Friday, February 13, 2009

Kembang Tahu - Tofu Flowers(2)

Last week, mom and I went to BSD city to visit her friend. BSD city is about 30 Km from Jakarta.

When we just arrived in front of the house of my mom's friend, I saw this Kembang Tahu's vendor (Tofu Flowers) with his push-cart and it didn't make me to think twice before I decided to buy 3 bowls of this Kembang Tahu. No.. no..., I didn't eat the whole 3 bowls of Kembang Tahu by myself! I shared with my mom and her friend :)

In Jakarta, the Kembang Tahu vendors are not selling Kembang Tahu on a cart, instead they are carring it on their shoulders like this picture below (for more pictures of Kembang Tahu in Jakarta, click here):
This guy is not only selling Kembang Tahu, but also cold soybean milk. I was a little bit tempted to buy a plastic of the cold soybean milk but, uhmmm... it's not a good idea to buy it during a cloudy weather, maybe I'll buy it when I visit BSD city again on a hot sunny day.

It costed me Rp. 3.000 for a bowl (less than 30 cents U$).

As soon as I paid for the Kembang Tahu, the rain started to pour.... It's definitely ok since I'd a bowl of warm Kembang Tahu in my hands ;D

Yummm... it's so nice to eat Kembang Tahu.... The texture is so smooth and silky, glides nicely down my throat... and the ginger syrup definitely warms up my body especially on a rainy cool day.


  1. This is the first time I see Kemang Tahu in Indonesia. The syrup must be aromatic. Same as our Tofu Fah. I have eaten it in Chiangrai and seen it in Manila.

  2. worldwindows: Hope that you can give a try the kembang tahu when you visit Indonesia again :)

  3. This looks awesome! The tofu flower looks wonderful, and the ginger syrup has so many other ingredients in it!

    I miss tofu flower. In CA, all the tofu flowers now are slightly gritty and are not smooth and silky. I wish I could eat that picture of tofu flower with the ginger syrup! :) But virtual seeing is already great for me!

  4. eattraveleat: Aah.. too bad that the tofu flowers in your area isn't nice at all. Time to come back again for holiday to Asia, ya? ;)

  5. Great photos and descriptions of food that I have no experience with at all! It's so interesting reading about and seeing your part of the world :)

  6. glo: Hi Glo, thanks for stopping by my blog and thank you so much for you compliments :)

  7. i have never, in my life, seen tofu flowers, but that's very cool! thank you for sharing :)

  8. pearl: Eh... seriously? Uhmm, I think it can be found easily in Chinese restaurants (especially in western countries).

  9. yummy... i should have ask u for all the information before going to bali. I have been there last few days and looking for good food by the roadside but not getting even one. All I found are in the restaurants. sob.

  10. jan: the ginger is really good to warm up the body :)

    stevengoh: Sorry to hear that you only ended up eating in restaurants in Bali, but I gave you already some recommendations where to eat in Bali in one of my comment box.

  11. ohh.. my fav too! healthy n stil satisfies my sweet cravings! ;p Esp w ginger syrup..i like!oh yeahh..indo is not a muslim ctry? my god.. me pretty ignorant laa..thks for the info!

  12. thenomadgourmand: *high five for the tofu fa*
    Oh... Hehehe.. no worries, a lot of people mistaken about the muslim country thing ;)

  13. The Kembang Tahu & Susu Kacang are similar to our Taufu Fah & Soya Bean Milk. Just wonder whether they taste the same. Your photos made me craving for one now. Hehehe!

  14. this tofu fah in most malaysia and singapore called
    i told you in my previous comment
    all same even the syrup............

    the soy bean milk also same.......

  15. 30 cents for a whole bowl? What a great deal. It looks creamy and delicious.

  16. Brilliant photos, very interesting. I would love to visit this part of the world.

  17. Oh, I am glad to hear it was warm - smooth and gingery.

    You will never run out of food to tell us about because there is just so much on the street carts alone!

  18. I love to see all your pictures.. they are so interesting!

  19. You sure are enjoying tasty street food out there,the tofu flowers are definitely very unique to me and must be delectable served in the flavorful syrup.please trail back to my blog for a
    token of gratitude:)

  20. food for tots: I’ve never tried taufu fah during my visit to Spore and Msia but I believe it tasted the same like the Indonesian one :)

    pisang goring: Yes, you told me before. Oops... I should put it here in this post. Thank you for sharing it :)

    pam: Yup, very cheap and satisfying :)

  21. nicisme: Hi Nicisme, thank you for dropping by my blog and your compliments, Hope that you will be able to visit Indonesia someday :)

    Olivia: Hahaha… I’m grateful that there are so many street carts because if not, it would be very difficult to update my food blog.

    donna-ffw: Thank you, Donna. So glad that you enjoy my pictures in here :)

    yasmeen: Thank you so much for the token of gratitude, Yasmeen. I will collect it :)

  22. the pushcart reminds me of the good old days-syrup looks special with so much ingredients

  23. Very interesting post, these sound delicious.

  24. these look so delicious! your pictures are amazing!

