Sunday, June 28, 2015

Omakase at Umaku Sushi Resto, Duren Tiga

On a shiny Saturday during the rainy season, Food Escape and I had an amazing and impressive Omakase lunch together at the Umaku branch in Duren Tiga, Pejaten area.

I noticed that many sushi lovers are praising about Umaku Sushi Resto. It is not only about the high quality of the freshness fish for the sashimi and sushi but also the affordable price for their famous Omakase.

Frankly speaking, this was my first time Omakase experience. Thus, sitting at the Omakase counter is an educational and fun experience for me. I must admit that the fresh and high quality of the ingredients with a twist at Umaku Sushi Resto totally impressed me.

Chef Syaiful
Talking to and learning from Chef Syaiful, definitely gives a personal and intimate experience. 

The Omakase comes first with salad, followed by sashimi (4 servings), sushi (7-8 servings), yakimono (1 serving), nimono (1 soup), ginzaro (1 handroll), and dessert.

Salmon Salad with sesame dressing
Undoubtedly this salad was a good appetizer to start with. 

Scallop Hokaido

Salmon Nuzu Miso

This Tuna's belly was truly amazing delicious.

Tako Utsuzukuri Konsumi 
Thin slices octopus with ponzu sauce, tangy and spicy.

Toro Yakimono

Tempura Akake - silomi
White grouper with grated daikon sauce.

Ebi sushi
Fresh and crunchy

Saba sushi 
Mackarel fish

Saki Aburi sushi sweet teriyaki sauce
The best salmon that ever melted in my mouth

Ikura Gunkan (battle ship)
Love how these oil fish popped inside my mouth.

Mekajiki sushi 
Sword fish

Toro Aburi sushi 

Ika sushi

Unagi sushi
Eel with teriyaki sauce.

Handroll ginza style 
Similar to what usually being served in Japanese restaurants, only not in cone shape 

Miso soup Katsubusi 

Matcha ice cream (green tea)
 it definitely gave a good closure after a great lunch.
Current currency:
1 USD - Rp. 13.335

To experience this wonderful Omakase - Rp. 325.000/person, it would be better to make a booking first a day before.

Umaku Sushi Resto
Duren Tiga
Jl.Duren Tiga Raya No. 32
Duren Tiga, Jakarta Selatan
Telp: 791 70337/ 716 50299

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. OMG ci, baru sadar baru dipost sekarang, yummy ya Umaku! Tp setelah itu udah ada berapa kali makan omakasenya, ga seenak yang pertama waktu kita barengan. :p

    Tp a la carte-nya enakkk! Kapan2 ke sana lagi yukk!

    1. daisy caroline: Iya, akhirnya diposting setelah berbulan2, hahaha... Yah, sayang banget rasanya udah ga seenak yang pertama kita makan... Yuk.. yuk.. yuk, mau banget balik lagi ke Umaku buat cobain a la carte-nya :)

  2. Hi frau sabine ini leo 7a itu restonya jauh ya ?

  3. leonard: iya, lumayan jauh, tapi makanannya benar2 enak lho... boleh dicoba :)
