Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tukang Susu Kacang Kedelai (Soybean Milk)

I love drinking soybean milk and think that I'm quite lucky that just diagonal across my house, there's a man with his cart selling soybean milk every weekdays from morning till noon. He serves the soybean milk hot but surely, there's ice cubes for those who like to drink cold soybean milk.

Soybean milk in plastic bags for carry-out.
Although it's quite convenient to have a soybean milk vendor near my house, but sometimes I prefer to make soybean milk by my own so I can add pandan leaves in order to have a nice fragrance soybean milk.

Soybean milk recipe
125 gram soybeans
1 liter water
2 or 3 pandan leaves (depend on how big is the leave)
sugar (to taste)

1. Soak the soybeans in water for overnight
2. Drain, rinse and discard the water (I usually don't remove the skin of soybeans)
3. Place soybean and water in a blender and whirl until smooth (the liquid becomes a white frothy milk)
3. Place a strainer over a bowl and pour the liquid into the strainer.
4. Boil the liquid together with pandan leaves and sugar in low heat. Stir frequently.
5. Soybean milk is ready! It can be kept in refrigerator for another 2 days.


  1. this is usch freak awesome, healthy and nutricious, must follow your recipe and make some at home! :)

  2. Ive never had soybean milk, I bet its wonderful homemade the way you describe! Beautiful shots as always!

  3. I love soybean milk too! I usually put a slice of ginger...very nice and refreshing.

  4. oh this looks great my hubby loves soy milk
    happy new year
    Love Rebecca

  5. I've never tried it and looking forward to making it, sounds very refreshing! Happy New Year!

  6. I think it's neat that you make your own soy bean milk. I should try this myself!

  7. Sounds like making soy bean milk is not so troublesome.

  8. drinking soy milk gives you a nice and smooth complexion.

  9. After a season of holiday eating, I need to start eating and drinking healthier stuff :-)

    Happy New Year, Selba.

  10. I usually buy soybean milk because I'm too lazy to make my own! Unless my mum makes it for me...kekeke.

  11. Really? it's that easy? wow, I've got to try this..

  12. i love soy bean milk too! mum used to make for us but she no longer do so as it takes a lot of time.

  13. I'd say the wonderful wealth of "on the street" food vendors in your corner of the world is definitely a plus! I envy you that.

    One of the vending machines at my school sells soybean milk, which is probably nothing like homemade.

  14. That's funny that the milk comes in bags!

    I can't imagine what this tastes like? I wonder if it's like the commercial stuff (like Silk brand) that we sell here.

  15. my mum used to make this a lot. I miss the little stalls selling these, so convenient.

  16. This sounds interesting and refreshing. I'll try to get the courage to make it. Happy New Year!

  17. That's so cool to have that like a diagonal walk across the street! For some reason it just seems so lucky to me... like a fresh new start like the new year :)

  18. To all who love to drink soybean milk *hi5* :)

    peachskins: Yes, it's actually really simple to make this soybean milk as long as you know the "trick" so not messing a lot with the soybeans i.e: to get the skin remove, don't overheat while boiling in order to prevent the milk from spilling out from the pot and always stand by to stir frequently ;)

    mica: It's like milk but tasted a bit "beany", hehehe. If you buy soybeans milk in the stores, they provided those with flavors like strawberry, banana, etc.

    pisang goreng: KEDELAI means soybean(s), don't get confused with KELEDAI which means donkey! Hehehe...

  19. Fascinating about the proximity of the cart! I liked reading how you made your own soybean milk. I'll drink Happy New Year to you :)

  20. So fun to learn more about other cultures. I had to google pandan leaves!

  21. i drink soya millk everyday!!

    But nvr tried making it myself..ur recipe looks simple enough... hhmmm

  22. You make it sound easy to make soy bean milk at home! I'm going to try it out! Just a normal blender will do (the type for making smoothies)???

  23. noobcook: It is quite easy to make soybean milk :) Yes, any normal blender for making smoothies will do.

  24. I wish fresh soybean milk like this were available in the US. It is so much better than processed junk we get in the supermarkets here. This looks great!

  25. the fun thing about soy bean milk is that it's really versatile...can be made into types of desserts....just the milk itself is delicious...i like!!!

  26. I would LOVE to make this at home! It sounds wonderful with the pandan leaves!

  27. OK this looks wonderful to have the fresh milk. And I like that you make your own but what is pandan leaves?

  28. you are getting me excited bout the trip. btw, our email is cumidanciki@gmail.com what is yours?

  29. I only have soymilk, but it's just in the carton. I never thought about making it.

  30. FwLT: Pandan leave is Screwpine leave or in latin is known as Pandanus Amaryllifolius which is is fragrant and used in desserts. Maybe you can find at Asian stores in your neighborhood :)

    cumi & ciki: I'm also excited! :)You can contact me: selba22 at gmail dot com

  31. I love them too, and one of the BEST ever is in Hong Kong. shucks.
    It's absolutely different from the ones here.

  32. i love them too, but too much is not good for gout sufferers. or anything bean, eg. taufu.
