Thursday, January 15, 2009

Es Podeng

It's been raining almost everyday in Jakarta since last week, even some places are having flood. But then, despite the rainy weather, it doesn't stop me from eating ice cream :)

The ingredients of a "simple" Es Podeng:
- Sago pearls
- Chopped bread
- Avocado
- Indonesian traditional ice cream made from coconut milk

and for the "non-simple" Es Podeng, there'll be additional ingredients of tape (fermented tapioca), coconut and jackfruit.

es podeng1

- Condense milk (chocolate flavour)
- Chocolate sprinkles
- Roasted peanuts

Rp. 5.000 per cup


  1. Avocado is so easily available there. *sigh* So near yet so far.

  2. tommythoz: Is it very difficult to find avocado in Malaysia?

  3. This looks more of digestive ice cream to me. :D

    I saw this before when I was in Jakarta. But don't dare to try it cause not sure what is it. Will give it a shot next round down there.

  4. email2me: Es podeng is very famous, you can find it on the streets, in the food courts and also in Indonesian restaurants.

    Probably the best way to try it, is from the food courts/ restaurants because it's more "safe aka clean" than the ones on the streets ;)

  5. Oh, this is so special. :) Lemak, sweet and fragrant.

  6. This looks great, very colorful!

  7. little inbox: pssstt... don't mention about the "lemak" part, hehehe....

    sara: thanks for visiting my blog :)

  8. I love anything with avocado. This dessert must be so rich and flavourful. Wish i could try.

    How are the pups? Running around oledi?

  9. That looks like a taste of summer that I need right about now!

  10. precious pea: Have you tried avocado juice? It's really yummy :D Next time, when you visit Indonesia, don't forget to give a try!

    Yes! the puppies are running around already, hehehe... and they so adorable and something that is so amazing, we let them free in the house, but they know exactly where "to do their business" on the old newspapers that we put on the floor, without any training :)

    cakebrain: welcome to my blog :) I guess we need the sunshine right now, hehehe

  11. Yum yum, avocado in dessert, perfect! It definitely looks good for all weather!

  12. So many toppings!! I also feel like eating one now! Hehehe!

  13. this is so very interesting! wished i could try it :(

  14. Surprising Malaysians in general not really into eating avocados. But then at RM4-6 for a small one imported from Australia is not a good incentive to start. The juices or shake or ice-cream there is very good. I saw of alot of large local avocados in Bogor roadside market.

  15. 550ml jar of faith: hi.. welcome to my blog :) I agreed with you!

    food for tots: sometimes, it feels too much toppings!Hehehe...

    sc: You definitely must come to Jakarta ;)

    worldwindwos: The avocados in malaysia are imported? Here, avocados is very easily to find in the market.. Oh.. true, a lot of avocados in Bogor roadside, even if you go further to Puncak area :)

  16. What a combination flavors, textures and colors. The cold and rain wouldn't stop me from eating this either.

  17. pam: *hi 5* ice cream for every seasons :)

  18. For me, it seems an unusual mix of things. I'll just go have something coconuty at the next stall ;)

  19. olivia: Are you sure that you don't want to try it? It's yummy ;)
    Btw, this is the sago pearl post, remember you mentioned that you are going to tell how your mom used to prepare it for you, *winks*

  20. I sure would love to visit Jakarta! You have sold me!!!!ha! ha!
    Love anything with avos!

  21. Looks yummy! Thanks for the list of ingredients. An interesting combination ~ :)

  22. nazarina: hello... thanks for dropping by at my blog :)
    There're a lot of yummy food in Indonesia, just come and try, hehehe...

    glo: You can try to make it ;)
    For the traditional indonesian ice cream, just substitute it with vanila ice cream, I believe it would still tasted yummy.

  23. The combination of bread, nuts, avocado or tapioca and coconut milk seems so interesting and exotic for a dessert. I love the end result, so colourful.

  24. laveena: Nice colour and also nice taste :) You didn't try it when you were in Jakarta?

  25. Avocado is available in supermarket in Malaysia, but pricey.

    So many different and interesting food stuff in Indonesia. Dunno when i can pay Jakarta a visit :)

  26. chen: ah.. pricey because the avocados are imported. I wonder why Malaysia doesn't plant it by themselves coz' it's must be much cheaper and avocado is really good source for healthiness.

    Hope that you can visit Jakarta someday coz' I would be really happy to meet you and bring you around :)

  27. Oh yes. She would boil cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom in a little water, add the sago until it puffed up, then finish the boil with milk and sugar.

  28. olivia: Interesting to know how your mom prepares the sago pearls, thanks for sharing it :)

  29. sweet treat!. Es podeng! used to have it

  30. indonesia-eats: hey... you still can have it although you are not here in Indonesia, make it your own ;) I believe you can find in Asian stores for the sago pearls.
