Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pao de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Rolls)

This morning, I received an email from my friend. She asked whether my mom can make Pao de Queijo - famous Brazilian cheese rolls. Her daughter is going to give a presentation about Brazil in her class next week and she need to bring something related to Brazil which is a traditional Brazilian food.

My friend even provided the "Pao de Queijo" recipe from "about.com" site as below:

* 2 cups whole milk
* 8 tablespoons butter, melted
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 4 1/4 cups tapioca (cassava) flour
* 4 eggs
* 2 cups grated farmer's cheese, or any firm, fresh cows milk cheese
* 1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese (optional)
* salt to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix milk, salt, vegetable oil and butter in a pot, and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat.
3. Stir tapioca flour into the milk and butter mixture.
4. Stir in the eggs and the cheese, and mix well.
5. Let mixture cool for 15-30 minutes, so that it will be easier to handle.
6. With floured (tapioca flour) hands, shape the dough into golf ball size balls (about 50 gram portions) and place them on a baking sheet.
7. Bake rolls for 20 to 25 minutes, until they are puffed up and are golden. They will rise slowly and puff up mostly in the last 5 or 10 minutes.
8. Serve warm.

Makes about 15 rolls

Mom and I decided that we'd give a try first today. Well, this is the result :)

They supposedly should puffed up but I'm not sure why these rolls didn't.

Anyway, besides of the nice texture - crusty on the outside but chewy and gooey on the inside, it tasted quite interesting for me ;)

Updated: 6 March 2010

Yay!!! I finally made a much better Pao de Queijo. What a big difference, hehehe...
Thank you to Everything4sweets for sharing her nice recipe :)

150 gr tapioca flour
90 gr milk
35 gr melted butter or oil
50 gr parmesan cheese
1 egg
2 gr salt

the same as the above recipe.


  1. wow....you have become an expert in baking ya...nice try

  2. I love cheese and this looks good. :)

  3. this is something different!!!

  4. Oh my goodness.. look at that texture! I've never tried any Brazilian rolls before but these look so fabulous!

  5. Selby,
    How kind of you to help your friend...
    I will email you a fluffy recipe for it :-)


  6. Everyone in that class is going to love this cheese roll, it looks fab!

  7. Nothing like passing the goodness, Selby. I wouldn't mind at all if you shipped a few across my way too!!! They sure look good to me!!!

  8. Selby, these really do look very good. I would be thrilled to have just one of them.

  9. I've never seen these before, but they look beautiful. I'll bet they taste as good as they look. Have a great day, Selba.

  10. Hi , I made this several times, I found a good recipe, I hope you can try this one,


    150 gr tapioka flour

    90 gr milk

    35 gr melted butter or oil

    50 gr parmesan cheese

    1 egg

    2 gr salt

    Hope this help, because I am satisfied with the result here is the pic of my pao de quijo


  11. I love Pao de Queijo! I'm sorry they didn't puff up enough but they still look nice & cheesy!

  12. this is the first time I heard of this! yours still look yummy though they aren't puffed up to your liking :)

  13. I too adore the Pao de Queijo! Even they didn't puff up enough, they still look very tempting!

  14. I do like crusty outside and chewy inside. Even though they didn't puff they still look great! ;)

  15. Sounds like a great texture. I think it's cool that you and your mom made them.
