Saturday, May 27, 2006

Turkish Apple Tea

Turkish Apple Tea is a common beverage in the daily life in Turkey. It's really soothing drinking it during the cold weather and refreshing during the hot weather.


  1. You can usually find just plain Turkish black tea at homes, however apple tea is a popular hot beverage at touristic places.

    Also fresh linden tea was a common herbal tea at Turkish coffee&tea houses, however now you can hardly find cafés serving fresh linden flower tea. They've started using tea bags for herbal teas, too. Pain in the neck!

    But I'm an exception, you can find any kinds of tea at my home :))

  2. bal: Oh.. I'm learning something new, thanks for the explanation :)

    Don't really like the tea bags, they don't tasted as good as the "original" tea leaves.

  3. You know, I've never had Turkish apple tea!

  4. MTC: Never tried Turkish apple tea? You must be kidding!!! Hahaha...
    Seriously, Turkish apple tea is one of the nicest beverages, I've ever tried :)
