Friday, November 6, 2009

Es Duren (Durian Ice Cream)

After my Kupat Tahu lunch, I had a plastic glass of Durian ice cream (es duren) for my dessert :)

Durian is considered as the King of fruits in Southeast Asia. It's a fruit that "either you love it or hate it" because of the strong unique odor (For people who love it, it's very wonderful fragrant but for people who hate it, it's so awfully stink and offensive aroma - they even want to puke when they smell it).

This is how the vendor prepare a glass of Durian ice cream :)

A scoop of durian ice cream.

A spoon of black glutinous rice.
A dollop of durian flesh and one more scoop of durian ice cream.

Drizzled with chocolate condense milk

For those who can't stand the smell of this fragrant creamy durian ice cream, please close your nose! ;)
durian ice cream


  1. This looks like wonderful, creamy ice cream. I wish we could smell it from here. I wonder which way I would go on the smell! It's a ver unusual looking fruit.

  2. Ha, I actually know what Durian is! I don't think I've ever had it, but I was at least familiar with it (unlike most of the things on your blog). I'd definitely give it a try at least once. :)

  3. durian ice cream???

    looking nice but not my cuppa of ice cream :)

  4. I haven't been able to get my hands on Durian ice cream and it's a shame because I love that stuff. It smells like cadavers filled with gym socks and rotten eggs but man is it good. Lucky you!

  5. I know what you mean about the polarization of opinions. I happen to adore fresh ripe durians, and this looks like a wonderful dessert, especially with drizzled condensed milk! :)

  6. LOVE it!! This homemade durian icecream looks so much better then the store bought ones we have here..yum!

  7. Sounds and looks great! The chocolate condensed milk is interesting though. Would not expect to mix chocolate and durian together! I love durian by itself though and totally love the ice cream "sundae"that the vendor made. Love the black glutinous rice too :).

  8. OMG! looks (and sounds) divine! i love durians, and though there's durian ice cream in Msia, they dont serve it this way..*drools*

  9. YES I LOVE DURIAN everything! I'll eat it fresh out from the fruit or turn it into a smoothie. It took a while to get used to it, but once you get over the texture, it's great!

  10. Looks wonderful. I can't imagine it smelling bad.

  11. Looks delicious and so refreshing!

  12. I don't like durian on its own, but all the durian products (ice cream, cream puff, cakes) ... I love them! :)

  13. I like durian ice-cream. My mom used to make durian ice, but no cream. :)

  14. oh my god!!
    Dont think we have those here!
    Add on condensed milk and REAL durian flesh on top of the ice cream which is already durian flavoured!

    Wahhh!! I want!!

  15. thats a double whammy! durian + durian ice cream!

  16. Chocolate condensed milk?! I want some ASAP!

    I'm not so sure about the durian though. I've never smelled it but I'm thinking that's a good thing :-)

  17. I love Durian ice cream. I just wish wish wish we have that here.

  18. Really I need to taste this fruit, more in ice cream as you said love or hate it!
    The theme is that the importers don’t dare to bring it to my country :)



  19. Can't seem to find choc condensed milk in M'sia. Must remember to pack some home next visit.

  20. I'd definitely give a try! Maybe I'll make one :)

  21. I've never had durian ice cream...I wish I could smell (and taste) it!

  22. Well, I can take durian, but haven't had durian ice cream before. Is the smell as strong as the raw fruit as it's in ice-cream?

  23. that's a very wonderful dessert!!!! Y we don't have it here? =.=

  24. I think its so funny that people love the smell or want to throw up!

    I've never heard of that fruit before, interesting!!

  25. Wow! Durian ice-cream plus durian flesh! Extra fragrant, extra delicious!

  26. my son likes durian I am one of those that finds the smell a little strong1

  27. yours condense milk is in dark colour?
    or that is chocolate sauce?

  28. KA: I really hope that you can smell and try durian :)

    mica: hehehe.. finally!!! Give it a try next time when you see it again, ok

    ai wei: hehehe…. Can’t stand the smell? ;)

    sean: Whoaaa.. you better try durian ice cream! It’s so yummy! Hahaha.. so funny how you describe how it smells!

    FLaB: ah great! Can you find durian in the USA?

  29. Ravenous couple: hi.. welcome to my blog! There’s durian ice cream at the stores? Wow! I don’t think we have it here, only at street vendors.

    KennyT: Hahaha… don’t forget to breath!!!

    ETE: It’s wonderful! Durian and chocolate can be a nice match :)

    SC: There’s no durian ice cream in Msia? Ah.. too bad!

    HW: Yeah.. you are right! It took a while to get used to it.. I remember when I was a little girl, I didn’t like durian, hehehe

  30. FwLT: You need to smell it then you can decide whether it smell nice or bad, hehehe

    Kerstin: It is for me, but not for some people, hehehe…

    noobcook: whoaaa.. seriously? But sometimes the durian products can be really have a strong aroma ;)

    LI: Yummm… sounds yummy! Durian ice!!! :)

    TNG: If you visit Indonesia, make sure you get it, ok :)

  31. joe: yes!!! You are absolutely right! :)

    monica: Is there any chocolate condensed milk at the stores in your area? It's really a great stuff! :)

    peachkins: Oh… No durian ice cream in Philippines? Maybe can make it your own?

    gera: I believe not every countries allow this fruit because of the strong aroma, but hopefully you can have a chance to try it someday :)

    tummythoz: Ok… don’t forget to buy it! You will love it! ;)

  32. 5SF: That’s great! Don’t forget to blog it :)

    faith: Hope that you will have the chance to smell and taste it :)

    Christine: Yes, it smells totally like the fruit :)

    mimid3vils: Ah.. too bad! Maybe need a franchise there? hehehe

    jenn: hahaha.. yup.. either one… love it or hate it :)

  33. FFT: Well done said! :)

    doggybloggy: You can find durian at your place? Wow! That’s so cool! :)

    PG: Yes, the dark condensed milk is chocolate condensed milk :)

  34. Very interesting, I have to taste this fruit some day.

  35. laveena: Hopefully, you'll have the chance to try it :)

  36. i'm waiting for my ice cream machine, this will be the first thing i'm going to make

  37. wow choc condensed milk??? that's really something! we don't have them here :(

  38. The local durians look so good compare to the Thai varieties that is invading Indonesia.

  39. 3 ht: Whoaaa.. that sounds so great! :)

    babe_kl: Too bad that there's no chocolate condensed milk, maybe Indonesia should import it :)

    worldwindows: Pssst... I still prefer Monthong durian from Thailand ;)

  40. I'm drooling...& drooling...& drooling! How come Selba manage to find all kinds of street food huh? One of my blogger buddy is now in Bali and can't even find some nice street food over there except 'nasi campur'!!!

  41. MLS: hehehe... I guess you really love durian! Oh... seriously your friend couldn't find any nice street food? Hmmm... need a local to bring your friend around then ;)

  42. I pity people who can't stand durians :p

  43. umar khatab: Hahaha... it's either you love or hate it!
