Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ta Wan (2)

Mom and I had lunch at Ta Wan restaurant in Mall Taman Anggrek. Usually, we always ordered the set menu for 2 people but this time, we were trying the porridge which is well known at Ta Wan. The porridge tasted really good because of the soft texture.

related post:
Ta Wan (1)


  1. mm pictures look good! porridge is always nice... i don't think i've had 1000 year old egg before though.

  2. really loved the porridge at Ta Wan....nice.....

  3. pearl: Oh... the 1000 year old egg is also called the century egg :D

    zwan: hello... welcome to my blog :)
    Yes... the porridge tasted yummy.

  4. Is that like congee?

    Can you tell us how 1000 year old egg is prepared? I know it's not really that old ;) But it does look chewy!

  5. olivia: I'm not so sure what's the difference between congee and porridge.

    Yes, the 1000 year old egg is chewy for the white egg part, but the yolk part isn't chewy :)

    Oh... I think the best to understand about this century egg, you can click here

  6. Nice porridge... I love that too... It has been long long time I didn't have that...

  7. bits of life n taste: Porridge is good especially for breakfast or cold days :)

    Hey.. why don't you make porridge during this weekend ;)

  8. Happy New Year to you selba!

    Woah that food look good!

  9. The year 2008 is gone but it makes us strong.
    The path was long, but we walked with a song.
    There were fears and tears but we had reasons for cheers.
    Wishing u happy memories of 2008and a healthy and blissful new year.

    With Gratitude and Loving Kindness,

  10. swinebread: Happy New Year, Swinebread :)
    Do you like porridge?

    robin: Happy New Year, Robin. Wishing all the blessing to come :)

  11. Looks like a very tasty lunch.

  12. I couldn't eat the yolk if it tastes like ammonia. And sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a base that's used as drain cleaner!

  13. pam: simple as it is only porridge plus fried shrimp balls but yes, tasty :)

    olivia: uhmm.. no.. I don't think it's really tasted like ammonia. The best is to try it directly to find out the real taste ;)

  14. so delicious so cute so black young at 1000
    happy new year

  15. I love smooth and silky porridge very much. :) That's simple & delicious!

  16. bsg easy: Hahaha.. yeah.. so true...
    Happy New Year to you too :D

    little inbox: Smooth and silky... that's the best way to describe yummy porridge :)

  17. lurve the translation of the dishes! a new perspective, definitely.

    happy new year, selby! ;)

  18. nic: glad that you like the translation of the dishes :)
    Happy New Year, Nic!

  19. Yumzzz....century egg is my FAV!!!

  20. hi Selba! happy new year!!!

    nothing beats simple good ol' century egg porridge.

  21. precious pea: Hehehe... :) Do eat century egg often?

    j2kfm: Happy New Year to you too, j2kfm :)
    You are so right! Hehehe...

  22. You're making me crave for dim sum and congee :D

  23. noobcook: Hehehe... who can resist dim sum and porridge? ;)

  24. nablike: thanks for the compliment. Just visited your blog :)

  25. haha, so cute, in bahasa indonesia, century eggs are called telur pithan? or is that your name for it? hehe.. that's directly translated from mandarin

  26. Wow! Excellent shots! The porridge texture is so smooth. Definitely great taste too! Happy New Year!

  27. sc: Wah.. pithan is a direct translation from mandarin? I didn't know that... Yes, here in Indonesia, we called the century eggs as telur pithan :D
    What is egg in mandarin?

    food for tots: Thanks for the compliment :D
    Happy New Year to you and your family!
