Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bebek Bengil (Dirty Duck Diner), Jakarta


If you happen to Ubud - Bali, then one of places that you need to visit for food is Bebek Bengil which means Dirty Duck (trans: Bebek = Duck, Bengil (Balinese) = Dirty). The "Bebek Bengil - Dirty Duck Diner" restaurant has opened since 1990 and has it own rice field inside. Surrounded by rice fields and a marvelous garden where you can eat at one of the huts by the rice fields.

In case, you don't have the chance to visit Bebek Bengil in Ubud - Bali, then you might can try its branch in Jakarta which just newly opened this year. Last week, I had a delectable lunch there :)

Bebek Bengil restaurant's entrance in Jakarta

Inside garden

You can sit outside,

or inside (with air conditioner).
Bebek Bengil Building

The story why they named their restaurant as "Dirty Duck Diner" is because when they were building the restaurant, they were confused to name their restaurant. They wanted a Balinese name that translate well into English, but they couldn't find a perfect name until one monsoon morning, when the restaurant was almost finish built, suddenly a group of ducks from the rice filed, walked straight quacking and squawking into the restaurant. The ducks made a total mess and left muddy footprints all over the place. Their first guests... the dirty ducks! That's where the name came from :)


When you order the food, do not miss to order their specialty - the original crispy duck Bebek Bengil! It's so crispy that you can even eat the bones.

It's served with balsamic shallots pickles with bird eye chilies and sweet chilly sauce mixed with shrimp paste and tomato.
Restaurant,Bebek Bengil

Bebek Bengil Rp. 72.000 (USD 7.2)
Half a Duck steamed in Indonesian spices and deep fried for a crispy finish.

Served with steamed rice and Balinese vegetables

or creamy mashed potatoes and salad with astringent dressing.
Restaurant,Bebek Bengil

Bebek Bengil with mashed potato

For dessert, I tried the Black Russian Pie. A divine pie that I would like to have again someday :)

Black Russian Pie Rp. 41.000 (USD 4.1)
Mixed with vodka, Kahlua and topped with chocolate.
Restaurant,Bebek Bengil

All the prices are subject to Tax & Service Charge.

Bebek Bengil (Dirty duck Diner)

The Ubud Building
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 132, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Tel: (62-21) 391 8016

Jl. Hanoman, Padang Tegal
Ubud - Bali 80571
Tel: (62-361) 975489

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. ohh I tried the crispy duck in Bali before..
    The restaurant here is so beautiful, like a resort!!

  2. I recently had a similar preparation of duck and loved it, looks so good here! I would love to try that Black Russian pie, yum!

  3. Nice surrounding, nice food and funny name :)

  4. buzzingbee: I've never tried the one in Bali but I heard very good reviews about it :) Next time is a must for me to visit it!

    5SF: Duck meat is wonderful :) I think you will like the Black Russian pie a lot!

    anncoo: Hehehe.. yup! :)

  5. Fantastic heritage and such a beautiful name !

    The people behind it must be a highly cultured lot, there's none like it here in KL ( ...malu...)

  6. BSG: Seriously, there's no cultured place to dine at all in KL? You must be kidding, no? hehehe...

  7. well see all of that place
    it forget all of our stress

  8. wow what a neat place, reserve me a table in the back !

  9. I love duck dishes, but the Bebek Bengil crispy duck looks quite dry, is it really yummy? -Just curious ;-)

  10. What a lovely garden! I would love to try the Bebek Bengil, it looks incredible!

  11. Wow, you've been to some great restaurants lately - how fun! I love the decor at this one and the food looks delicious too!

  12. What a name! The food looks delicious, as always.

  13. Everytime I come here I want to visit your country. Those pics are great.

  14. Wow, hands down, Jakarta has some of the coolest-looking restaurants I've ever seen. I'd love to eat lunch here!

  15. jan: hehehe.. I guess so :)

    peachkins: yes, indeed :)

    sophie: very devine dessert :)

    pisang goreng: hehehe... it might relieve stress ;)

    chow & charter: sure! :D

  16. C-G: Yes! Very very very yummy! You are right that it looks dry and it is dry on the outside but so tender and moist on the inside! You gotta try! I really do recommend this place :)

    faith: Yes, a lovely garden and the duck is so delicious :)

    kerstin: Yup, I've been eating at nice restaurants lately, trying to enjoy myself, hehehe... The posts will keep coming ;)

  17. HoGF: hehehe... a funny name for a restaurant :)

    helene: hopefully you will be able to visit Indonesia someday :)

    mica: hahaha... it's a balance between restaurants and street food ;)

  18. What beautiful decoration and place....mmmm drooling with the black Russian pie with vodka :)



  19. gera: even me.. I'm also drooling to see the russian pie pic, hehehe...

  20. The story for the restaurant name is so interesting! The duck dish also looks delicious too!

  21. i didnt try dirty duck in Bali...i hope i can try this next time when I visit indonesia...

