Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tukang Kue Rangi (Rangi cake man)

tukang kue rangi

Kue rangi is a Betawi snack (Betawi is addressed for the descendants people who live in Batavia - the old colonial name for Jakarta).

The small tin pan to make Kue Rangi.

The ingredients are so simple. It's only made from grated old coconut, sago (powdery starch from certain sago palms) and salt.

The way of making Kue Rangi.
The heating process on the tin pan is about less than 5 minutes.

A special paper plate made for the Kue Rangi.

Then, pour the aren sugar sauce (gula aren) on the top.

The Aren sugar sauce is actually palm sugar. It has a sweet and nice aroma because this palm sugar is made from sweet liquid that comes out from a specific palm flower.

Crunchy on the outside and a bit chewy on the inside with rich plus sweet taste and smell, that's the best description I can give about this authentic snack :)
One plate is only Rp. 6.000 (about 50 cents US)


  1. nice job selba !!!
    i saw b4 here..but never how it make..
    look so cool ^^

  2. faye fly: uhmmm... where did you see it? here as in this blog or here at your place? me getting confused! hehehe...

  3. Sounds so simple and delicious! Am I seeing the guy take out the tukang kue rangi with his bare hands? That is amazing! I don't have the courage to do that.

  4. This one in Malaysia pasar malam also got. It has other name which sold by Malay seller.

  5. ETE: Oh.. no, he doesn't use his bare hands, instead he uses toothpick :)

    email2me: Are you sure, it's the same? Not the pukis cake? Because kue rangi is an authentic Batavian snack, I've even never seen it outside Jakarta, even to find it in Jakarta is quite difficult.

  6. Where did u find this guy ?
    I just love Kue Rangi..... :D
    It's kinda hard to look for a Kue Rangi seller nowadays.... :(
    I couldn't find one when I was at Pasar Baru.
    I had one at Kafe Betawi for Rp. 16.000 and it wasn't as good.... a bit too hard and too chewy. I'll post the pic of the one I had and link to your post here :)

    PS. I linked to your blog at my Link section :)
    I just love all the photo details on your blog.


  7. HR: Rp. 16.000 for Kue Rangi? Hahaha... You must love it so much! Well, You can find the kue rangi vendor beside the SD Theresia in Central Jakarta (Jl. Lombok). But make sure, that you go there around lunch time :)

    Can't wait to see your post of the kue rangi! Oh.. and thanks for linking me at your link section :)

  8. As usual you are making me hungry Selba!

  9. Hi Selby,
    Here's my post about Kue Rangi with a link to your post.

    Thanx Selby

  10. DA: Hehehe... sorry to make you hungry ;)

    HR: Wow! So fast! Ok, gonna visit your blog now :)

  11. the guy is innovative the pan looks like a engine oil container

  12. foodbin: engine oil container? Whoaaaa.... really? :D

  13. good for sweet tooth!!!

  14. simplegirl: yup :D

    peachkins: true! :)

  15. Wow, this is something new to me and the sticky palm sugar drizzled so generously on the kue!

  16. Crunchy, chewy and sweet - a nice combination. Generous serving too, especially for US 50 cents.
    Very nice Selba.

  17. Wow! Sounds like a terrific dessert, sweet, crunchy and only 50 cents, you cant beat that!

  18. worldwindows: It's not really easy to find this kind of vendor anymore :)

    MCK: You are right, a nice combination :)

    donna-ffw: Hehehe... definitely can not beat it!

  19. Ya know your blog is becoming a quick favorite of mine. Your pics are great, and I love this step by step process you share. Everything on your side of the world is so exotic :)

  20. adam: Awwwww... that's the sweetest thing a person said to me today, you really made my day, thanks! :D

  21. Yum! I was hoping to see a dancing monkey. I love the paper bowl. Very cool.

  22. that seems like a healthy snack. :)

  23. FwLT: Hehehe.. no more dancing monkey!

    j2kfm: I think so too :)

  24. these look great and a homemade plate - too cool....I love all the unique cooking gadgets!

  25. finsmom: thanks :)

    katherine aucoin: yes, it is :)

    doggybloggy: hehehe... interesting for the uniqueness :)

  26. Oh, I wish we had all these food stands here! That little dish looks very tasty. :0)

  27. @email2me: Msia where got???

    Selby, I comin Indo end of the year ya?? hehe

  28. this kueh got inhere..
    but I don't know the name and tasteit too
    here they didn't serve with sweet sause.

  29. I really like hearing about all these different street food vendors. I had no idea so many of these things even existed! It definitely makes me want to come visit you!

  30. Really great tutorial Selba! And this looks SO good.

  31. This sounds so simple and delicious! I LOVE coconut!

  32. I want to try all the things you show over here, and agree the edible plate is too your posts!

  33. the ungourmet: It would be nice if there are food stands in your area :)

    TNG: Sure!!! That's a great idea! We can go hunting for food together :)

    pisang goreng: it's not a kue rangi if without the palm sugar sauce ;P

  34. mica: Glad that you like hearing about all these street food. If you come to visit me, I'll bring you around to try all the food :)

    jennymac: Thanks, Jenny :)

    faith: Oh.. then you will love Indonesian cuisine because we use a lot of coconut milk and flesh.

  35. chef e: thank you for your complements, Chef E. Hope that you'll have a chance to try the food in here :)

    wilson ng: thanks, Wilson!

  36. This is new to me. However, I know with the palm sugar and grated coconut, the kuih taste good! :)

  37. Looks like a delicious sweet treat, love the drizzled palm sugar, yummy!

  38. Oh gosh this looks so great! anything with coconut wins me over instantly!

  39. i keep forgetting that rangi is different from ragi. so, i thought it was a yeast cake! haha! coconut with palm sugar. it works, everytime!

  40. more cute snacks !

    We r gonna be cute too !

  41. Great post - I love reading your blog!

  42. i am on low salt, low sugar, low carbo and low fats diet..

    hmmm.. i am going to miss your blog..


  43. little inbox: Yup, you are right :D

    5 star foodie: The drizzled of palm sugar makes it perfect :)

    marta: hehehe... then you will love a lot of Indonesian food ;)

  44. nic: hehehe... the difference is only the "n" in the middle of the word :)

    BSG: hooray! we all gonna be cute LOL

    jan: thank you, Jan :)

  45. robin: oh no... you must be joking, right? *sobs*

  46. Ahh..another yummy delicacy. Good job Selba. Do hope to visit you one day and go feast on all the street food. Looks so good!

  47. precious pea: thanks, Precious Pea! Yes, come and visit me then we'll feast the street food :)

  48. ruth rogers: hi Ruth, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  49. A perfect street food! I like the fact that it's prepared so quickly!

  50. MTC: hehehe.. yes, it's very fast :)

  51. Looks good, hope I can try it one day. :)

  52. laveena: Hopefully, you can try it when you come visit Jakarta :)
