Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mie Ayam (Chicken Noodle)

Here in Jakarta, there are so many kind of noodles carts on the streets.

This time, I'm posting the simple Mie Ayam (Chicken noodles).

It's so easy to make this chicken noodles that you can actually make it by your own ;)First, pour veggie oil, salty soybean sauce plus MSG (Yup... Food on the streets commonly contains MSG - Monosodium Glutamate, as a flavour enhancer) in a bowl then put the noodle and the vegetable called "Cai Sim/choy sum" (similiar to "Chinese cabbage - bok choy") into the boiling water for about 2 to 3 minutes. Drain the noodles and vegetable. Mix it altogether in the prepared bowl. On the top of the noodles, pour the minced chicken cooked with shallot, garlic and sweet soybean sauce (plus don't forget the MSG!)

Voila.... and you can start to enjoy the chicken noodles :)

A bowl of this simple chicken noodle costs Rp. 6.000
currency rate:
1 USD = Rp. 12.100; 1 RM = Rp. 3.300; 1 SGD = Rp. 7.900



  1. How fun! I've been to Bali but not Jakarta. Indonesia is such a beautiful country. I'd really love to get to know it better!

  2. danamccauley: Hi Danamccauley, welcome to my blog. Wow, you've been to Bali? Great! Even, we Indonesian called it as the island of paradise :)

  3. thats ALOT ALOT of Msg...

    putting msg in noodles and the meat..

  4. Looks good! How much does it cost?

  5. mmmmmmmmmm. that looks so good! i love noodles :)

  6. I have seen so many of these hawkers on non-mechanised 2 wheels, 3 and 4 wheels in Indonesia. Really nostalgic and most of these food is passed on from 1 generation to the other! Yum.

  7. dora: Oops... I forgot to put the price of the noodle. It's Rp. 6.000 (not even 1 SGD).

    heather: I love noodles too :)

    worldwindows: Yes, you are right! The noodles vendor usually will pass it to their next generation :)

  8. i actually thought it'll be served with shredded chicken meat (like those in msia). but this one looks yummy nonetheless

  9. sc: Oh... yes, we also have that kind of noodles with shredded chicken meat, but usually the noodles has a different texture which is more chewy. I had posted that kind of noodle before :)

    BSG: Absolutely!! :D

  10. I never been to Jakarta (the farthest i've been is HK) but it looks i'm missing out on some delicious food. I bet this chicken noodle is incredible!

  11. So much MSG!! o_0

    Did you get thirsty after that?

  12. zen chef: Hello Zen Chef, welcome to my blog!
    Yes, the noodle tastes yummy. Hope next time you can travel further down :)

    bangsar-babe: Hi there, thanks for dropping by my blog.
    Oh yes.. definitely very thirsty especially I'm quite sensitive to MSG. Good thing that I can ask the noodle vendor not to put MSG into the bowl but unluckily the cooked meat already contained MSG.

  13. That looks ever so scrumptious! Indonesia must be a great place to visit...



  14. rosa's yummy yums: Hi Rosa, welcome to my blog! Yes, Indonesia is a nice place for a visit especially the famous island of Bali :)

    foodbin: Yup, you are absolutely right!

  15. Yum! Chicken noodles are my dream! That looks delicious!

  16. mica: You gotta come down to the heaven of noodles aka Asia! Uhmmm.. but then I think there're Chinese restaurants in your neighborhoods, right? hehehe...

  17. i've become so sensitive to MSG that even the smallest amounts gives me a tummy ache :(

  18. pearl: Oh my... you got tummy ache? I guess yours is more serious than me. Whenever I have MSG in my food, definitely I'll get very thristy for hours even though I drink a lot. My dad used to feel his lips swollen and thirsty whenever he had MSG.

  19. this 1 looks like the Kolok mee in Malaysia. This one usually I cook at home instead order from outside

  20. I love noodles, these look fantastic.

  21. steven goh: I actually want to know more about kolok mee, sounds interesting :)

    pam: and also easy to make it by yourself :)

  22. oooh, the noodles look like maggi mee. :P

  23. Mmm...I LOVE choy sum. Even with the MSG, I would eat this!!

  24. I love noodles - those look yummy! Would love to visit Indonesia some day.

  25. gah, I hate all the MSG crap so prevalent here in Asia! but why oh why do they have to look and taste so delicious?

  26. I would love to try this, you make it seem so easy! And I can't believe the price!!!

  27. nice mie......
    but too many MSG.......

    I'm, sure you wallop (drink) a lot of water after you ate that mie....

    that's a side effect if you consume too many MSG.

  28. Oh yes, we had plenty of these chicken noodle in college! They are really good!

  29. Looks delicious and very fresh and simple!

  30. thinspired: Hahaha… you like MSG? Choy sum is also one of my favorite veggies :)

    5 star foodie: Hi 5 Star Foodie, nice to see you in my blog. Hope that you would be able to visit Indonesia, there’re many kind of food that you can try :)

    burp and slurp: Yeah… unbelievable, right? And MSG can be also quite addictive.

  31. Katherine aucoin: Hahaha… believe me, it is easy to make this chicken noodle, just give it a try :)

    maria: Who can resist the yummy noodles? Hehehe

    pisang goreng: Yeah, I’ve heard that there’re actually many side effects from eating too much MSG, scary!

