Sunday, August 5, 2012

Planet Popcorn

When I was in Manila, people told me that I must try the Chef Tony's popcorn because it's not like the ordinary popcorn. I really enjoyed the big size and the soft crispy texture of the popcorn. I was wishing that I could find the kind of popcorn like Chef Tony in Jakarta.

It came to my surprise when I saw this counter named Planet Popcorn at mall Taman Anggrek yesterday. It sells popcorn similar to Chef Tony's popcorn, yay! Planet popcorn is franchised from Taiwan and so far, the stores also can be found in Singapore and Malaysia. 

Beside the Original and Caramel flavors, there are also some interesting flavors like Cheese, Seaweed, Wasabi and Kimchi.

Original - Rp 30.000 per pack
Caramel - Rp. 33.000 per pack
Cheese - Rp. 35.000 per pack
Seaweed - Rp. 35.000 per pack
Wasabi - Rp. 35.000  per pack
Kimchi - Rp. 35.000  per pack

Original - Rp. 50.000 per bucket 
Caramel - Rp. 55.000 per bucket
Cheese - Rp. 60.000 per bucket
Seaweed - Rp. 60.000  per bucket
Wasabi - Rp. 60.000  per bucket
Kimchi - Rp. 60.000  per bucket

I really like the seaweed flavor!

Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.500

Planet Popcorn 
Mall Taman Anggrek 4th Floor
Jl. Let. Jend S. Parman Kav. 21
Jakarta Barat
Tel:  565 2456

  Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. LOVE popcorn. Especially the salty sort!

  2. Hi Selba!!!

    I'm so sorry I haven't been over to see you in such a long time. I see you are still doing wonderful reviews. Good for YOU!!!

    Wasabi Popcorn??? I'm a bit intrigued. Actually all the popcorns sound interesting. I guess Popcorn is going all gourmet these days and that's a good thing!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, It's so nice to "see" you:) Louise.

  3. louise: Hi Louise, so nice to "see" you in here again :) Thanks for dropping by! Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks, I guess.. as long as not too buttery, salty nor sweet.

  4. this one looks so appetizing, i think i should get one :D
    thanks for sharing, selba :)

    James Hezekiah

    1. james: The popcorn is different... different in size, texture and flavors. Give it a try and you might love it! :)

  5. There is a new franchise called popcorn story. It's pretty good!

    1. tried that too! yummy! apparently more taiwanese popcorn is coming to indo. Maccha-flavored is my fav:)