  25. Here normally we have white sugar syrup and brown sugar syrup only.

  26. foodbin: Mentioning about syrup on pushcart... You reminded me also to those pushcart that sold syrup also here in Jakarta during my childhood, I’ve never seen them again these days.

    sara: If you like ginger, you will love this Tofu flower :)

    heather: Delicious indeed. Thank you for your compliment, Heather :)

    little inbox: ah… too bad that the syrup is without ginger nor pandan leaves because it really added the taste and aroma :)

  27. I have never seen anything like this! So wonderful to discover new foods and locales.

  28. Ok, that looks really good! So unique but I don't see anything I don't like! Tofu in any form is always delicious. YUM.

  29. I've never heard of this. It sure looks good and different!

  30. hoho the yummy tauhu hua (taufu fa)! i love it in sugar syrup. :)

  31. Hmmm I love street food, I love tofu, I must love these guys! The ginger syrup is especially intrigueing.

    Ooh, come on to our blog! We gave you an award!!
    Xo love your food blog!

  32. Whoa, I've never seen tofu prepared that way before, but it looks awesome!

  33. natashya: I’m glad that I can show the local food in my blog to you and other readers :)

    thinspired: Ah.. you are a tofu lovers like me :) *high five*

    mediterranean turkish cook: It’s really yummy :)

  34. kyh: Hehehe… I never tried tauhu hua with sugar syrup but I guess it’s also very nice as with ginger syrup :)

    sams’s mistress: I believe that you would love this tofu flower with ginger syrup because it’s so nice to have it especially during cold weather.
    I got an award? Yay! Thank you so much! So happy that Xo love my blog :)

    mica: this tofu isn’t the same as those tofu eaten with rice. Tofu flower has a really soft silky texture. You gotta try it, it’s really nice :)

  35. Its so interesting , this is just like Malaysia where its called tofu fa which means the same ! We have to drive to Indonesia soon

  36. backstreetglutton: Woohooo.. sounds so great if you all can make it to Indonesia, can make an indonesian gastronomic tour :D

  37. selba
    i forgot to tell you that
    soy bean milk in Malaysia
    some called "air tauhu/tofu"

    i believe it came from chinese word....

  38. oh, so it's called kembang tahu in indonesia, eh? cool! yeah, i found out about "kembang" when i was in bali. it's the malay equivalent of bunga. a very nice dessert.

  39. pisang goreng: Thanks for the info :) Oh, so soybean milk is air tauhu in Msia. Here in Indonesia, we translate it directly the soybean milk as susuk kacang kedelai. Soybean = kacang kedelai, milk = susu.

    nic: Here in Indonesia, we used both words - "bunga" and "kembang" for the word "flower" :)

  40. wow.. don't they get tired carrying it like that on their shoulders..

  41. cumi & ciki: So amazing, isn't it? I can't imagine myself carrying those thing the whole day, must be really sore the endo fo the day.. ouch! :D

  42. wow, Indonesia also have Taufu Fa O.O

  43. mimid3vils: Hehehe.. a lot! :D

  44. Now this is truly a bargain. It looks so good. I would love to try this.

  45. You know, I think I've tried tofu flower in Jakarta, the dish somehow seems quite familiar. I have to say, it looks delicious. It is one of the many local ethnic foods that I learned about through your blog, and that am eager to sample when I visit Indonesia again. :)

  46. katherine aucoin: It is a very good bargain :)

    laveena: hope that you can visit Indonesia again and try all the food here ;)

  47. sounds like perfect food for a cold day!!

    I love your pictures--we need more street vendors here in the US.

  48. tavolini: yes, it's really nice to have a bowl of it in a cold day :) Thanks for your compliment.

  49. Hey, just visiting you back! Why is it not a good idea to buy cold soybean milk on a cloudy day? I'd love to hear more - your pieces are so interesting! S

  50. sarahkd: Hello Sarah, nice to see you in here!
    Well, it's just the same as when you are in the cold weather, you prefer to drink a cup of warm chocolate milk instead a glass of cold coca cola, right? :)

  51. pigpigscorner: Yes... and also tasted wonderful especially on a cold day :D

  52. hmmm! I remember that I used to eat this kembang tahu every few days when I was a kid in Jakarta.
    I miss all kinds of indonesian foods here in Atlanta.

  53. imelda: There's no Indonesian restaurants in Atlanta? Hmmm.... I guess it's time to come back to Jakarta, hehehe ;)
