Monday, December 14, 2009

A weekend in Singapore

I was spending my weekend in Singapore :) Singapore is not far from Jakarta, it only takes approximately 1 hour 40 minutes by an airplane.

I arrived in Singapore on Friday noon and directly headed from the airport to meet a Singaporean blogger named Misti for the first time. She brought me for a yummy lunch at Sophia Food Mall - Peace Centre on Sophia Road. It's really great to meet you, Misti and also thank you so much for the yummy lunch! :)

Hor Fun
A nice savory dish which is thick flat rice noodle with slices of pork, fish cake, mushroom, shrimp, and choy sum in a gravy made from tapioca flour and soy sauce.

Roti Prata
Indian pancake bread served with 3 type of curry saucesAnother version of roti prata with onion, egg and green chili

In the evening before dinner, I managed to eat the Azabu Sabo Hokkaido ice cream at Takashimaya food court at Ngee Ann city - Orchard road. It's a recommendation from Nic - Black Tie, White Lie. Thanks, Nic! Too bad, we couldn't meet up, next time, ya? ;)

Interesting how the ice cream is prepared.
I had a double scoops of double berry (a mixture of strawberry and blueberry flavors) and matcha (green tea). I think this is one of the best ice cream I've ever had! The texture is so soft and also creamy. Just perfect after a long hot day :)

Dinner at Food Republic at Wisma Atria shopping centre - Orchard Road, together with my ex-colleagues.

I had Nasi Briyani.
A very strong fragrant and savory fried rice with spices (i.e: saffron, ghee, cumin, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves, mint leaves, onion, garlic, coriander, etc.) and a nice crispy fried chicken.

One of my ex-colleagues had this noodle called Mee Rebus that she couldn't finish - not even half of the bowl although she was starving because it tasted too cloying for our Indonesian taste.

The next day, I was invited for lunch at Wee Nam Kee Hainanese Chicken Rice Restaurant, located at 275 Thomson Road #01-05, Novena Ville.

Although this restaurant doesn't look like a fancy restaurant but the food is wonderful delicious.
Black Pepper Crab

Fish Head Curry
Hainanese Roasted Chicken
Hainanese Rice
Sapo Tofu
Stir fried bean sprout
Cereal PrawnsBarley drink

I didn't take dinner because I was too full with all the food from lunch but then, at midnight my friends brought me to have a little snack at the Al-Meen Eating House, serving Indian food and also Thai food. It's located on Changi Road.

A traditional Indian blended yoghurt with water, salt, pepper, ice and Indian spices. It's very refreshing.
Chicken tikka
Boneless chicken marinated with spices.

Last day in Singapore, before heading back to Jakarta, I had breakfast first with my friends at one of the Coffee Bean's outlets in East Coast Parkway.
Salmon Egg n' Muffin
Brek O'day

Well..... I really had a lot of fun and enjoyed very much this short trip.... :)


  1. Wow, you've eaten so many good things there, is HK ur next stop?

  2. KennyT: I really wish to visit HongKong, Taiwan and also Penang - Malaysia for food trip :)

  3. wow, glorious food U had in Singapore....esp the black pepper crab...look so yummy!!

  4. Quite amazed by the food you ate! Lots of it are new versions of foods that I know. The ice cream is very pretty :). Would expect to see that come from a machine but it was done by hand! Wow!

  5. It's been 3 yrs since I;ve visited! sigh...
    still rmbr last time simply ate in food courts, Lau Pa Sat, and whatever else. ..
    this time gotta see from reviews.

  6. wow! so much food! How I wish I can follow you there! haha....

  7. wow!
    too bad u heading here!
    We hav to take u to eat Bak Kut Teh!

  8. mee rebus not same style ah? ya must be too starchy for your colleague then. we are used to this way here.

  9. Oh how i love coming over here and indulging in your activities...the food rocks! I also have a silver tray like the one above, but have never used it...I may have to indulge in Asian food this week!

  10. How wonderful to be able to hop a plane to Singapore for the weekend. My favorite dish is the roasted chicken but I also would love the pancakes with the dipping sauce. I was surprised to see the masks on the ice cream servers, but that was some scoop of ice cream.

  11. What a delicious getaway! That ice cream looks incredible and all the eats are awesome!

  12. Promised me you will go for Bak Kut Teh in your next trip to Singapore or Malaysia.

  13. I'm glad you had such a good time in Singapore! All the food looks incredible, especially all those curry sauces!

  14. So much yummy looking food. But it's the breakfast plates that have me drooling. :-)'''

    Interesting way to serve ice cream!

  15. wow, it looks like u had a lot of good food in our little city in 3 days.

    sounds like you had a good time!
    glad you enjoyed yourself here :)

  17. Everything in this post is making me hungry! I looove curry, so Singapore looks like somewhere I should visit.

    And that ice cream is wild! I'd probably drop it and make a mess...

  18. i have not been to singapore for agessss... huhuuuu

  19. Darling I am so glad you had such a marvelous time and got to meet a blogger friend and managed to eat all the delicious food. I wish I had a plate of the peppered crab and the fish head curry here now.

    Love & Hugs

  20. It's so great that you are close to such exciting and diverse cuisine! I still can't get over how they scoop the ice cream onto the cone - wild!

  21. Wah... Most of them are my fave food. :) And I'd love to try the berry ice cream!!

    Sg in Christmas month is delightful, isn't it? Wish I was there to see it...

    kyh @

  22. Omg..I shoud have known better and not open your site at 12.30am lol

    Awesome photos, I've tried the novena's chicken rice but never tried the other meals! definitely adding the resto list for my next visit to Spor :)

  23. One frame is better than the next and they all serve to make me very hungry. You do such a nice job. I love to visit here.

  24. glad u had a good time in singapore! try the black sesame flavour ice cream next time. it's very, very nice! ;D

  25. Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous time in Singapore. Thanks for sharing the visit with us, and how nice that you were able to meet a blogging friend. The food looks scrumptious.

    I also loved your dog cookies on the previous post! Such a busy time for everyone. Hope you are enjoying this special season :)

  26. It sure does sound like you had quite a feasting adventure in Singapore, Selba. The ice cream looks mighty tempting even though it's 30 degrees outside here in New York.

    I'm intrigued by every single bite although, since I'm still drinking my morning coffee, that Salmon Egg n' Muffin is calling my name.

    Thanks for sharing...

  27. All the food looks delicious! No surprise there that Singapore is the culinary capital of the world.

  28. wow .... so much of food over one week-end...... seems food crazy ...

  29. Thanks for all the comments in here! :)

    tuti: No, the mee rebus here in Indonesia is very different than the one in Spore... Actually our mee rebus is more like instant noodles, hehehe...

    worldwindows: Yes!!! Definitely MUST try Bak Kut Teh for my next visit :)

    muffinsareugly: Thanks you :)

    kyh: So far, my opinion is that no countries in SEA can beat the gorgeous x'mas decorations and x'mas lightning like in Singapore :)

    locomoco: The food in Novena is so delicious! Hope you have a chance to try the others next time :)

    nic: Black sesame flavor? Gonna give a try next time! :)

    glor: thanks for the compliment on my cookies :)

    louise: Guess what? the salmon egg n' muffin is what I had for my b'fast.. it tasted totally yummy :)

  30. Wow! Sounds like you have a great time in Singapore! Too bad we don't get to meet up. ;)

  31. When will you be coming to Penang for vacation?

  32. jason: Hopefully soon! :) Definitely, I'll let you and Gill know so we can altogether go for makan-makan :)
