Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tukang Bakpao (Buns man)

This man is selling Bakpao on his bicycle.

Bakpao are buns. It's an original food from China.
I learned that Bakpao is a Hokkian word (a Chinese dialect in Fujian province). "Bak" means meat and "Pao" means wrap. So, I guess, it supposedly means a meat being wrapped.
This vendor has 3 kind of bakpaos.

There are meat (minced chicken), mug beans and chocolate filling.

The buns are being steamed.
I bought the chocolate bun.

Too bad, the chocolate filling is very little, I was expecting more :(


  1. The shape of Bakpao is so cute, something different from ours.

  2. my taste heaven: It's different? Oh.. I thought it's the same all over the world, hehehe...

  3. looks yummy - I would have hoped for more chocolate too :o)

  4. Ola! I have tried chocolate and caramel fillings in Chinese buns somewhere, its tasty, goes so well with tea. :)

  5. kristen: Yup, more the chocolate should be better :)

    laveena: Yumm... must be yummy for b'fast or afternoon tea :)

  6. a bread lover like me absolutely adores these buns..tho they arent tht healthy cos its white flour,but eaten when hot, its so soft and I end up eating the dough rather than the fillings!

  7. Oo, usually I don't see people selling chocolate paos in Malaysia, that looks interesting. The shape looks a little different too. :)

  8. TNG: You are more into the dough? You know what? I'm more into the filling! I think it would be great, we can share each other, you eat the dough, I eat the filling, ya? ;)

  9. sugar bean: It's more meat or beans, rite? :)

  10. The bun looks different and interesting with chocolates. ^-^

  11. food paradise: the bakpao looks totally different? Now, I'm wondering, hehehe...

  12. These are adorable and his cart looks spotlessly clean. Who can resist chocolate buns?

  13. MCK: Ah... you are right! His cart is so clean! :) I wish more for the chocolate, hehehe...

  14. The buns are so pretty! I'm sorry that the chocolate one was a disappointment!

  15. mica: Hehehehe.. it's ok, after eating the bun, I bought a bar of chocolate ;)

  16. I love your street vendors. The Bakpao look wonderful.

  17. yummy street food!

  18. I learn so much when I visit you...I would love to taste some of these treats one day...

  19. Very unique and pretty shape! Most fillings would be perfect!

  20. That looks really great Selby! I really wish I could try one.

  21. Wow! I would love to try one of this Tukang Bakpao Yummmy!

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures and recipe!

    And if you can visit me I can visit you:)


  22. Bummer. I bet the chocolate one would have been great with a huge chunk of chocolate in it.

  23. Good choice in getting the chocolate bun...I too would have liked more filling than that.

  24. the bao we had here is normally with more ingredient and not so thick "skin"....

  25. Here in the Philippines it's called SioPao but it's the same thing.

  26. =( so little filling indeed..expected a volcano to spurt out!

  27. Thanks for sharing the pao with flowery design.

  28. mary: It tasted good, too bad the filling is a bit disappointing ;)

    tastymealsathome: Hi tastymealsathome, thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope that you can drop by again :)

    doggybloggy: Hopefully, you can visit Indonesia someday :)

  29. precious pea: Yes, agreed! Love most fillings :)

    the ungourmet: Hopefully you can try it someday :)

    foodcreate: Hi Foodcreate, thanks for dropping by my blog and also for your compliments. Yes, I would love to visit your blog.

  30. lori: Yes, you are so right, Lori :)

    Marybeth: Yes, more filling is much better :)

    simplegirl: Ah.. that sounds much better! I prefer fillings than the “skin” :)

  31. peachkins: SioPao? Hehehe… sounds more cute than Bakpao! Is the word “sio” came from “xiao” as “little”?

    joe: Hahaha.. yeah, it would be great if it’s like a volcano to spurt out! :D

    ck lam: Glad to share it, Ck Lam :)

  32. That's a lot of bun for such little chocolate, but they're cute!

  33. monica: Hehehe.. yup, the chocolate too little...

  34. so stingy with their choc filling wor :(

  35. cumi & ciki: I guess... crisis economic, so need to be stingy, eh? hehehe...

  36. wow, quite a surprise, bakpao can be found in Indonesia :)

    or i am a katak di bawah tempurong? hehe

  37. gill gill: Hahaha... no lah, you are not a katak at all.

