Wednesday, September 13, 2006


A yummy snack that you can find easily on the street in Jakarta is Otak-otak (fish cake being grilled over charcoal). Mostly Otak-otak is being sold on a bicycle or motorbike. I know that Otak-otak can be also found in Malaysian and Singaporean.

The ingredients:Fish (mackerel, salmon, threadfin or barramundi)
Thick coconut milk
Small hen eggs or one duck egg
pepper, sugar and salt

Paste Spices
Fresh chilies, Lemongrass, Galangal, Roasted Candlenuts, Shrimp paste, Garlic & Shallots.
Banana leaves for wrapping the fish paste.


  1. ahhh my favorite street food. I really like your street food posts. This kind of posts are very rare. Please post more. great blog!
