Sunday, April 5, 2009

Selby's Fondant Cupcakes

I'm not sure what's got into me but lately, I just wanted to be creative and play with sugar fondant again.

So, this morning, I baked cupcakes again using the same recipe as the previous one. Not bad, huh? ;)

If last time, I made sugar fondant more into dolls,

then, today is more related to Easter theme.

Little flowers

A pink bunny with blue flowers.
A happy ladybug.

Carrots in purple basket.

Tadaaaa... A box of fondant cupcakes.
Do you think I can start to receive orders now? ;D


  1. Selba, these are really beautiful. Your are very creative, indeed!

  2. I am so impressed with your hidden talent!!! Can make some for me too? Hehehe!

  3. Very pretty!! You're really patient with the fondant! =P

  4. of cos can start to take orders.
    go collect orders. give to your friends a sample piece and tell them you take orders. but can be quite taxing when it becomes a business of selling though. lol.

  5. Its so pretty and you have a good eye for colour.

  6. oh my gosh - you really should set up a shop!

  7. You really have the artistic genes. :P

  8. You are so good. You could sell your cupcakes.

  9. lots of effort, for sure. :)

    mail them over? hehe ...

  10. ahhh! they're so adorable, i can't stand it!!!

  11. Love those of the easter theme.

  12. you're so creative-visually pleasing too.

  13. Wow, you are extremely talented!!!! I always loved watching people working with fondant. It looks so hard.

    Thanks for visiting my blog in the last couple of weeks. I have been playing catch up.

  14. So beautiful, and a great project to do with kids! I love the flowers--do you just roll out a long flat piece and roll it up?

  15. omg look at that fondant! you have talent!!

  16. You have the fondant touch! Those bunnies are just so cute.

  17. What gorgeous cupcakes! Man, you are super talented. I love your Easter creations. They're just precious! (And yummy-looking, too)

  18. What pretty cupcakes! I love the mini panettone paper moulds...



  19. These are amazing...Start your own business in the street market, you would make good money. They are simply perfect and adorable! I would buy some for sure.

  20. Awwww they're soooooo cuuuuuute!

    Specially the bunny and the ladybird!

    Well done with your central watermark, by the way. Not to worry - we can easily look past them :)

  21. They're so sweet and cute!

    Happy Spring!

  22. Whoa, lady! You are so super-talented with the fondant. Those are amazing cupcake creations!

  23. woah, they look superb! Like what the rest said, you can go commercial already, hehe... so cute ^^

  24. Whoa, these are more beautiful and creative than anything I've seen in pastry stores here. These truly are amazing, Selba. When you start taking orders, I hope you'll be willing to ship to Hawaii!

  25. You are getting cuter ...

    ...& cuter ( n thats dangerous )

  26. These are so cute and made so skillfully! Those flowers look beautiful and hard to make. You certainly can start to receive orders now. They look professional and good enough for a big magazine.

  27. Your work is beautiful Selby, so special, so adorable. Inshallah you'll receive a lot of orders, your cup cakes really touched my heart.

  28. food for tots: If we are living in the same town, I would love to make cupcakes for you :)

    bangsar-babe : Thanks, it took me hours to make them, hehehe…

    mistipurple: Ouch… don’t want to think about the tax! Hehehe….

    worldwindows: Thanks for the compliment :)

    pearl: Woohooo… set up a shop? Never crossed my mind :)

  29. little inbox: Whoaaa… artistic genes?

    helene: Thanks! Maybe someday I will sell them :)

    precious pea: Hahaha… can take the fondant out from the cupcakes and leave it as an ornament ;)

    food paradise: Thanks :)

    j2kfm: Hehehe… don’t think the cupcake will last on the way to Msia! :D

  30. heather: Thank you :)

    ck lam: It’s almost Easter :)

    foodbin: Thank you :) Thanks a lot! Hope to see you around :)

    Catherine: Thank you for the compliment! Yes, I made thin flat fondant then roll out a long to make it as a flower. It’s simple and easy :)

  31. healthydelish: Thank you :)

    joie de vivre: Thanks, Joie :)

    sarah herman: Thanks, Sarah :)

    elyse: Thank you so much for the compliments, Elyse! :)

    rosa’s yummy yums: Thanks, Rosa :)

  32. Marybeth: Thanks, MaryBeth. Making the sugar fondant is really consuming time; I don’t think it gonna be worth it if I sell it in the street market ;)

    livie: Thanks, Livie! A thief always can figure out a new trick! *sigh*

    monica h: Thanks, Monica! Happy Spring too!

    mica: Hehehe… Thank you, Mica :)

    noobcook: Thank you… Thank you :)

  33. sapuche: You praised me too high! *blushing* Thank you for your compliment, Sapuche!

