Sunday, January 4, 2015

Warung Sangrai - Pelopor Puyuh, PIK

Do you like to eat quail meat? If yes, a good news for those who live in Jakarta. Warung Sangrai (the famous quail meat restaurant in Bandung) has just opened a restaurant in Pantai Indah Kapuk area. 

Previously quail meat was much favored in French cooking but these days, it is not dominated only in French cooking. People like to eat quail meat, not only because is delicious but it has also other benefits such as low in cholesterol, high in protein and vitamins, strengthen stamina, enhanced good memory and brain activity.

The restaurant is divided into two sections:
Sitting on the chair.

Sitting on the mat.

Something that I found when I washed my hands, 
a cute sink with fish and shrimp swimming inside it :)

How to order the quail dish:

First: Choosing the quail.
Customer have to choose between the local quail and French Quail.
Puyuh lokal (local quail) - Rp. 19.000 
the size is a bit smaller than French quail but it is tastier and got more crunchy texture.
Puyuh Perancis (French quail)  - Rp. 29.000
It is meaty because the size is bigger than the local quail.

Second: Choosing the taste.
There are 6 levels of spiciness.
The lowest to the highest level: GocapCabe IjoCabe Garam - Sambal Endeus - Rawit - Extra Rawit.
There is also original type (without sauce) for those who can not eat spicy.

Third: Choosing the side dish

There is also another option for customer who does not want to eat quail. Warung Sangrai also serves Chicken - Rp. 19.000.

Puyuh Cabe Ijo
Green chili.

Puyuh Cabe Garam
3 types of chili with salt.

Puyuh Sambal Endeus
Hot sweet soy sauce.

Puyuh Rawit 
Very spicy!


Cah Kuciwis - Rp. 13.000
Stir-fried mini cabbage.

Kol Goreng - Rp. 8.000
I have never had fried white cabbage before and I was pretty impressed with this side dish. 

  Tahu Cabe Garam - Rp. 13.000
Fried battered tofu with chili and salt. Love the chewiness of this tofu.

Sarang Komplit - Rp. 13.000
Fried tempe (soybean cake), fried yellow tofu, fried white cabbage.

White rice - Rp. 6.000
Red rice - Rp. 7.000

Nasi Tutug Oncom Puyuh - Rp. 36.000
A package of a fried quail, fermented soybean rice, fried soybean cake, fried tofu, a bowl of sayur asem and chili sauce.

Nasi Tutug Oncom
White rice cooked with fermented soybean and onion. It was so tasty.


Strawberry Dinosaurus - Rp. 22.000
A refreshing strawberry juice topped with milo powder.
Current currency:
1 USD = Rp. 12.515
Warung Sangrai
Ruko Emerald Blok A No. 2 (across Market City)
Pantai Indah Kapuk
North Jakarta

Phone: 98115733 (for delivery/catering)


  1. ini khas Sunda gitu ya, keliatannya enak..mau ah nyobain

    1. vari sapi lucu: Iya.. khas Sunda, walaupun rasanya agak di-adjust lebih ke lidah org Jakarta (rasa yg nendang, hehehe). Boleh dicoba... enaaaaak!!! apalagi kalo doyan sama yg pedas2 :)
