Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kembang Goela Restaurant

Today, I attended my second cousin's wedding. His wedding reception was held at Kembang Goela restaurant, an Indonesian restaurant that uses a minimalism Dutch colonial era interior and serves authentic food.
The dinning table.

The private dinning room.
Tahu Telor
(Salad of bean curd and fried eggs with bean sprouts and cucumber)

Lumpia Semarang
(Spring rolls filled with bamboo shoots and dried shrimp)
Rujak Pengantin means bride and groom salad
(sliced potato, fried bean curd, boiled eggs, pineapple, carrot, beansprout, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber with peanut sauce, vinegar and brown sugar plus mayonnaise)

Mie Goreng
(Fried Noodle with sweet soy sauce)

Kakap Goreng
(Fried Red Snapper in batter plus fried vermicelli)

Dendeng Balado
(Fried thin sliced beef)

Sauté Broccoli with salted fish.
Rendang Ayam
(Chicken cooked with coconut milk)
Red chili and chili sauce with pineapple

Pudding and jelly in mini glasses, tropical fruits (sliced pineapple, papaya, watermelon, melon, oranges), mini pastries, and cocktail fruit.

Kembang Goela Restaurant
Plaza Sentral
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47-48
Jakarta Selatan


  1. elegant setting and delicious food - looks perfect.

  2. Congratulations and best Wishes to the bride & groom!! Would've loved to attend the reception,lol!

  3. Selba, I hope you and those you love were no where near the bombing. I thought of you as soon as I heard the news. Blessings...Mary

  4. Oh man, I want to go an Indonesian wedding reception. The food looks SO GOOD!

  5. I love weddings... so much food!!!
    They would have had to pry me away from those spring roll thingies! Delicious!

    On another note: is everyone OK in your family? I've been following the news pretty closely and it sounds like tough times in Jakarta. I hope everyone's OK.

  6. The food looks absolutely delicious. Now, the rujak pengantin is definitely with a twist since I have never tasted one with mayo in the dressing....

  7. What a lovely place for a wedding! Gorgeous food and beautiful pictures!

  8. What a neat place to have a wedding. That food looks amazing too. I'm glad you photographed and shared it al with us!

  9. So classy so stylish !
    Feel like getting married ...
    ...NOW !

  10. Looks like the wedding was a whole bunch of fun, and everything looks delicious. I love buffets, because you can try a little bit of everything. I won't lie though, I would probably eat about half of that salted fish myself :)

  11. doggybloggy: Yes, it is elegant setting :)

    peachkins: on behalf the bride and groom, thanks :)

    mary: I’m OK and not being affected by the bombing. Thank you for your concern, Mary :)

  12. mica: if I get married, I’ll invite you so you can attend an Indonesian wedding reception, ok ;)

    marta: Hehehe… spring rolls are yummy and you can’t get enough of them :)
    My family and I are doing fine, yes, it’s scary but hopefully it wont happen again in the future. Thanks, Marta.

    tuty: Not all rujak pengantin sauce has mayo in it :)

  13. faith: Yes, it is indeed :)

    monica: Glad to share the photos :)

    BSG: Eh… I thought all member of BSG are already married, no? :P

    adam: Hi Adam, welcome to my blog. Yes, the great part of buffet that you can try everything. You love broccoli and salted fish?

  14. Oh that food looks SO delicious.

    Thank you so much Selba for dropping by my place and commenting. Pleased you liked the post.

    I just spotted cheesecake in your previous post (my fav) am off to have a read.xxxxx

  15. dustjacket attic: Hi there, welcome to my blog. Definitely will drop by at your wonderful blog again :)

  16. A tantalizing and magnificent restaurant with a sophisticated decoration!!

    My menu the Lumpia Semarang with all the batch of fruits and pastries...:D



  17. gera: Your choices of food are great :)

  18. This is the different type of typical Indonesian cuisine for a wedding?

  19. little inbox: Not really, it's actually quite common Indonesian food :)

  20. Never know indonesian wedding banquet is similar to western style. :D

  21. What a beautiful wedding and feast! Thanks for sharing it!

  22. Beautiful food! The broccoli dish looks especially delicious. Congratulations to your cousin!

  23. What a lovely wedding! Congrats to them both.
    All that fantastic food too - yum!!!

  24. I got one word:


  25. email2me: Mostly only in big cities ;)

    barbara bakes: Glad to share it, Barbara :)

    the ungourmet: The broccoli tasted yummy :) Thanks!

