Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last weekend, mom cooked Rawon. Rawon is meat soup using "klewek" spice. Originally, Rawon is an East Java dish, eaten with white rice, bean sprout, kerupuk and also telur asin (salty duck egg).

 The ingredients:

The cooking:



  1. I like the combination of ingredients that goes into making the curry base; very similar to Soto, except for the klewek.

  2. Curry base is tumeric, right?

    Klewek is an original Indonesian spice which I don't think can be found in other countries.

  3. Yes turmeric is one of the key ingredients of curry powder.

    For traditional meat preparations, we use a combination of spices called garam masala. The literal translation is hot spice, so you can imagine. ;)

  4. Hahahaha...

    It's so funny when I read the spice "Garam masala" coz' in indonesia,

    garam means salt
    masalah means problem


  5. I missed eating buah kluwak or klewek especially the Malacca Nyonya's Ayam Masak Buah Kluwak! My mom used to cook it when she can find the nuts in the market.

  6. pixen: How does your mom usually cook kluwak? Is it the same like Rawon?

  7. Hi Selba,

    My mom would cut small openings on the buah kluwak after soaking them overnight. Remove the nuts and mix the nuts with other ingredient like minced prawns then stuffed it back inside the nut shells. Cooked the stuffed nuts with chicken, etc with rempah mix.

  8. pixen: Wow.. that's interesting!!! Klewek with minced prawns then stuffed it back inside the nut shells. Is there any chance you can cook it then post it in your blog? :D
