Sunday, November 11, 2012

Baking Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cooking Plus

Yesterday was an exciting day for me and also Cindy whom I brought along to Cooking Plus located at Vineth Bakery for Red Velvet Cupcakes baking class, organized by Urbanesia, Jakarta Lifestyle City Directory of Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping and Businesses.

The class was hosted by Olivia Wongso, daughter of  Indonesia's famous culinary expert William Wongso.

It's fun to learn how to make Red Velvet cupcakes together with other 18 participants.  All of us were given one set of utensil with the ingredients and divided into a pair to work on the cupcakes.

The step by step process:

First step:
Butter 60 gr
Oil 30 gr
Sugar 200 gr
Egg 1 pcs
Vanilla Extract 1/2 tsp
Using an electric mixer on a medium-high speed, whisk together butter, oil, sugar until combined (light and pale). Add an egg, beat until well incorporated.

Second step:
Red Food Coloring 2 tbs
Cocoa Powder 1 tbs
Mix food coloring and cocoa powder, then pour into batter mixture. Beat until well mix.

in a 1 cup measurement, add 2 tbs of lemon juice then fill the cup with milk. Leave it about 1/2 hour before using.
Third step:
All Purpose Flour 165 gr
Salt 1/2 tsp
Buttermilk 1/2 cup
Baking Soda 1/2 tsp
Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp
Combine flour and salt together. Add flour mixture in three batches, alternating with two additions of buttermilk, and whisking well after each. Stir together the baking soda and vinegar in a small bowl (it will foam), then add quickly the mixture to the cupcake batter.

Divide the batter evenly among the cupcake tins about 2/3 filled. Bake in oven for about 20 minutes at 160º Celsius. Remove from oven and let it cool completely before frosting.

Cindy and I with our cupcake batter :)

Cream Cheese Frosting
Butter 75 gr
Cream Cheese 115 gr
Icing Sugar 240 gr
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp

Shift icing sugar, then combine all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Beat until light and fluffy. Frost each cupcake with the cream cheese frosting. Garnish the top of frosting with some sprinkles.

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Vineth Bakery
Jl. Panglima Polim Raya No. 63-65
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan


  1. Love the pictures! Very descriptive!
    Glad that you enjoyed the event :)

    1. missdimps: Thanks a lot! I had a great time making those cupcakes :)