    BSG: Eh… my food becomes cuter and cuter? Make sure not to eat your screen then! LOL

    eattraveleat: Big magazine? Wow! Thanks! That’s so flattering! But not yet.. not yet… still need a lot of practices :D

    laveena: Thank you, Laveena :) Crossing my fingers!

    robin: Hey! What’ a great surprise! Welcome to my blog, Robin!

  34. can't believe you made those! v talented!

  35. Selba seriously your cupcakes are awesome!! How did you learn how to do that? Very very very creative!!

  36. cumi & ciki: Thank you, Ciki :D

    ginger: Thanks, Ginger! I learnt it from my mom's friend :)

  37. Oh, they are all too cute for words! How about superheroes next? X-men vs Batman/Superman? :D

  38. LFB: Hehehe... Are you a big fans of those super heroes? Maybe someday, I'll try to make them ;)

  39. Oh Selba,
    These are just gorgeous! Such patience, such creativity, they are so adorable. I love the colors! Have you considered Etsy???

    Thank you so much for sharing. Beautiful!

  40. gosh you're such an artist! so pretty and adorable! I've always been intimidated by fondant.

  41. Oh my god, those are lovely! You can make cupcakes and sell them :) It's quite time consuming but maybe you can consider it for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, Valentine... etc. For sure, if you had overseas delivery, I'd be one of your customers :D

  42. ok! my order is 1 dozen. the moment u reach Msia of course!

  43. Selby! you did a magnificant job! These look like they came from a top shelf bakery!

    I'm glad you put your logo throught the pictures, I hope the copying from your blog will stop.

  44. Very lovely your cupcakes! Gifted lah you! :p

  45. They are SO adorable - I'm completely impressed!!

  46. Wow! You can start a bakery already :D

  47. These are amazing! You're so talented!

  48. louise: Thank you, Louise! Etsy? Not familiar with it. Can you elaborate more, please?

    tigerfish: Thanks :)

    burpandslurp: Thank you! Playing with fondant is fun ;)

    angele: Hehehe… making fondant is more for special occasion because it’s really time consuming.

    thenomadgourmand: Hahaha… Let’s cross our fingers!!!

  49. Katherine aucoin: Thank you so much for your compliments, Katherine :) Yeah, hopefully no one will copy my pictures or at least, they’ll ask my permission first.

    cariso: Thanks, Cariso :)

    Kerstin: Thank you, Kerstin :)

    email2me: Woohooo…. Not a professional yet to be able to open a bakery, hehehe….

    Barbara bakes: Hi Barbara, welcome to my blog and thank you for your compliment :)

  50. pink cotton: Thank you, pink cotton :D

  51. HI Selba,
    Etsy is an online sort of shop where people buy and sell handmade things. I am not personally on it. I should have such talent!!! My little avatar and my blog banner were both created by someone on Etsy. I purchased it from Cakespy. Go to her blog to her online shop @ etsy and then check out etsy and see if it is for you. Let me know what you think. Email me. My address is in my profile:) Good Luck!

  52. louise: Hi Louise, thank you so much for sharing the link of Etsy and also cakespy. I'll definitely check them out :)

  53. They are so cute and creative - nicely done Selba.

  54. Selby, Comel-nya!! I love the teeny carrots!! And your little angels are sooo precious!!

    I've bought some ready-made sugarpaste, but have yet to use them. After seeing your cutesies, I feel inspired! :D

  55. GFAD: Hiiiii... long time no see!!! And welcome to my food blog *hugs* I'm so glad this post inspired you :) Don't forget to show it on your blog with your sugar paste creation, ok!

