Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Imperial Treasure La Mian Xiao Long Bao

Wishing you all:


Today, my ex-supervisor invited me and my colleague for a Chinese New Year's lunch at Imperial Treasure restaurant located in Plaza Indonesia.

imperial treasure 1
We ordered:
- Deep Fried Dice Chicken with Chilli Rp. 58.000
- SoonHock (fish) with Fresh Chili 300 grams Rp. 108.000
- Steamed Beancurd with Shrimp Rp. 60.000
- Fried La Mian with Chicken and Bamboo fun Rp. 55.000
- Xiao Long Bao (Shanghai Steamed Chicken Dumplings) Rp. 20.000
- Red Bean Paste Pancake Rp. 33.000
- Almond Beancurd & Fruit Rp. 18.000
- 3 Chinese Tea Rp. 18.000
- 1 steamed rice Rp. 6.000
- Pickle (braised peanuts) Rp. 6.000
All prices subject to 10% Tax.
Food is Halal

(currency: 1 USD = Rp. 11.300
1 RM = Rp. 3.100)
Oh.. and if we use the wet tissue, we have to pay extra for Rp. 500/sheet.

It was a really nice lunch, not only because of the delicious food but I also had a great laugh and chitchat :)
p.s: I was so impressed with the watermark that Criz Lai made for Precious Pea, thus I emailed and asked him whether he would make one for me. As you can see on the pics in this post, Crize Lai designed a special logo for me and provided the instruction on how to do the watermark. I'm so happy. Thank you so much, Criz! I love it! You really made my day! :)

Related post:
Imperial Treasure Kitchen


  1. What a feast! So in keeping with the mood. Happy Chinese New Year Selbi :)


  2. What a delicious feast you had. Happy Chinese New Year!

  3. Oh I am drooling over the fish with chili. I love fish.

  4. laveena: Yes, definitely! Happy Chinese New Year too :)

    pam: It is a delicious feast indeed. Happy Chinese New Year too :)

    pearl: Happy Chinese New Year too :)

    livie: That's a good choice! The most delicious and expensive one, hehehe...

  5. Yum yum, a fitting feast indeed! I wonder how xiu long bao tastes like with chicken though?

  6. 550ml jar of faith: If I'm not mistaken mostly well known franchise chinese restaurants in Jakarta such as Din Tai Fung and Nan Xiang are halal. I'm not sure how to tell the difference between the xiao long bao with pork and chicken because so far, all xiao long bao that I've eaten is halal :)

  7. noobcook: Yes, it was :)
    Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  8. hey! wonder how the CHinese food over there taste like.

    nice watermark. maybe I should consider one, for aesthetic values. doubtful anyone would wanna use my pics. haha ....

  9. j2kfm: Hehehe... you gotta try yourself the Chinese food in Jakarta. I will say it is very good but for some people, they are not too happy with the "halal" part because how can Chinese food has a perfect taste without the porky thing (not only the meat but the oil, the aroma, etc.).

    Thanks, I love the logo actually instead of the watermark ;)
    Hey... no body knows... like me, I also never thought that anyone would use my pics but... surprisingly some people are using my pics in their blogs, and guess what? All without my permission at all :( but at least they put the source of the pics.

  10. glo: Gong Xi Fa Cai too, Glo :)

  11. There is nothing like good food and good company. Happy Chinese New Year!!

  12. history of greek food: You are right :)
    Happy Chinese New Year too...

  13. Happy Chinese New Year, looks like you had a marvelous time and enjoyed some wonderful food.

  14. Happy CHinese New Year to you! I loved seeing your pictures... they took me right back home to Jakarta. =)

  15. wao plaza indonesia? I wish I am there anyway, I am going for Bali on next month for tour :) I wont try out the chinese food there of course, I will go to the road site there for local food. Do you have any idea what is the best food in Bali?

  16. ohh, it looks like you had quite the delicious dinner!

