Thursday, December 29, 2016

Teh Tarik in Little India, Penang

On the 3rd day in Penang, my colleagues and I had a city tour (Little India, China Town, Anglican Church, Kuan Yin Chinese Temple, Mahamariamman Indian Temple, Kapitan Keling Mosque).

Kapitan Keling Mosque, built in the 19th century by Indian Muslim traders in George Town.

 Kuan Im Teng temple at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling.

The famous "Little Children on a Bicycle" Mural at Armenian Street, George Town.

One thing for sure to have during a hot day is Teh Tarik. We managed to find a stall of Teh Tarik in Little India after walking around under the sun.

Brewing the tea leaves.

With hot water.

Added condense milk and also evaporated milk.

Pull... pull...pull....

Pour over the ice cubes in the plastic bag.

1 plastic of Teh Tarik - RM 1.65
So refreshing on a sunny day :)
Current currency:
1 Ringgit Malaysia = Rp. 3.003
1 USD = RM 4.48
Little India
Lebuh Pasar, George Town
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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