  22. A very cool looking place, the building is so cute.

  23. FFT: I also find the story interesting :)

    SG: Yes, remember to try the Bebek Bengil in Bali.. and make sure to book first because it can be fully booked the place.

    MB: It is indeed :)

  24. Gorgeous pictures! Wish I could visit there. That Russian pie looks so tasty, I can't take my eyes from it.

  25. Interesting duck dish which also comes with different choices of serving.

  26. Looks like the messy squacking ducks brought them good luck!

  27. very Balinese themed-the duck served looks dirty indeed (just joking)-seems a tad too dry but with the various sauce and pickles-should be tasty.

  28. I've never heard of this dish. It really is different. The restaurant looks wonderful.

  29. The name of the place is so interesting and so is the duck dish. Love the exterior of the place.

  30. Wow! I love that there is a rice field inside the restaurant!

    What a funny name! ;0)

  31. yup, i'll be visiting the one in Bali real soon. but from the looks of it, rather pricey eh?
    for the small portion of duck.

  32. I wonder why they call it dirty duck... it looks so clean and the food so sumptuous. I'll keep this in mind for my future Bali/Jakarta getaway... :)

  33. This is really interesting deep-fried. This style is hard to find in KL and make it even more desirable.

  34. Oh I love the look of this place and the food looks great. Oooo I am really lovin' the sound of that Russian Pie, yes please!!

  35. hehe..quite a cute name they got from...

  36. zerrin: Hi Zerrin, thanks for stopping by my blog, you are so right about the Russian pie :)

    ck lam: western and asian... potato and rice :)

    tummythoz: so true... :)

    foodbin: it's so crunchy and the meat so moist :)

    mary: it is indeed :)

  37. noobcook: Inside the building, a lot of Balinese paintings but I didn't get the time to capture them.

    the ungourmet: hehehe.. actually not a nice name for a restaurant, right? ;)

    j2kfm: Yup, it's pricey, if you buy it on the street, it cost only about USD 1.5 which means you can get 5 plates of duck rice, hehehe...

    LFB: I wrote the info why they named the restaurant as "Dirty Duck" ;)

  38. worldwindows: Give it a try when you are in Jakarta or Bali ;)

    DA: Hehehe... I actually wonder whether there's a real Russian Pie :D

    taufulou: yup :)

  39. i was so obsessed with babi guling in bali that i totally forgotten about the bebek! haha! must make it a point to eat at least once if i ever go to bali again. :)

  40. The timing of this post could not have been better for me!! We are going to be in Ubud-Bali next month.We are going to this place for sure. Thanks so much! I just love the story about how they named it as well.

  41. I love the story of the Dirty Duck restaurant. How funny! And what a perfect name. The crispy duck sounds delicious, as does the Russian pie. So inspiring!

  42. What a funny name from their real experience.

  43. nic: psssttt.. same thing with me! I also got obsessed with the babi guling and didn't get a try of the bebek bengil in Bali. Did you have the suckling pig at ibu Oka?

    lori: Yay! So great that you are going to visit Ubud - Bali, btw, I heard that the shooting of the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" for the Bali part, will be this coming October in Ubud - Bali, there'll be a big chance you might bump into Julia Roberts! Do not forget to make a reservation first at the Bebek Bengil restaurant if you wish to sit by the rice field. Oh.. and Lori, if you love eating pork, I will recommend the suckling pig (babi guling) at Ibu Oka restaurant, also located in Ubud - Bali.

    eralda: hehehe... everything is so inspiring :)

    little inbox: interesting, isn't it? ;)

  44. I just love your restaurant review. I feel as if I'm there with you. I would love a piece of that pie.

  45. They have their own rice field? Now that's impressive. The story of the ducks is too cute.

  46. Hello darling, please forgive me for not visiting your lovely blog this week… life was very hectic at Rose Tea Cottage!!! Hopefully things will calm down this coming week.

    Have a sweet and lovely weekend.

    Love & Hugs
    Duchess ♥ ♥ ♥

  47. FwLT: Good to know that you love my restaurant review :)

    lickthebowlgood: Yes, in Ubud - Bali, they have their own rice field :)

    DoT: Don't worry, Duchess :) Just take your time, ok :)

  48. Lovely place again, and the Black Russian Pie does look divine indeed. Mmm! tasty, tasty :p

  49. When you go to Bali, skip Bebek Bengil and go to Bebek Bali Restaurant in Krobokan instead. The crispy duck is so much better there, as well as the sambal and the urap-urap. I used to be a die hard fan for Bebek Bengil, that is till I found Bebek Bali.

  50. laveena: It's a lovely place indeed and absolutely tasty :)

    globe trotting foodie: Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and also for the info of this place called Bebek Bali restaurant. So far, I haven't heard of that place, probably you can share the address too?

  51. This is pretty cool! I might pay a visit to DDD tomorrow!! :)
