Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I couldn't blog for the last 2 weeks, not because I'm out of town or too busy but the reason is I didn't have my computer. The hard disk "crashed because the power supply got burnt. Good thing that the hard disk is still under guarantee :)

So, while I didn't have my computer, I had a chance to make Adobo - the popular Filipino dish which is a stew of marinated meat in a sauce of garlic and vinegar. The Filipino leader made it during the Philippines' national night at the camp. She used the instant seasoning mix and shared one sachet to me.

I think I should make it a bit more dry but I really like to eat the Adobo sauce with rice. It's savory and also fresh from the sour taste of the vinegar.

If you can find the seasoning mix, then you can try this below Adobo's recipe that I got from the Philippines' leader.

Adobo recipe
In a pot, saute 1 kilo of chicken or pork with 2 tbsp of garlic, 1/2 cup vinegar, 3 bay leaves and 1 tbsp of black peppercorns.
Add 2 cups of water.
Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.
Serve with rice and enjoy!


  1. Hmm..Was just about to say, Adobo should by slightly thicker :) I'm no expert, but my Filipino colleagues used to reduce the sauce till it becomes a thick dark brown liquid that goes very well with rice!

  2. unkaleong: True.. true, it should be thicker of drier, but I had "too much water" and found out the "sauce" tasted good :D

  3. Welcome back Selby. We've missed you and I'm glad to know you're okay. Computer problems are never any fun.

  4. peachkins: Next time, I will try to make Adobo like the authentic one ;)

    my carolina kitchen: the best part that my computer is back, I can blog again and also read other blogs :D

  5. Good to see you back online! Adobo sounds delicious!

  6. I'm glad your hard disk was under guarantee! I'm glad you're back too! The soup looks delicious!

  7. 5 star foodie: Yes, it's delicious. Give it a try if you can find the seasoning mix or make it by your own the recipe :)

    faith: Still lucky that the hard disk was under guarantee if not, probably should buy a new computer :)

  8. sorry to hear about your computer. I love adobo, and I love dishes extra soupy too :)

  9. noobcook: extra soupy is wonderful to eat with rice :D

  10. Finally you're online again:). I thought you got blogging burn-out like me some time ago, hehehe;). It's time for you to do another coverage for Indonesian street food and make me drool again...;).

  11. I think I may have just tried Adobo only once or twice but I do enjoy the savory and sour taste. More rice,please :)

  12. I love sour, vinegary things! This sounds great! I always thought adobo was Mexican, whoops.

  13. Oh, I can't imagine to live without computer for 2 weeks. Adobo? Just my first time heard about it, haha...

  14. cooking gallery: I haven't gotten any chance to eat on the street again, hopefully soon ;)

    tigerfish: Can't stop adding the rice! hehehe...

    mica: Oh, actually in Spanish, Adobo means marinate or seasoning but then in Philippines, Adobo is an authentic Filipino cuisine.

    little inbox: Well, I survived without computer for 2 weeks! hehehe...

  15. wet or dry, it looks good with lots of steaming hot white rice!
