

  83. Ooh the bread basket is so generous!! And complimentary too! This is my kind of restaurant!

  84. MCK: Thank you for your compliment, Sam :)

    jeff: Those acquas bottles are so cool, ya? ;)

    ricediaries: Yummm…. Lemonade on a hot day is so refreshing :)

    550ml jar of faith: Hehehe… it’s a great restaurant, isn’t it? ;)
