Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mr. Puff

The Cheese Roll's poster in front of  Mr. Puff store really got my attention.

It says, "Cheese filled pastry with flaky crust and sweet buttery cheese that melts in your mouth"

Look at those Cheese Rolls in the hot pastry showcase.... 
Oh my... Can't wait to eat it! *drooling*

Ordered a bottle of soy bean - Rp. 9.000, a large puff with rum custard filling - Rp. 8.000 and of course, a Cheese Roll - Rp. 9.000.

First bite.. Second bite... Third bite... Fourth bite of the Cheese Roll....
Uhmm... Where's the melting cheese?
Is there even cheese inside it? *wondering*

Argh.. It's totally so different than what it shows and says on the poster :(

Currency rate: 1 USD = Rp. 9.200

Mr. Puff 
Central Park Mall Lower Ground #202
Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28
Jakarta Barat
Phone: (021) 5698 5316

 Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Ooh...what a mood buster, right? =( The real thing's not as the promotion...

  2. ellyna: yeah... pretty disappointing for a "melted" cheese roll :(

  3. As my daughter use to say when she was expecting gooey goodness and it didn't happen, "No fair mommy, no fair:)" Sorry it was such a disappointment Selba. Just think of the fabulous review Mr. Puff's would have gotten if they would have stuck to their end of the bargain. Their loss...

    Thanks for sharing, I wish I had a Cheese Roll I could send to you:) You know you won't be happy until you satisfy that disappointment which now I'm sure has become a craving, lol...

  4. Hmm... guess the fantasy of melting cheese went up in a puff too. :P

    Jokes aside, I know how it feels when a dish ends up less than what is advertised. Hope you find a nice cheesy roll/puff soon, dear. :)

  5. louise: I can imagine how cute your daughter when she was a little girl, Louise :) Yeah, too bad, if it's not a disappointment, I definitely would come back again.

    kenny: Hahaha... absolutely went up in a puff!!! Gosh, you are totally so good playing with words, Kenny :)

  6. Found any decent substitute yet? :)

  7. kenny: Not yet... probably I should make it by my own ;)

  8. Aih... that's really irritating, it drive you mad really... especially when you've already imagined that gooey melting cheese inside but in reality it's nowhere to be found...

    Thanks for sharing :)

  9. tempatmakanenak: yup... it's very disappointing. Hope that they'll improve their Cheese roll.