  17. Looks like quite a feast to ring in the New Year.

  18. A wonderful feast indeed! Happy New Year to you!

  19. thank you for letting us see all these wonderful food available there. would not have known it's such a food paradise!

  20. The interior looks pretty nice! I like the xiao long bao; it looks very plump and juicy in your photo. I haven't had the red bean paste pancake in a very long time! It's a very good dish to eat though.

  21. Katherine aucoin: Happy Chinese New Year too, Katherine.
    Yes, I really had a great CNY lunch :)

    jesse: Hello Jesse, thanks for dropping by at my blog :)
    Ah… you are from Jakarta? Not coming home to celebrate CNY?

    steven goh: Wow… you are going to Bali? That’s great!

    For sure, I will recommend "Babi Guling" - the best suckling pig at Bu Oka located in Ubud.

    If you like seafood, then the famous place is in Jimbaran beach, there are a lot seafood restaurants that you can choose. Well for me, I think the seafood is just ordinary but definitely the atmosphere there is very nice especially watching the sunset :)

    If you like to eat duck, you can try "Bebek Bengil" in Padang Tegal Ubud, it will be nice experience eating there because the restaurant is in the middle of rice field.

    Another place that I would recommend is "Warung Made" restaurant in Seminyak Kuta. It's a nice place to hang out. You can try the variety of Bali food but the food there is a bit pricey because a lot expatriates like to go there.

  22. heather: Yes indeed and also great time with my ex-supervisor and colleague :)

    Indonesia-eats: Gong Xi Fa Cai too! And thanks a lot for your email :)

    joie de vivre: Hello joie de vivre, welcome to my blog.
    Yes, it's great to start the New Year with delicious food :)

  23. natashya: Hi Natashya, welcome to my blog :)
    Happy New Year to you and your puppies too.

    mistipurple: Glad that you enjoy to see the food here in Indonesia through my blog.

    Hey.. why don't you come to visit me in Jakarta so I can bring you around to try the food ;)

    eattraveleat: Hi EatTravelEat, welcome to my blog :)
    The xiao long bao was very juicy and yummy. Is there any restaurant in your area that sell red bean paste pancake?

  24. Happy Chinese New Year!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've scrolled through the last few post. Very interesting, I'm getting a real foodie education! I'll be back!

  25. inggrid: Hi Inggrid, so happy to see you in here :)
    Happy Chinese New Year too...

  26. Hi and thank you for stopping by at my blog!
    Wow all that food looks so lovely!
    Happy Chinese New Year to You!

  27. jan: hello Jan, welcome to my blog and thank you :)
    Happy Chinese New Year to you too.

  28. Hi Selba. May the year of Ox bring you all the happiness, good fortune, health and prosperity you wish for.

  29. babe_kl: Happy New Year too, babe_kl! Wishing you, all the best in year of Ox :)

  30. Thanks so much for the comment! Happy Chinese New Year - everything looks absolutely delicious!!!

  31. Times like this, I remember the diversity of food Indonesia offers. For a time several years back, I was practically living out of hotels in Jakarta and Bandung! :P

    Happy Chinese New Year Selba! :D

  32. Thanks for visiting our blog! All of that food looks amazing!

  33. Wow, that's a lot of food! Happy Chinese New Year!

  34. Happy Chinese New Year and thanks for stopping by my blog!What an interesting blog you have with so many yummy pictures of food!

  35. Happy Chinese New Year:)
    That's an appetizing spread of good food.

  36. What a nice meal!!! Happy new year to you!

  37. vanessa: Hi Vanessa, welcome to my blog :)
    Happy Chinese New Year too.

    life for beginners: Hello Kenny, nice to see you in here :)

    What a surprised that you worked here in Indonesia before. Which one did you prefer, Jakarta or Bandung? Jakarta is nicer, right? Hehehe…
    Happy Chinese New Year too, Kenny.

    doggybloggy: Hello there…
    Happy Chinese New Year too.

