Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ketan Bakar

I called the Panasonic service centre and found out that my lumix digicam is fixed already! Yay! So, during lunch time, I went to pick it up.

On my way back to the office, I saw this guy selling Ketan Bakar which is roasted glutinous rice with sugar and dried coconut.

Happy to buy a slice of Ketan Bakar and able to use my digicam again :)



  1. I'd not tried Ketan Bakar before but would love to!

    If I were to visit Jakarta again - it would be for a food tour this time!

  2. Guess what?
    I mistakenly read the title as Ketam Bakar, and i feel so excited... thinking u r writing about Ketam bakar. LOL

    From the picture, I can imagine how the ketan bakar tasted like although i have never tasted it before

  3. Mee too thot Ketam Bakar. Note that it's ikan bilis powdery spread on the bread; unusual.

  4. ketan bakar......


    amazingly it roast in open fire.
    that food don't have here at all

  5. oh! just like what I had when I was a kid, such an authentic food!

  6. it looks like toast bread at a glance.

  7. Mmm that looks good, you know what I'd like to add to it? Cooked sweetened coconut milk on top :)
    More moisture.

  8. fh2o: Be ready with your stomach when you visit Jakarta, coz' there are a lot of Indonesian food to try ;)

    chen: Oh.. ketam as bugs or fish? LOL

    I believe there are some similiar malay snack that tasted like ketan bakar.

    jencooks: Ikan bilis powdery spread on bread? Whoa.. definitely also unusual for me

    pisang goreng: We have some other food/snack that roast in open fire ;)

  9. big boys oven: Really? Wow! Then looking at this ketan bakar, brings back to your childhood memory ya? :)

    ck lam: hahaha... yes, but in small size :D

    olivia: What a good idea! But it sounds kinda thai dessert ;)

  10. Reminds me that the safest and tastiest food are those just taken off the fire. The sticky rice must be a real good base for the sugar and coconut!.

  11. I've never seen this before. Simple, sweet, satisfying. Sold!

  12. worldwindows: Yes, you are totally right about the safest and tastiest food are those just taken off the fire, especially for food on the street :)

    Nate-n-Annie: Welcome to my humble blog :)

    I like the way you are saying," Simple, sweet, satisfying. Sold!" Sounds so perfect, hehehe...

  13. The glutinous rice looks like roti bakar. Am sure it tastes good!

  14. precious pea: Yes, indeed. It tasted chewy and crunchy in the same time :)

  15. I luv glutinous rice. Looks interesting and yummy!

  16. food for tots: If you are a glutinous rice fan, you gotta try it :)

  17. wow! that's so cool - is it a traditional dish?

  18. pearl: yes, it is a traditional dish :)

  19. at first, i read ketam bakar..hehe...yummy also, me thinks!

    and that's a very interesting streetfood you featured. great as a snack!

  20. Nic: Hehehe.. you also got mistaken by the word "ketan" as "ketam" :D

    Yes, it's yummy!

  21. Me too thot it was ketam (crab in B. Malaysia). Then got confused when the picture does not jive. Lol.

  22. tummythoz: Oh.. hahaha... Now, I know that Ketam means crab.. though is kinda like fish or bugs :D

    allie: The ketan tasted a bit salty and got coconut flavour. If you bite then you can feel the chewy texture then the dried grated coconut and sugar, it gives the crunchiness. The best way is to try it yourself ;)

  23. simple yet looks so yummy!! =D wanna try that some day! haha..

    and thanks.. im just a beginner.. LOL

  24. andrew: hi Andrew, thanks for dropping by :)

  25. i think all the malaysian readers would have read as Ketam (crab) bakar at first glance :). is it chewy and sticky like kuih/ kueh?

  26. Your post was mentioning it was a glutinous rice. But to me it looks like a toast.

    Do the rice have any flavor in it ? Like sweet or salty?

  27. sc: Hahaha... the different just between "M" and "N" but totally different. Gloutinous rice is nasi Ketan in bahasa Indonesia.

    Yes, it's chewy and sticky :)

    email2me: the glutinous rice is mixed with salty coconut milk before it put on the fire.

    It's eaten with sugar, thus the taste is mixed between salty and sweet :)

  28. Is this available in Jakarta? If got, I'll give is a shot when I am there next year for business trip. :D

  29. email2me: You are coming to Jakarta next year? Wow... that's cool! You can try and explore a lot of food here :)

    And yes, definitely, you can find the ketan bakar in Jakarta. It's quite easy to find since they sell it on the street.

  30. O goeey richness!Glutinous rice cake
    dressed in sugar
    You make me hungry
    wanting to bite into you with vigour

    Fighting your temptation
    Alas its all in vain
    I need to keep away
    because of my cavity pain!

  31. laveena: LOL
    Like how you write your comment into a funny poem. You gotta see the dentist if you want to eat the ketan bakar, ok ;)
