Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chocolate Workshop With Laurent Bernard at Emilie Restaurant, Jakarta

Yesterday, I was invited for bloggers workshop "All about Belgian Chocolate" featuring Laurent Bernard - a renowned chocolatier.

The workshop was held at Emilie Restaurant, a French "fine dining" restaurant located in South Jakarta. The interior of Emilie Restaurant is elegant with nice ambiance.

Before the workshop started, we were served with a lovely lunch.

Le Salade César
Caesar Salad with Sautéed Prawns
Emilie Restaurant

Le Poulet
Roasted Chicken Breast, Savory Jus and Mashed Potato
Emilie Restaurant

Les Profiteroles
Profiteroles with Ice Cream & Warm Dark Chocolate Sauce
Emilie Restaurant

As soon as the lunch was served completely, we were headed directly to the second floor where there's a private kitchen studio.

A little background of Laurent Bernard. Before landing in Singapore in 2003 as the Executive Pastry Chef of Meritus Mandarin Singapore and starting "Laurent’s Café & Chocolate Bar" in Singapore in 2006, Laurent Bernard has more than 20 years experience in pastry and chocolate. He worked in some of the most prestigious 5 stars hotels in London, the USA, the Middle East, Israel and Caribbean.
With Laurent Bernard

In the workshop, we learned the facts about chocolate - learned about the history of chocolate, when it was first discovered in South America and then brought to Europe, how to recognize a good chocolate, how to appreciate it, and how to make truffles pralines.
Workshop Laurent Bernard

Overall, I really enjoyed this workshop because I can learn about Belgian chocolate and how fine chocolate is made.

At the end of the workshop, each of us received a gift bag :)
Orangette (Weight: 100gr, S$15.00)
Delicate combination of orange and dark chocolate

Emilie Restaurant
Jl. Senopati 39, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12910
Tel: +62-21-5213626

Laurent’s Café & Chocolate Bar
The Pier Branch
The Pier at Robertson Quay 80
Mohammad Sultan Road #01-11
Singapore 239013
Telephone: +65 6235 9007
Portsdown Branch
5B Portsdown Road #01-02
Singapore 139311
Telephone: +65 6475 4182


  1. I am on a diet...No chocolate for me...:( Would love to join such workshops one day, but I don't know when...

  2. sounds like a nice way to spend the day! I'm always up for learning new skills!

  3. cooking-gallery: Even on a diet, I don't think I can resist this Belgian chocolate, hehehe. Hope that you'll be able to join this kind of workshop someday :)

    qwaymonkey: Yes, it's always interesting to learn new skills :)

  4. Envy! envy! Start with lunch and proceed to the workshop....must be real fun and interesting!

  5. FFT: Yes, I'm so glad that I had this workshop experience :)

    peachkins: Thanks :)

  6. How nice!
    The food there look really stylish too.

  7. angie's recipes: Yes, it's nice :)

  8. Ooh! Finally I get to see a picture of you! Va-Va-Voom! :)

    Lucky Chef Bernard to stand next to ya, hehe.

  9. LFB: Huh? Oh.. I though I'm the lucky one to stand beside chef Bernard, hahaha.... :D

  10. woweee.. looks heavenly! that means now, you're even better at baking than before.. no way!! LOL

  11. cumi & ciki: Nope... not yet! hehehe :P

  12. Wah that chocolate is so fine that make me droolz over here while looking at the pix ...

  13. email2me: so true.. the chocolate is very fine... love it! :)

  14. it must be classic! i would eat up all the chocolate!

  15. BBO: That's what I almost did! LOL

  16. What a wonderful opportunity! That sounds like a great class. I would love to take a class in chocolate. I have a lot to learn. So glad you got that wonderful gift bag to enjoy!

  17. lori: It's really interesting and so many thing to learn about chocolate. Hope that you'll have the chance to take a class in chocolate someday :)

  18. I just visited another Indonesian blog. He was blogging the same topic . His name is Rian. Do you know him by a chance?

  19. indonesian eats: Uhmmm.... No, I don't know Rian, didn't get the chance to get to know everyone during the workshop ;)

  20. hi..
    I went to the event too! it was a tasty event! :D
    I love the hot chocolate the most!
    OMG, look how yummy your pictures are!! nice blog!

  21. dsy: Hi dsy, thanks for dropping by and also the compliment of my blog :) Oh yes, I love the hot chocolate too!

  22. Nice blog.
    mmm, hot chocolate...
    All looks very good and tasty.
