Saturday, February 16, 2008

Babi Guling

If you are looking for the best place for suckling pig (Babi Guling), then I will recommend "Bu Oka" which located in Ubud -Bali.

The ladies are preparing the Nasi babi guling.

The head of the pig.

So flavorful and spicy.

The blood sausage.

The meat is so tender and juicy... the skin is so crispy...

Warung Bu Oka - Babi Guling (Suckling Pig)
Jalan Suweta/Tegal Sari No. 2
Ubud, Bali
Telepon: (0361) 976345.


  1. Wow, Babi Guling is enough to die for...heee. which one is the best in bali? pls give some tips, so that i can hunt for that babi when i & my husband go for holiday. thankx

  2. Hi gill gill, welcome to my blog :) Your avatar is a cute babi! hehehe..

    Well, the best place for Babi Guling in Bali is "Ibu Oka" in Ubud. It's really easy to find it because it's opposite of the Ubud Tourist Information centre.

    Anthony Bourdain was there last time for his "No Reservation" show and he really likes it :D

  3. Heard so much of this place... but till today, I haven't the chance to visit Indonesia :-P Will have to make it in future.

    I like Anthony Bourdain too :-) He's a very sporting guy compared to Andrew Zimmerman.

  4. pixen: Pixen... Most of people love Bali and say it's like in paradise :)

    You gotta come to Bali!
    Not only the cultures, beaches, mountains, temples, ambience, balinese people but also for the babi guling :)

    Oh yes.. Anthony Bourdain rocks!!! hehehe... Well, as for Andrew Zimmerman, he can't stand durian at all... :( and I love durian as much as I love Anthony Bourdain. LOL