  38. maria: Hi Maria, welcome to my blog.
    Not only looks amazing but also tasted delicious :)

    jessy and her dog Winnie: Hi Jessy and also Winnie *pats Winnie’s head*
    Welcome to my blog :)

    lyrical lemongrass: A lot of food for only 3 people, hehehe
    Happy Chinese New Year too.

  39. mark Salinas: Hi Mark, welcome to my blog :)
    Yup… a feast with yummy food.

    Lynda Hello Lynda, thanks for visiting my blog too and also for the compliments :)

  40. yasmeen: Happy Chinese New Year too, Yasmeen.
    Yes, can’t more agreed with you, hehehe

    clumbsy cookie: Yes, indeed :)
    Happy New Year to you too.

  41. Happy Chinese New Year! The food looks so delicious! :D

  42. NQN: Hi NQN, welcome to my blog :)
    Yes, delicious indeed.
    Happy Chinese New Year too.

  43. wow..another great food blog over here.. thanks for sharing..

  44. reanaclaire: Hello Reanaclaire, thank you for visiting my blog and your kind compliment :)

  45. ehh..really nice watermark!!! i also want! Criz!!!!!

  46. thenormadgormand: Hahaha... Believe me, you will not get disappointed coz' Criz is one of the best! ;)

  47. Everything looks delicious, you are so lucky!

  48. Great spread of food on this festive season. Happy Chinese New Year!

  49. sara: Hehehe... Yes, I guess 'm lucky... got treated for delicious food :)

    ck lam: Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family too, CK :)

  50. Hi Selba, Happy Chinese New Year to you and your mom. I wished you prosperity, wealth and great health. Thank you for all the recipes and beautiful picts you shared.

    I'd been slightly overfed by my family with Steamboat, cookies.. the lots until I had to take a breather from eating :-D. Tomorrow is 7th Day is the People's Day... more food again with family.

    Have wonderful holidays!


  51. pixen: Hi pixen, xi nian kuai le to you and your hubby too :)
    How nice for people who really celebrate the tradition of Chinese New Year. I know that each day starting from the 1st day of CNY has a meaning and also what to do until the 15th day (Cap Go Meh) if I'm not mistaken then the feast will end. I wish I could be part of the CNY's tradion coz' I never had CNY reunion with family nor received any ang pao from them, hahaha :D
    Enjoy your holiday!

    cariso: Gong Xi Fa Cai, Carsio!

  52. Happy Chinese New Year Selba!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am surprised there are no Turkish restaurants in Jakarta. I wonder if you could find phyllo dough to make baklava yourself..

    I ate Indonesian food a few times and I really enjoyed it. One of the things that I had and enjoyed was, the beef stew that is cooked for 4 hours with coconut milk, lemon grass, galangal and some other ingredients. I forget the name though. Can you tell the name from what I just explained?

    Have a good week.

  53. mediterranean turkish food: Hi there, so great to see you in here :)

    Unfortunately, till today, I haven't found any Turkish restaurants here in Jakarta, but yes, there are a very few Greek restaurants which has some similiar food like Turkish food.

    Oh.. I know exactly what kind of dish you meant, it's called "Rendang", you can click here to see the process of making it (my cooked it) :)

    Happy Chinese New Year too!

  54. I love your watermark! It is so cute! How kind of Criz Lai!

  55. food for tots: Thanks :) And yes, Criz Lai is really sweet!

  56. I like your watermark. Criz is such a great guy hor? Too bad he is taken. HAHAHA!

  57. precious pea: Yes! Criz is definitely a great guy! Oh no.... taken? *sobs* Aiyayaya... why great guys are always taken already?!?! hehehe....

  58. hai, i want to open imperial lamien in my town, how can i get the franchise, and what must i do, email me please at christ.nugraha@gmail.com, thanks before