  26. jan: Thanks, Jan :)

    laveena: it is :)

  27. I am very curious of your rujak pengantin, the name is very interesting!

  28. MTH: Must try someday coz' it's yummy ;)

  29. Thank you for your kind words!
    How do you get more than one photo in a picture?

  30. FwLT: Hi there, nice to have you back again :) I'm using picasa program to make a picture with more than one pic in it.

  31. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog - yours is just TOO adorable! I can't wait to come back and visit more. I'm not kidding, all those pictures from your cousin's reception made me SOOO hungry - why didn't I get an invitation??? :) I'm sure you left with a full tummy and a lot of good memories ~

  32. TiH: Hi Beth, welcome to my blog, glad to see you here and please come back again :)

  33. Oh wow, everything looks amazing! I want to try it all :)

  34. kerstin: It's buffet so can try it all ;)

  35. the place is gorgeous! the thin beef slices look good la..

  36. such a grand place-would like try the Lumpia Semarang.

  37. mimid3vils: me too... :)

    cumi & ciki: the thin beef slices are so crunchy and yummy :)

    foodbin: the Lumpia Semarang is nice specially with the sweet sour dipping :)

  38. What a beautiful wedding ceremony and celebration. Your photos truly are magnificent and show off the occasion and details to perfection. The food looks delicious ~ especially that tray of sweets! The bright touches of red on the tablecloths and napkins add a special touch. The little flower girls are so sweet. They will never forget that wedding day!

  39. glo: Thank you for your kind words of my photos, Glo :) It's a wonderful wedding reception.

  40. Beautiful place! The food looks yummy too!

    aka Pureglutton

  41. pureglutton: quite nice for a wedding reception :)

  42. Wow Sleba this all looks amazing. I would have loved all of this food at my wedding. Beautiful dishes. I just want to reach out and grab one of those lumpias.

  43. lori: One lumpia wouldn't be enough ;)

  44. Looks like a beautiful setting for such a beautiful occassion!

  45. THe setting is really pretty and the food looks really delicious!

  46. What a beautiful setting for a wedding. The food looks incredible. Thanks for taking us along.

  47. jo: agreed :)

    pigpigscorner: Yes, indeed :)

    MCK: Glad to be able to share, Sam :)

  48. what a beautiful feast. You have been in my thoughts and payers. Hope you and your loved ones were no where near the hotel bombings.

  49. katherine: The bombings were a terrible thing, thank God that we are safe. Thank you for your kind thoughts and payers, Katherine :)

  50. This is a beautiful spread to share with everyone! I feel out of the loop on the bombings, so I am glad you are eat well, and I love reading about the food...

  51. chef E: Thank you, Chef E! Glad to share :)

  52. What a fun wedding with delicious food.

  53. looks so delicious and it is a bit different menu compare to the chinese here! :)

  54. I don't remember what I have on my wedding reception :-) Camera man concentrate on people not food....

  55. wahhh the restaurant looked so beautiful and grand. the bride and groom looked splendid too! congrats to both of them!

  56. So grand and modish! And the food is fusion no? Like a bit of Indo and chinese and err...?

  57. pam: it's indeed :)

    BBO: It's more authentic Indonesian food :)

    worldwindows: Eh.. serious? no food pictures at all during your wedding? too bad... make sure to have it for your 25th of 50th wedding anniversary, ok ;)

  58. babe_kl: on behalf the bride and groom, thank you :)

    TNG: Not really fusion, more into authentic ;)

  59. first time seeing Indo wedding reception and banquet! very interesting! Congrats to the couple :)

  60. buzzingbee: Glad to share the pics of a modern indo wedding reception :)

  61. you wrong it's not rujak pengantin but asinan sayur nyai dasima..
    and the fish not kakap goreng but garoupa,a,

  62. midori chan: Well, I just followed the title of those little cards at each of the dishes that were provided by the restaurant itself.

  63. Nice! do you have to do own decoration there?

  64. johnny: Hi, thanks for stopping by! Actually, there's no decoration at all except for the flowers arrangements :)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.
