Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gokana Teppan Restaurant

I had lunch together with my mom and her friend at Gokana Teppan Restaurant located in Kelapa Gading Mall -North of Jakarta. It's my second time eating in this restaurant.

The place is nice, food is quite good and the price is also reasonable for a restaurant in a mall but not convenient at all for those who like to pay with their credit cards because this restaurant only accepts cash.
The sign on the right big jar says, "Do not take me to be thrown away!"The tapioca chips tasted salty and sweet then there's a light bitterness at the end of the taste. Uhmmm... a funny taste! :D
My mom had Chicken Yakiniku. According to her, it tasted ordinary good.
My mom's friend had Chicken Teriyaki - a bit too sweet but delicious.
And for me, I had a yummy Chicken Teppan :)


  1. Whoa, tapioca chips--I have definitely never heard of/seen those! I'm sure I'd love them though because I love tapioca and I definitely love chips!

  2. mica: You should come to Indonesia, there're so many kind of tapioca chips in many forms, from the thin till thick and with different flavours too :D

  3. I like the tag that reminds people not to be greedy and waste food. Hehe.

  4. What a great meal, everything looks so delicious!

  5. The Chicken Teriyaki is nice. Too bad didn't have chance to drop by Jakarta, else will ask you bring me to the local delight there dee.

  6. tapioca chips sound cool! i love the way you photoshopped the pics - s ocute!!

  7. Never heard of tapioca chips but they sound so exotic! One of the reasons I love your blog is because I am learning so much about new foods and snacks!

  8. I really like the photo editing like always, and the tapioca chips are interesting! I've never had it before. I like that they put a sign so that you won't take too much and then have to throw it away later.

    The plate setups are nice too, and the food looks scrumptious.

  9. i've NEVER had tapioca chips - i can't even imagine what they taste like, cause i can't picture what tapioca tastes like!

  10. Delicious food... nice review!

  11. the tapioca chips here is different, without the crinkles, and more to salty type, or spicy.

  12. precious pea: Yup, ditto with you :) The sign is very good because sometimes people take it for granted, they think it’s free so they can take as much as they want then end up not finish, so it become a waste.

    sara: Yes, the food is nice and the ambience in the restaurant is also nice :)

    steven goh: Don’t worry, next time when you get a chance to visit Jakarta, I’ll bring you around :)

  13. heather: Thanks for the compliments, Heather :)

    Mediterranean Turkish cook: I’m so glad that I can share new things with you and others through my food blog :)

    eattraveleat: Thanks for the compliment :) I will say that eating in this restaurant is a worth because the place has a nice ambience, food is delicious and price is quite cheap for a Japanese restaurant.

  14. pearl: Tapioca chips are very yummy! You gotta try it and as soon as you start to eat it, it gonna hard to stop it, hehehe

    bits of life ‘n’ taste: Never can get bored with Japanese food because it’s delicious :)

  15. j2kfm: There are so many kind of tapioca chips here in Indonesia, like the one from West Sumatra, it's tick, long and dipped into sugar and red chilli sauce, then in Java, the tapioca chips are usually thin round shape with different kind of flavours.

  16. is the tapioca chips a regular feature or a gimmick to draw customers?

  17. foodbin: No, so far, this is the only restaurant that provide free snack (tapioca chips) to the customers.

  18. The sign on the right big jar says, "Do not take me to be thrown away!"..

    so cute! does that mean that they use REAL chips for display and that it has already gone OFF?

  19. cumi & ciki: Hahaha... no, the tapioca chips are not gone off, and yes, it's real and still fresh... the sign is just to remind people to take only the proper intake amount :D

  20. that tapioca chip sound really weird when you taste it...

    our tapioca never have taste like that either....

  21. For some reason I am real glad you chose to end the post with that pic of that cold ocha cos I am so thirsty right now! :P

  22. pisang goreng: Hehehe... yeah lor, for me, I consider it as a funny tapioca chips, no idea why it tasted bitter at the end..

    life for beginners: Hahaha... *hands in a glass of cold ocha*

  23. hellooo! sure there r better Jap restaurants in Jakarta rite? but this is med-class range is it? Many malaysian luvv Jap food, hw abt indo?

  24. thenomadgourmand: Hellooo... yes.. yes.. yes... there are many Japanese restaurants here in Jakarta especially for sushi (Sushi Tei, Sakae Sushi, Sushi Groove, Poke Sushi, etc.) because a lot of Indonesian are fond of Japanese food these days :D

  25. Sounds like you had an enjoyable time together. I'd like to try a tapioca chip! I've never heard of them before. The other food looks delicious, too. I think offering free chips is a great way to attract customers. Sometimes there are free peanuts and/or chips in bars here so that people get thirsty and buy more drinks!

  26. glo: I think you will like tapioca chips :) Ah... now I remember, the same thing here, when you go to pubs/bars/hotel lounges, they will give free peanuts.

  27. The sets is cheap. Those singkong chips are nasty, once started cannot stop! How to throw them away?

  28. worldwindows: Hahaha... true! It's so hard to stop from eating those singkong/tapioca chips as soon as we started :D

  29. Wow you had a wonderful meal. Everything looks wonderful!

  30. Looks good--I'm curious about the tapioca chips!

  31. oh, I'm so sorry about the hair...For me, it just started growing back ever since I've been eating sufficiently enough you think maybe you are still not eating enough?
    btw, everything looks delicious, and I love Japanese food too!

  32. From the review, I guess your order is the most delicious among the others. I personally prefer hot ocha. ;)

  33. Selba,
    These are such lip smacking foods. There was a really cool Teppan competition held in Hawaii and I just loved the showmanship of this competition. I wish I had a restaurant like your one close to my house!!!

  34. i love tapioca chips...but the ones ive had so far have never tasted bitter..wonder why this one did!? looks like u ha da fun time with your mom! :)

  35. katherine aucoin: Yes, it was a wonderful japanese meal indeed :)

    tavolini: Oh... then you gotta try it ;) Seriously, I wish I can let you to try it.

    burp and slurp: Hahaha... these last 2 years I've been gaining back all my kgs!!! Yup, all the hard work and suffering for years become not worth at all. Anyway, I've been trying everything for my hair. Took hair vitamins, hair tonics (from China with the stinky herbal, from Japan, the most hair tonic ever I bought, from USA, etc.), I even did acupuncture on my head!! But still didn't help. Arrgghhh....
    Most Japanese food is not only yummy but also healthy :)

  36. food for tots: yes, and you know what? it's also the most expensive one! hahaha...

    nazarina: Whoa... competition of teppan? Must be really interesting. Is the food expensive in the teppan restaurant in Hawai?

    superchef: I'm also not so sure why there's a bitter taste in the tapioca chips but still it tasted good :)
