Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mango Float (Mango Graham Refrigerator Cake)

My first activity with the leaders and Filipino staff on our first arrival at the camp was to make the famous Filipino dessert. Not so sure what is the real name since people called it differently. Mango Float? Mango Graham Cake? Mango Refrigerator Cake? Uhmmm.... anyone would enlightened me? 

Ripe Mangoes
Condensed milk (we used Carnation)
Cream (we used Nestle)
Graham Crackers

Slice up the mangoes.

 Mix together the cream and condensed milk in a bowl.

Crush the Graham crackers.

Place the Graham crackers crumbs evenly in a pan. 
Pour the mixed cream and condensed milk.
Make sure the sweetened cream mixture cover all the Graham cracker crumbs.

Place the sliced mango on the top. Be generous! ;)

Ready to put in the freezer. It need at least 4 hours in the freezer!

Tadaaaa... the delicious and comforting Filipino dessert!

The girls who made the Mango Float/ Graham Cake :) 


  1. Selby, beli graham cracker di indo dimana ya? Tau ngga?

    1. inez: Hmmm... not so sure. Sejauh ini emang blom pernah liat di supermarket2 di Jakarta.

  2. This looks SO good! I saved this post in my reader so I can make it when I get home! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    1. mica: It's very delicious! The best dessert I had in the Philippines :) Let me know when you try it, ok.

  3. graham crackers-nya bisa diganti sama yang lain gak? alternatif apa yang kira-kira cocok?

    1. amanda: Uhmmm... mungkin bisa diganti dengan biscuit seperti Marie Regal, emang sih rasanya engga bener2 sama seperti Graham Craker tapi boleh dicoba :)

  4. peachkins: Love it too! :) I wish I could make it here in Jakarta, too bad, we don't have Graham crackers.

  5. aku udah bikin donk selba :P
    ENAK!!! Semua suka :)
    tapi aku salah takeran Carnation-nya kebanyakan :p
    plus aku mau tanya donk supaya pas bikin lagi ga salah...
    cream-nya tuh bukan whip cream encer kan ya?? :)
    + Graham Crackers-nya aku ganti regal :)

    1. lovebbi: Whoaaaa... seneng dengernya kalo pada suka :) well, bukan pake whip cream tapi cream yg agak kental (ga ada rasanya), di carrefour ada kok yg merek Nestle (persis seperti foto di post ini). Ah jadi pengen bikin lagi, mumpung masih musim mangga :)

    2. Oh.. btw, itu ga ada takarannya kok... ikutin selera masing2 ;) but then, yang dibikin saat camp, 4 kotak cream dicampur dengan 2 kaleng condensed milk, jadinya untuk 2 loyang.