    Mediterranean Turkish cook: Wow! Really? Then looking at this chicken noodle pics, must be bringing you back the memory during college, ya? :)

  32. eattraveleat: pssttt... and also cheap!!! hehehe...

  33. Am I understanding the currency right... That would be LESS THAN 1 USD?? Jeez that looks YUMMY! And what a bargain!

  34. how to eat a cupcake: yes.. yes.. yes... it's less than 1 USD and actually with 1 USD, you can get 2 bowls of this chicken noodle :)

  35. Looks so good! There seems to be a really lively street food scene in Jakatara! Wouldn't mind doing a eating trip soon!

  36. 550ml jar of faith: It would be wonderful if you can come and have an eating trip here in Jakarta :)

  37. I had really tasty chicken long rice for dinner tonight (made with clear rice noodles)...but yours looks better! Ah, I'd love to slurp a bowl of that sometime.

  38. sapuche: Your chicken long rice sounds yummy. Better make sure to come down to Jakarta :D

  39. omg, u remind me of mee ayam!!! u know, everything i have mee ayam, i order at least 3 bowls cos it's quite small..haha! and lots of sweet chili sauce to go with it! yummy! ;)

  40. nic: Whoaaaa, at least 3 bowls? You must be a mee ayam lover! hahaha.. hey, you gotta come down to Jakarta, we have a lot of delicious mee ayam!!! ;)

  41. Wow...I think this is the first time I've stopped by here! What HAVE I been missing?

    (Stupid question: Selba's tantalizing food pics!)

    Noodles on the street...definitely a new concept to me, and one I could probably appreciate!

  42. Thts quite cheap price for that yummy dish Sleba..looks awesome..:)

  43. the moody minstrel: Finally!!! It's already the time to let your eyes feasting and mouth drooling in here, LOL
    Eh, I thought there're many noodles stalls on the streets in Japan, no?

    varsha vipins: Yes, you are right. It's a cheap, yummy and satisfying meal :)

  44. Wow, the chicken looks SO delicious, and I always love noodles with sauce.

    But the MSG scares me even though it makes the food taste better.

    Many years ago, an Englishman in my mother's country married a native of Chinese descent, who used a lot of MSG in her cooking and after enough years it caused his legs to practically crumble underneath him as he stood up one day!

  45. olivia: ah... another truth fact that MSG is bad for health.
    If I'm not mistaken, MSG was invented by Chinese.

  46. Selba: those noodles look so good thanks for sharing. This for stopping by my blog come back often and I will keep checking you out.

  47. Wow! That looks delicious! And I only wish I lived in a place where there were many kinds of noodle carts on the street -- although I might be so busy sampling from them that I'd stop cooking!:-)

  48. Yes, indeed it was. But I have to wonder, who ever discovered it and thought, "I know, let's put this weird chemical in all our food!" ??

  49. I don't think you can ever go wrong with noodles, they look delicious!

  50. Hi Selba,
    Wow so inexpensive and so good looking! I love anything with noodles! I read your comment on my page, I am sorry to hear that fried rice cake is not easy to find around there. We do have about 11,000 Vietnamese people there I am suprised they haven't commercialize it. THanks for posting.

  51. nets nook: Hello Netts Nook, welcome to my blog and please come again :)

    julie: Hi Julie, welcome to my blog :) Whoaaaa…. I should say it’s good that you can’t find any noodle carts around your place because if not, then me and other people couldn’t enjoy your yummy food posting in your blog, hehehe…

    Livie: Hahaha…. Well, I just searched in the internet, it says that MSG was first identified as a flavour enhancer in 1908, Professor Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo University, Japan, who found that soup stocks made from Laminaria japonica (a seaweed which had been added to soups for centuries in Japan), contained high levels of the substance. But still, I do believe that Chinese is the first inventor of MSG.

  52. sara: Yup, as a noodles lover, I completely agree with you :)

    houstonwok: Hi Houstonwok, welcome to my blog :) Wow… I didn’t know that there’re 11,000 Vietnamese here in Jakarta. Unfortunately, we only have very few Vietnamese restaurants here in Jakarta.

  53. Gradually, I am beginning to dislike MSG-laden food!

  54. tigerfish: That's good if you begin to dislike MSG because MSG is not good for your health :)

  55. MSG makes the noodles more tastier eh... :P

  56. mimid3vils: Hehehe... that's their main "secret" yummy ingredient!

  57. hehe..probably tat explains why its so cheap, no meat, flvourful stock etc to enhance the dish save for MSG alone! jz like why instan noodles rso cheap!!

  58. thenomadgourmand: Hehehe... it's all because of the MSG! Eh, but this noodle got chicken meat hor ;)

  59. You must of had a great time, all of the food looks so interesting.

  60. Thanks for the recipe. I'll make it minus the chicken and garnish with fried and braised tofu instead. ;)

  61. laveena: I think the idea to use braised tofu is very good! Must be as tasty as chicken :)

  62. Look at all of that tasty looking food!

  63. kevin: Hi Kevin, welcome to my blog. Hope to see you again :)
