Saturday, March 16, 2013

Penne Minced Chicken with Cheese & Raspberry Panna Cotta - Cooking Class at Bakerzin

This morning, I joined a hands-on cooking class held by Bakerzin and Groupon Indonesia. The venue was at Bakerzin Central Park. The cooking class was quite fun although it was a bit crowded because there were about 25 participants and only 5 stoves provided. 

The chef from Bakerzin demonstrated how to cook "Penne Minced Chicken with Cheese". The original recipe is "Penne Minced Beef with Broccoli Cheese" but then, according to the chef, since the price of beef is very expensive these days, thus the minced beef is substituted with minced chicken. As for the broccoli, I have no idea why they couldn't provide it. Maybe broccoli is also very expensive, eh?

The recipe:

After the chef demonstrated it. Each group consisting of 4 to 5 participants had to cook according to the given recipe. It became a competition.

Step by step cooking Penne Minced Chicken with Cheese.

This is the Penne Minced Chicken with Cheese cooked by my group. 
And... My group won the competition! :)

The chef also demonstrated how to make Raspberry Panna Cotta. For this recipe, we only tried how it tasted. The taste was good but the texture was exactly like custard. It wasn't firm at all like those panna cottas that I have eaten before.

Central Park G Fl Unit 217,
Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28
West Jakarta

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the recipe! definitely helpful for a student living abroad like me :)

    anyway pls check out my blog at i'm a newbie :)