  38. Mmm... I prefer my pau/bao's with meat filling instead of sweet... but they are all good! ;)

  39. LFB: I also will prefer it with meat filling if it's for lunch or dinner but for snack, chocolate filling would be great ;)

  40. The bak pao got corak on it, Looks interesting.

  41. little inbox: Corak? Hehehe... As like the color (red and green) or the flower shape?

  42. The spirit is the same tho the shape is we normally just call it pau, plus with an assortment of other items like siew mai, or fish balls etc

    We are now at

    due to a technical glitch.

    see ya !

  43. pretty paus in another pushcart you dont get it here in spore or msia.

  44. They sound delicious. You always have the most interesting posts!

  45. sign me up for a chocolate-filled one please!!!

  46. BSG: Oh… I was wondering about BSG’s blog and this morning on my way to the office, it crossed my mind again. Okiedokie, definitely will give a visit to the other blog :)

    jencooks: In Spore and Msia, usually they are being sold in Chinese coffee shop?

    sara: Oh… Sara, that’s really a high praise for my blog *blushing*

    marta: *signing up for Marta* Done! ;)

  47. I am so envious of your street vendors. They wares are so amazing and diverse.

  48. katherine aucoin: Hehehe... hope that you can come visit Indonesia someday to try the street food ;)

  49. Yum, the buns looks fantastic (although you're right, a little more chocolate wouldn't hurt anything!)!

  50. kerstin: Yes, it would be so perfect if it's more filling :D

  51. i've been craving for steamed paus since last week! cos i had a really good vege pau! steaming paus for breakfast, wah!

  52. nic: Hehehe.. hope it's not like a torture looking at the paus here ;) Vege paus? Beans inside?

  53. the guy has a unique way and pattern of twirling the pao.

  54. foodbin: No pattern on the paos in Msia?

  55. That cannot called a filling I think~~ =.=''

  56. mimid3vils: Just a spread of chocolate? Hahaha...

  57. Those look so fluffy and delicious - I would also love the chocolate one, yum!

  58. The food is so different in your country. I would try the chocolate.

  59. Oh does that look good. I just wish we could get that chocolate bun here in Virginia!

  60. yummmmm - i wish i was there right now.

  61. I sure miss the bakpao in Jakarta. The ones that I had many years ago are minced pork (the fancier one includes salted duck egg yolk) and the mung bean filling (blackened with "air abu merang"). Not sure if those are still around.... I wouldn't mind trying the chocolate ones... yes, definitely more chocolates than the one you purchased from the abang.

    Thanks for bringing the sweet memory back...

  62. 5 star foodie: Yes, it’s definitely fluffy! Who can resist chocolate ;)

    helene: *hi 5* Chocolate is always on the top list :)

    Debbie: No chocolate bun at all in Virginia? Oh no…..

    kissmspatula: hi Kissmyspatula, thanks for dropping by my blog. Please dropp by again :)

    tuty : There are still shops that sell the authentic bakpao like minced pork or black beans in Jakarta. Ah… I think I’ve tried the one with salted duck egg yolk, need specially go to Pluit area, the famous bakpao AA shop. Glad to be able to bring sweet memory to you! :)

  63. the pao dough loooks a bit thick and the fillings a bit less. But I like the pure white colour!

  64. BBO: Hehehe... white food coloring!!! :D

  65. Love the look of the chocolate bun too! I wouldn't mind eating these plain without the filling too though! Comfort food!

  66. 550ml jar of faith: Yes, comfort food indeed :)

  67. Looks like flowers on the top of the buns. Interested in trying out the mung bean one if I could.

  68. jude: yes, it looks like flower :) The mug beans choice is healthy!

  69. I LOVE asian buns of all kinds, whether they be steamed, baked, and dilled with whatever, but I've nevr had the pleasure of tasting them off the street from a cart, and I hear those aare the best! Your post certainly makes it look that way! I'm droolng..such gorgeous photos too!

  70. lisamichele: Hi Lisamichele, welcome to my blog :)
    Sometimes, you can't just get enough for the food on street that being sold on the carts, hehehe...

  71. Hi Selba,

    To be frank, whenever I missed Indonesian street food, then I will come to your blog. hehhehe ... Love to see all the pictures you've taken and love to read the full details on it.
    All is beautiful.

    Last weekend I made some bakpao, and this time again I link your page to mine. Hope you don't mind. Thanks.

  72. DG: Hi DG, I feel flattered that you like my blog and it can full fill you when you miss Indonesian street food.

    Thanks for linking your bakpao post to mine :)

  73. In the philippines it's called siopao, but I've never seen a chocolate one :O
