Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rum Roso Il Cafe

I was pretty impressed to find out that this restaurant is serving pizza with Indonesian toppings.

 Pizza Balado - Rp. 70.000
I enjoyed this pizza although it doesn't have much cheese on it.

Pizza Rendang - Rp. 75.000
Of course, it doesn't taste like the authentic Rendang but still it's really good!

See the red chili? Felt happy to find out that it's not too spicy and I managed to eat a slice of it :)

 Blueberry Cheese Cake
Tasted wonderful! Very smooth and rich.

Lemongrass Tea - Rp. 25.000 (Left)
Blue Diamond - Rp. 32.000 (right)
All prices are subjects to 6% service charge and 10% VAT.
Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.910
Rum Roso Il Cafe
Apartment Senayan City Residence
Lobby Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19
Jakarta 10270
Tel: 72781985

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Hi Selba!

    Wow! That Blueberry Cheesecake looks silky smooth! I bet it tasted good too! I'm not much of a pizza eater but even that looks pretty good.

    Thank you so much for sharing...

    P.S. I can't seem to find the email you sent me but I will be writing you back as soon as I leave this comment.

    1. louise: Hi Louise, the blueberry cheesecake is totally delicious :) It's so nice to receive an email from you! Thanks!

  2. wow, didn't expect you to have the courage to order a Balado pizza, considering you can't stand chilli ^^

    1. albert chandra: I was already scared actually but good thing, it wasn't spicy at all ;)
