Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nafeeza Steak and Bento

Last week, my colleague brought me to try food at this restaurant named Nafeeza, specializing in Steak and Bento, although actually there are so many varieties of food choices in the menu. From Asian food (Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese) until Western food (Italian, French). I was quite astound when I looked at the prices which are so affordable. But then at the end after I tried the food, my conclusion is "you get what you pay for" ;) 


 Non Air-cond.

If you love chili, you will be really happy with all the array of Indonesian chili.

Sambal (chili)

Ceker - Rp. 12.000
As a dim sum chicken feet style lover, I was quite disappointed of this dish. The chicken feet probably was already over heated so many times that made it taste so mushy.

Kwotie - Rp. 12.000
Tasted good but not as good as the authentic ones.

Nasi Bakar Seafood - Rp. 25.000
Pretty good but too spicy for me. I barely could eat it.

Sirloin local - Rp. 48.000
top local sirloin (150gr) grilled and brushed with tangy BBQ sauce, served with mix veggie and french fries.

I asked for a medium rare steak. Well, it looks more like "rare" than "medium rare" to me. What do you think?

Three type of sauces for the steak (BBQ, sweet sour and black pepper).

Escargot de Champignon - Rp. 39.000
I guess I was expecting too much for this French dish. The mushroom really absorbed the margarine. Very oily.

Poached Pear Puff Pastry - Rp. 39.000
I like it! But please do not expect too much when you order this. It's just a simple puff pastry with poached pear on the top.

Bakpao Cokelat (chocolate bun)
It's good but it would be much better if the filling was melted chocolate.

Melon punch
Very sweet!!! It's like drinking sugar water.

All prices are subjected to tax and service charge.
Current currency: 1 USD =
Rp. 11.420

Nafeeza Steak and Bento
Jl. Ampera Raya No. 127
Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Operating hours: 11 am - 12 am

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Ih ini gak enak samsek!.
    Steaknya ga ada rasanya mosok dagingnya kayak daging glondongan..pdhl dah pesen yg paling mahal.
    Seafoodnya ga seger..agak bau.
    Dimsumnya jg so-so...jauhlah.

    1. vari sapi lucu: Makanya saya juga bilang dengan istilah yg sama yaitu "ada harga yah ada barang". Makanan2 yg dijual di sini memang murah tapi yah rasanya juga jadi "murah", hehehe.... Kayaknya saya harus lebih deskripsiin rasanya lebih detail deh, ga bisa cuma bilang "very sweet" walaupun memang maksudnya itu minuman ampun2an manisnya kayak minum gula, hahaha....

    2. Iya kayaknya reviewnya yg lebih jujur aja ..hahahahha..asli.kita berempat makan disitu penasaran knapa parkirannya rame mulu (yg di karang tengah lrbak bulus) padahal rasanya ampun ga enak banget. Ini apa palet lidah kita yg 'ketinggian' atau emang kita apes aja dpt pas ga enak. Tapi mosok dari pesenan berempat yg beda2 kagak.ada tuh yg enak satupun. Iya minum es teh manisnya kayak minum es gula pake teh..hahahah

    3. vari sapi lucu: Kalau menurut saya sih sebenarnya yah dengan harga boleh dibilang murah meriah, kita engga bisa berharap terlalu tinggi akan rasanya. Dari yg saya dengar sih sebetulnya tukang masak/chef-nya sebetulnya lumayan bagus2 (berasal dari restoran2 terkenal sebelum kerja di sini) cuma karena bahan makanannya yg kualitasnya rendah, makanya rasanya juga jadi engga bisa terlalu enak. Sayang yah sebetulnya... tapi emang pangsa pasar dari restoran ini sebetulnya untuk kalangan menengah ke bawah.
      Kalau kenapa bisa ramai, yah karena harganya yg murah.. khan engga semua orang peduli sama rasa makanan, yang penting buat mereka adalah murah mengenyangkan dan mereka pun sudah bahagia, hehehehe... ;)

  2. Replies
    1. albert chandra: Hahahaha... iyaaaa.... bener2 dikasih yang "rare" instead "medium-rare".
