Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mr. Curry - Japanese Curry and Sweet House

Last week, I had a fun enjoyable food testing panel experience together with the other food bloggers at a Japanese curry restaurant named Mr. Curry - one of Ismaya Group's restaurants.

When I arrived, it's so nice to see all their displayed food in front of the restaurant, definitely can make people to droll just by looking at them. The waitress greeted me and other customers in Japanese. As soon as I sat, I looked at the cute menu with the very wide of food's varieties. Then... the food tasting panel started :)

The warm and cozy interior of a kitchen with yellow orange scheme.

Green Tea - Rp. 11.000
Ginger pickles and chili powder
A bowl of salad for each main meal

Mango Smoothie - Rp. 28.000
Blueberry Smoothie - Rp. 25.000

Green Tea Shake
Peach Lassie - Rp. 28.000

Mussels Gratin - Rp. 38.000

Salmon Carpaccio - Rp. 33.000
Finger Fish - Rp. 33.000


Left - Seafood Rice Pizza - Rp. 38.000
Right - Minced Rice Pizza - Rp. 38.000

For all the curry dishes, there are 4 curry sauce options:
1. Original sauce - recommendation
2. Red Sauce (tomato base) - fresh
3. Black Sauce (fish base) - rich
4. White Sauce (cream base) - creamy
and there are 4 levels of spiciness.

Curry Jaja Ramen - Rp. 58.000

* Not sure the name of this dish

Chicken &Mushroom Omelette Curry Rice - Rp. 58.000

Assorted Mushroom Omnurice

Oxtail Curry Rice - Rp. 66.000

* Not sure the name of this dish

Chicken Katsu Curry Rice

Mr. Curry's new menu is Omurice - a contemporary Japanese dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. There are 2 kind of Omurice choices: Butter rice or Tomato rice.

Salmon Ikura Horenso Omurice - Rp. 58.000

Hotate&Prawn Omurice - Rp. 58.000


Mr. Curry Mango Parfait

Mini Doriyaki (Japanese pancake)
green tea ice cream with mango sauce

Stick cakes:
worth for trying ;)

Red Pepper Cheese Cake - Rp. 18.000
What an interesting taste of cheese cake with a Red Pepper flavor.

Wasabi & Black Pepper Cheese Cake - Rp. 18.000
Seriously, you can taste the wasabi and black pepper! I could even feel the zing into my nose from the wasabi! :)

Green Tea stick cake
A yummy strong green tea flavor

The winner of the night...
Doriyaki Ice Cream Green Tea - Rp. 22.000
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 8.600

Mr. Curry
Grand Indonesia
West Mall, Level 3A
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1


  1. I love looking at japanised western dishes...! The Japanese always somehow manage to make everything droolworthy :D)!!

  2. This food is so cute, especially the desserts. I'd feel so bad messing up the pretty sauce!

    I want to get a testing panel job!

  3. CG: Yeah... either it's fusion or authentic, Japanese food always makes me drool :)

    mica: Hahaha.. I believe there are a lot of opportunities in America for food testing panel ;)

  4. hai met kenal, saya link yah blognya, wah ada menu baru yah di mr curry, i love their manggo lassie hehe^^ klo dg smoothiesnya beda apa ya?

  5. anakjajan: thanks for linking :) Bedanya lassie ama smoothies? hmmm... not so sure, hehehe

  6. The restauant looks so neat and orderly. I would have loved to be on this tasting panel. I have been craving seafood lately and all of this looks good.

  7. Each and every dish looks incredible! Please don't make me pick just one. The Omurice sounds quite intriguing as does that glorious Mango parfait and I don't even like mango so much.

    Mr. Curry where are you??? Bring these dishes to the US!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Selba...

  8. monica: Ah.. I guess time to hit seafood restaurant or probably you can cook a seafood dish at home ;)

    louise: You don't like mango? You must try mango from South Asia, we have a lot of varieties and you might like it ;) Btw, the curry sauce in this restaurant is based using mango sauce.

  9. The curry with omurice looks like a gravy, no vegetable in there. Not nice.

  10. amateur cook: you are right, the omurice is actually gravy - not curry at all, and yes, it cooked without vegetables but salad is provided as a side dish.