  56. you're quite artistically-talented, selba--i'm impressed and envious. :)

  57. Ahhhh! These cupcakes are awesome. Thanks for visiting my blog! I have bookmarked yours and will return!

  58. ADORABLE! Love the ladybug:)

  59. You are so creative and really know how to work with difficult fondant!

  60. wow, 6 different designs...i think i would have fallen by the first one..cos i really got no patience..haha!

    great work, selby!

  61. sorry to be so late to pen down a comment, been so busy and yet more to come, sounds good but rather tiriing myself, lol!

    Those are lovely fondant creation, just makes the cupcake look awesome wanting! well done, I am sure i will see more of your work soon! ;)

  62. grace: Thank you for the compliment, Grace :)

    sugarlens: Hi Sugarlens, welcome to my blog and hope to see you around :)

    maria: Thank you, Maria. Hahaha… I know why you love the ladybug ;)

    pisang goreng: Fortunately, they didn’t sink, yay! :)

  63. passionate eater: Hehehe.. yeah, working with fondant can be really difficult especially when the weather is on high humidity :)

    foodie with little thyme: thanks :)

    nic: Thank you, Nic! Playing with fondant can be really fun, wanna try? ;)

    BBO: it’s OK, don’t worry, I’m aware that you are super duper busy these days especially with your new great website :) Thank you for your compliments!

  64. Wow, cantik sekali your cup cakes. You are very talented.

  65. Wow, the fondant just like what we can get in shop, great!!

  66. elra: Terima kasih for the compliment :)

    mimid3vils: Thank you :)

  67. Make 100 and send it here! :P

  68. kyh: Hahaha... I wish I could!!! :P

  69. wao.. they are beautiful. Btw, it is takes long for you to prepare them?

  70. steven goh: Thanks :) Yup, absolutely time consuming! 1 hour for 1 cupcake! Hehehe...

  71. Those are all so adorable. You are incredibly talented. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad to find yours.

  72. Mindblowingly beautiful! I have never tried doing this, but i don't think i can even do it so pretty! really admire your talent.


  73. very nicely done! If I attempted something like this I would end up covered in fondant and sobbing in a corner.

  74. These are gorgeous. I've never worked with fondant. Maybe I'll just have to give it a try.

  75. These look so cute. I wish I had this kind of talent. Alas. :(

    I think you can start receiving orders indeed.

  76. yay!!!!!!
    you follow my advise

  77. Oh ya... You really should consider making this into a business! I'm sure you'll make it big! ;)

    kyh @

  78. These are so cute. I love the little Easter ones.

  79. lori: Hi Lori, welcome to my blog and thank you so much for your compliments. Hope to see you around :)

    soma: Thanks, Soma! Give it a try, it’s fun ;)

    jeff: Thanks, Jeff! Hahaha… practice makes perfect ;)

    Sam: Thank you , Sam! I think you will like to make fondant, give it a try :D

  80. leela: Hehehe.. thank you, Leela :)

    pisang goring: Okidokie, gonna remember it :D

    kyh: Whoaaaa... need more practice first :D Eh, btw, I tried to leave a comment in your blog yesterday but I couldn't, is there something wrong?

    lori: Thanks, Lori :)

  81. wow, very creative, lovely creations. i'd hate to eat them.. i would just want to display them.. LOL!

  82. jescel: Oh.. don't worry, just eat the cupcake and then the fondant can be put for display ;)

  83. Wow, I was surprised there was so many comments in this post. You definitely can start receiving orders, the first would be from me! Haha! But I think I'll look at it for a long time before eating them because they look so adorable. ^^

  84. sugar bean: Hi Sugar Bean, thanks for stopping by my blog and also for your compliments. You made my day ;)

    lesley: Thank you, Lesley :)

  85. Oh wow - they are ADORABLE, I'm completely impressed!

  86. These are GORGEOUS!!! What a fantastic idea - I have to cook for a few little girls in a couple of weeks, I am definitely going to make some little sugar fondant creatures for them.

  87. prue barret: Thank you.
    I think the little girls will love the little sugar fondant creatures, don't forget to post about it in your blog ;)
