Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ya-Udah Bistro

Last Friday, I went together with my colleagues for a dinner. One of them suggested "Ya Udah Bistro" which located in Central of Jakarta.

When we arrived around 5.30 pm, there were already several customers having their meals and most of them were expatriates. I was quite surprised that with the hot climate in Jakarta this Bistro has no air-conditioner at all.

The Roast Chicken is my favorite dish here, but we had to wait for 1 1/2 hours until the Roast Chicken was ready out of the grill. Anyway, it was worth it ;) Later on, I was informed that in case, we don't want to wait for the Roast Chicken, we can pre-order it by phone first.

Garlic Bread - Rp. 19.500
Seriously this garlic bread tasted so delicious! It's crispy but also fluffy and moist from the garlic butter. I really enjoyed every bite of it.

Streaky Bacon - Rp. 31.500
Another great appetizer but for sure, we all had to totally ignore the cholesterol from each layer bacon that we indulged! The 6 rashers of the fried streaky bacon were so yummy - crispy and as for the fat, I could feel it melted nicely in my mouth.

Potato Wedges - Rp. 16.000
The fried spicy potato wedges were quite decent. Nothing really to shout about but yes, the plate got empty fast :)

Chefs Salad - Rp. 25.500
A large bowl of salad consisted of tomato, radish, carrots, cucumber, sweet corn (but lack of lettuce because the restaurant was out of lettuce) sprinkled with smoked chicken strips and cheddar cheese, plus Italian dressing.

Chicken Cordon Bleu - Rp. 41.500
My colleague love this tender boneless chicken breast filled inside with cheese and ham.

Chicken Curry - Rp. 41.500
Another colleague ordered this chicken curry. According to him, the taste was a bit bland compared to Indian curry.

Black Pepper Beef - Rp. 48.500
Beef cooked with onion and paprika in Chinese black pepper gravy, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

served with rice.

Roast Chicken - Rp. 59.500
As I can remember, this Roast Chicken is one of the most succulent Roast Chickens that I've eaten. The meat was so tender, juicy and really well flavored.

Red Wine Rp. 46.000/glass
Hot Tea - bottomless Rp. 8.500/cup
Ice Tea Rp. 7.500/glass
(currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.000)

No desserts at all because we were all so stuffed with the food. Each of us were delightful satisfied with the food especially the Roast Chicken. Well, I definitely will come again to this bistro and I think it will be very soon! ;)

Ya-Udah Bistro
Jl. Johar No. 15
Gondangdia, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
Tel: 314-0343

Opening hours:
Sunday - Thursday = 08.00 - 24.00
Friday - Saturday & holidays = 08.00 - 02.00

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. not bad... i'll be in jkt in one week! :)

  2. Quite the feast! Good to know that you can order the roast chicken in advance ... for next time. I love garlic toast, too, and yours looks scrumptious!

  3. This restaurant cracks me up. The chicken wedges and the chef salad look like things that you could get in a college dorm, but they seem so exciting at a restaurant hahaha.

  4. glo: Yup, next time, I probably will order first before going to the bistro :)

    mica: like in college dorm? hahahah... maybe even in the college dorm, the salad or chicken wedges look better ;) But then, seriously, the chefs salad wasn't bad at all.

  5. Love your reviews Selba. I'm not sure I would have the patience to wait that long for the chicken. Good thing it was worth it! Everything sounds yummy. Sorry you couldn't squeeze in some dessert. Perhaps, next time:)

    Thanks for sharing...

  6. kyh: Yay! You'll be in Jakarta in this week right! :D Well, hope you have a great and fun time! Just let me know if you need to get some info ;)

    louise: thanks, Louise! Definitely will try the dessert next time :)

  7. What a feast! That's great you can order the roasted chicken in advance.

  8. the streaky bacon looks awesome. am sure it goes well with beer! yum!

  9. brittany: Hi there, thanks for dropping by here :)

    cumi & ciki: my colleagues enjoyed the food with their red wine ;)
