Monday, April 11, 2011

Tukang Nasi Uduk (Rice cooked with coconut milk)

I don't really have breakfast in the morning except a cup of coffee but sometimes, out of the blue, I like to have a breakfast :) One of the common breakfast that people in Jakarta (and probably also in other places out of Jakarta) like to eat is Nasi Uduk. So.. What is Nasi Uduk that being sold by those street food vendors? (Note: if you eat Nasi Uduk in a restaurant, they probably will serve the side dishes a bit differently)

Nasi Uduk
White rice steamed with coconut milk, salt, Indonesian bay leaves - daun salam, lemon grass leaves - daun sereh.

Fried shallot

Fried stuff
Tofu, Soy bean cake, Shrimp vegetable fritter - Bakwan

Fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce

Tofu and boiled egg in sweet soy sauce

sliced soybean caked with sweet soy sauce and fried red chili

Boiled eggs cooked with red chili

Sago Crackers

Peanut chili sauce

So, this is what I asked for my nasi uduk:

First the steamed rice with coconut milk (nasi uduk)
second the fried shallot
third the fried vermicelli
fourth the soybean cake
fifth the fried stuff - Bakwan
and all of this cost me only Rp. 5.000 which is less than US$ 0.75
It's definitely a real full satisfying breakfast ;)


  1. It's only in Indonesia that I saw rice eaten with noodles. It's a good idea because the dish has the best of both worlds! :) Ah, now I wish to have Nasi Uduk for tomorrow's breakfast!

  2. hairyberry: Do you know that Indonesian also like to eat their instant noodle (indomie) with rice? ;) Hopefully next time when you visit Indonesia againm, you get the chance to have nasi uduk for your breakfast :)

  3. The rice sounds like something I would love...I am surprised I have not made anything like that, now I must...

  4. chef E: It will be wonderful if you can try it, Chef E :)

  5. Selby,
    Your pictures made me soooo home sick. Delicious vegetarian breakfast feast :)

    Thanks for sharing your breakfast experience

  6. Yums! The rice-and-vermicelli mix takes some getting used to, but once one is over that, it's amazing!

  7. tuty: When are you coming back for a holiday in your home country?

    LFB: Rice and vermicelli mix is a wonderful match ;)

  8. I haven't bought anything from a street vendor for I don't know how long, maybe 10 years?? Everytime I return to Indo I always end up eating in a restaurant or food court. Street vendors really have a certain charm. I loved buying snacks from them when I still went to school in Indo ;)!

  9. CG: Hopefully, when you come for your holiday this summer, you'll be able to eat something from the street food vendors ;)

  10. WOW, this all looks great! Just found your amazing blog and am a new follower!
    - Jessica @

  11. cajunlicious: Hi Jessica, thanks for dropping by and become a follower of my food blog :) Hope to see you around!
