Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Revisit PEPeNERO Cucina Italiana

It's my second visit to Pepenero Cucina Italiana restaurant with my ex-colleagues.

This time, although it's the same restaurant but we tried different dishes and also dined at the outside of the restaurant.

I feel that my first visit to this restaurant was nicer than this second visit, probably it's because that time, we ate inside the restaurant and the choice of dishes were better. I had the Rigatoni Stracicati which wasn't as good as I thought. The rigatoni was still too hard and as for the Pancetta E Grana (pizza), its edge got burnt and tasted bitter, too long in the oven.

Appetizer - complimentary.

Pepata Di Cozze e Vo - Rp. 41.000

Insalata Di Fragole - Rp. 49.000

Antipasto Mare - Rp. 45.000

Insalata Di Cesare - Rp. 49.000

Pancetta E Grana - Rp. 47.000

Rigatoni Stracicati - Rp. 49.000

Linguine Alla Marin - Rp. 49.000

All prices are subjected to 10% tax.
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.300
PEPeNERO Kuningan.
Menara Karya Building 1 Floor
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav 1-2
Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Another post: PEPeNERO Cucina Italiana, Jakarta

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Oh, you can't ever go wrong with Italian: Pasta, pizza, cheese, tomato sauce and lotsa love! ;)

  2. life for beginners: supposedly so... :)

  3. I would have a problem to decide which one to order...look so delicous.

  4. angie's recipes: hehehe... and look at the Insalata Di Fragole, so pretty, right?

  5. Your dinner looks pretty good here but I'm sorry it wasn't quite as good as the last time.

  6. 5 star foodie: Hopefully next time when I visit again, the food will taste as delicious as my first visit :)

    peachkins: yes, they look delish :)

  7. Haha, the idea of eating Italian in Asia always seems so weird to me. (Somehow, weirder than eating it in the US.) I'm sorry that the food wasn't as good this time. Undercooked pasta is such a drag in an otherwise delicious dish!

  8. mica: hehehe... never thought that eating Italian food in Asia is weird, I was more amazed during the 80s when I could find it in Jakarta.

  9. The last dish Linguine looks very little uh?

  10. cariso: it's a lot actually ;)

  11. It's a wonder how anyone can make Italian wrong. It's just WRONG really! :)

  12. qwazymonkey: LOL, I guess so...

  13. Salad, pizza and pasta= DELISH!

  14. ohh this is my fave italian in town! Try the big meat platter (forgot the name) and the papardelle al funghi, yummylicious :)

  15. aris munandar: Hi Aris, thanks for stopping by my blog and also for the recommendations, definitely will give it a try when I'm visiting Pepenero again :)

  16. Haven't been to Italian restaurant for quite a while. Just read about the owner of this restaurant from another blog. Very inspiring! Now, your photos make me craving for Italian food. Must get my fix soon! ;)

  17. FFT: The owner of this restaurant? Sounds interesting especially you said it'very inspiring.... :) Hope you'll get your italian food soon!

  18. I think I would order the pasta dishes...look good!

  19. I used to go there quite often. I really like their appetizer. I tried the pasta once (forgot the name) and it was good; tasty sauce and the pasta were cooked perfectly. The thing I like about Pepenero is that it's quite cheap compare to other similar restaurants.

  20. tigerfish: the pasta is actually delish ;)

    DwD: Hello DwD, you are right the prices in Pepenero are much affordable than the other Italian restaurants :)
