Friday, March 6, 2009

Lotek Kalipah Apo

Since we had a "rush" lunch at Soto Roxy (my previous post) and still got 40 minutes left of lunch hour, thus my colleagues decided to go for a dessert at this place called Lotek Kalipah Apo which is still in the Roxy area.
The Lotek Kalipah Apo in Jakarta (address: Jl Batanghari No. 21 - Jakarta Pusat) is a branch from the famous one in Bandung - West Java. The speciality of this restaurant is "Lotek" (similiar to gado-gado or the Indonesian salad with peanut sauce, but Lotek's peanut sauce has an additional ingredient which is galingale/galangal).
Then beside the lotek, it's also known for the sweet porridge desserts, i.e: Bubur Sum- sum, Bubur Cha-cha, Bubur Candil, Bubur Pacar Cina, Bubur Pisang, Bubur Ketan Item, Bubur Sagurangin.

A bowl of this sweet porridge is Rp. 9.000
(Currency rate: 1 USD = Rp. 12.000)

Related post:
- Bubur Biji Salak and Sum - Sum
- Gado -gado


  1. mmmm. i loooove pizza, too. i'd be very happy eating it everyday, too :)

  2. heather: *hi5* I'm craving for pizza right now! :D

  3. I love the smell of brewing coffee too! It makes my day! =D

    But I also love all desserts with coconut milk..especially cendol d bubur cha cha >)

  4. bangsar-babe: Hehehe... yesss, the smell of brewing coffee makes our day!!!
    Though I'm not fond of coconut milk, I still eat cendol and also the rest of desserts that got coconut milk ;)

  5. Any particular reason why u dun like chocolate ice cream? No. 9 sounds interesting to me! ;)

  6. the price of the porridge is so affordable

  7. food for tots: Uhmm... I'm not so sure why I don't like chocolate ice cream, I just find it tasted no yummy at all, hehehe...
    Have you tried SilverQueen? ;)

    foodbin: The price is ok but then with the same price, you can buy 3 bowl of the same sweet porridge on the street ;)

  8. No. Dun think I have seen this in Msia or Spore before.

  9. food for tots: are you interested to try one? Maybe I can ask my friend who is going to Singapore next week to bring it for you? Let me know, ok..

  10. I guess it is too troublesome. Thanks for your kind offer. I feel so touched. ;)

  11. I love pizza too, my favorite is Canadian bacon with pineapple. I really enjoy looking at all of the exciting things you have on your site.

  12. Hail the SilverQueen princess!
    Bought some back from Jkt. Not tried yet but the wrapping sure looks good.

    TQ for the tag ie thinking of me. But-hor, I'm quite a super lazybug in doing memes ...

  13. The sweet porridge with the creamy santan and high carbo ingredients. A very comfort food! Miss it so much.

  14. food for tots: I'll make sure to bring some for you if I visit Singapore ya :)

    marybeth: Thanks for the compliment, MaryBeth! It means a lot to me :)
    Yummmm... pizza with canadian bacon and pineapple! Just to think of it, makes me drool :)

    tummythoz: Hahaha...
    It's ok, just take your time ;)

    worldwindows: For many people, sweet porridge is totally a comfort food :)

  15. Great tag! I really like the looks of this porridge...



  16. rosa's yummy yums: thanks :) The sweet porridge in the pic is a mixed from 3 kind of porridges.

  17. all your list taste bud except no.9

    same like me.....

    ohmygosh......... ohmygosh......

  18. I love coconut ANYTHING and I also love the smell of brewing coffee.

  19. oohhh my.. did i see desserts???
    ehh..wats the best pizzs joint in Indo? since u guys dun hv Papa John'sCanadian or madaboutpizza..(of which i think serves real gd pizzazzz)

  20. pisang goreng: Eh.. seriously? really? Wow!!! That's so cool!!! *hi5* :D

    pam: Hehehe... you would love to come to Southeast Asia because mostly food contain of any part of Coconut :)

    thenomadgourmand: We got several pizza franchises here i.e: Pizza Hut (of course! who doesn't hehehe), Domino Pizza, Izzy Pizza, and California Pizza Kitchen :)

  21. Good thing you put that 40 minutes left for lunch hour to use! I was wondering.

    Thanks for sharing these things about you!

  22. I love peanut sauce AND galangal. That sounds delicious!

  23. wow, satay sauce with galangal...that shudda give it some zing and aroma...very interesting! i am imagining the sauce with a nice beef steak and buns! yummy!

  24. MTC: Hehehe.. yeah, should not waste the lunch hour :)
    Ah.. I should also tag you coz' I would love to learn more about you, would you do it, please?

    mica: You like galangal? the aroma is nice, ya? :)

    nic: Niiiicccc.... the galangal is in the indonesian salad peanut sauce, not satay peanut sauce, hahahaha! But then, actually, I think your idea of the galangal peanut sauce with a nice beef steak and buns sounds great! A new recipe invented by Nic ;)

  25. i adore pizzas like no other!
    and i like chocolate, but seldom choose choco flavour icecream, if there are other options.

    hehe... same same eh

  26. j2kfm: Yay!!! another pizza lover! Funny right? as chocolate lover, it's a big no for chocolate ice cream! hehehe...

  27. Ooooh, I am so hungry. I must not read your blog when I am hungry!

    Any desserts with coconut milk in, just send them to me :)

    I like licorice too, and anise flavors. When I was little I used to buy anise balls - you suck them for ages and the reward is a little aniseed in the center. Lots of people don't like that taste though.

  28. livie: Hahaha.. I can't be more happy to share all my coconut milk desserts with you! :D
    uhmmm, maybe a lot of people don't like smell/taste of anise flavor coz' they associate it with cough syrup?

  29. I'm not sure which to congratulate you on, the award or your post-Soto trip to Lotek Kalipah Apo. So congratulations on both! Those sweet porridge desserts look really colorful and delicious. I'm so bummed that the U.S. hasn't caught on to how amazing these types of desserts are! Ah, just another reason for me to move back to Asia. :)

  30. sapuche: Thanks, Sapuche :) Are you planning to move to Asia for good?

  31. I want some LONTONG!! Are you sure you're not into chocolate ice cream?? You must try Baskin Robbin's Peanut butter chocolate... or Godiva's choc ice cream! It's to die for!

  32. Hi Selba: Well, I'm being recruited for a job in Taipei at the moment, but my heart is still in SE Asia (and Japan). If I don't return to Asia permanently, I'll still travel there as often as possible. Kind of hard to live so far from my parents, though...Thanks for asking!

  33. 550ml jar of faith: Hahaha... can tell that lontong and chocolate ice cream are your favorite food :D

    sapuche: Me as an asian, it's so nice to know that someone who isn't from Asia has a heart in SEA, it's an honour :) I hope that your dreams to live in SEA will come true someday.

  34. I loved reading yor 10 things, Coffee brewing is one of my favorite things also!

  35. donna-ffw: Glad to share my 10 things :) *hi5* for the nice aroma of brewing coffee.

  36. Everything looks so delicious, you are very lucky!

  37. Food seems so affordable there and it looks and sounds fantastic! Congrats on your award Selba, you truly deserve it!

  38. now we know everything about you (?)

  39. Selba, I've been already tagged. Here's the link. Enjoy :)

    Take care,

  40. katherine aucoin: Thanks for the compliment, Katherine :)

    BSG: Hahaha... not an open book yet... ;)

    MTC: Oh.. ok, I'm going to check it out, thanks for the link :)

  41. Lotek is the one with kencur (kaempferia galangal) right? I forgot.

    About couple weeks ago, I made lontong sayur rebung with petai and udang. Just missed lontong sayur for my breakfast.

  42. indonesia-eats: Bingo! Yes, lotek is the one with kencur. I'm going to post about this lotek in more detail soon, just wait ;)

  43. How funny, I've really been craving pizza lately! :D And that porridge looks wonderful...all of the things you mentioned are new to me, but they sound delicious!

  44. katie: Hi Katie, thanks for dropping by my blog, please come again :) Btw, I'm also craving of pizza! Hehehe...

  45. I've heard of gado2 so many times that you make me wanna try it! :D

  46. kyh: There's no gado-gado in Penang? Ah... you definitely need to try it ;)

  47. The porridge looks so good,wish I could have some right now:)

  48. yasmeen: The porridges are good for breakfast and also dessert :)

  49. Hey Miss Cheese! I love pizza too, especialy on thin crispy crust! mmm!

    Thanks for playing :-)

  50. monica: Yay! You're also a pizza lover? *hi5*
    Had fun playing this game :)

  51. Hi Selby,

    It's Budhi here, Great article, I just went to lotek kalipah apo bandung last friday, the taste is still delicious as it used to be, they are pretty consistent with their products, thumbs up :D

    I'd like to use this article of yours as a reference to my blog post at if you don't mind :) thanks in advance...

  52. tempatmakanenak: Hi Budhi, thanks for visiting my blog :) Good to know that the Lotek Kalipah Apo in Bandung is still maintaining their good dishes. Sure you can use my article as your reference in your blog.
