Sunday, May 10, 2009

Babi Rica - Rica (Pork Rica - Rica)

Today is Mother's Day and also a Sunday, so since I'm free, I decided to cook something simple special for my mom :)

I made Rica - rica dish which is an Indonesian dish from Manado - North Sulawesi. I used pork for the meat (well, so far, I'm not really scare of swine flu, hehehe...) but if you want to try to cook this dish but you don't want to use pork, then you can substitute it with other kind of meat like chicken, beef or even fish.

The ingredients of Rica - rica pork:
300 grams pork (cut into slices)
1 red chili (cut into slices)
3 garlic cloves (cut into slices)
1 tomato (cut into dice)
1 lemongrass (bash it)
5 kaffir lime leaves
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil for cooking

Before starting to cook, you need to grind the garlic and red chili together with the salt first. Fyi, make sure to take out the seeds of the red chili if you can not really stand for the hot taste of chili.

The directions to cook rica - rica pork:
- Heat the oil then put the ground salt chili and garlic in it, fry it until fragnant.
- Add pork, mix it.
- Add lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and tomato.
- Cook until the juice from pork and tomato come out.
- It's ready to serve :)

Happy Mother's Day!
I love you, Mom!


  1. This looks simple and delicious!

  2. email2me: yes, simple... everyone can cook it ;)

  3. Yes, your Babi rica-rica looks so tasty. Your mom is so lucky to have such a good daughter :)

  4. my taste heaven: Thank you. I'm also lucky to have her as my mom :)

    jan: Thanks, Jan :)

  5. Looks very easy to make!

    Happy mother's day to your mom :) In Mauritius, we celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of May.

  6. happy mother's day to your mother!

  7. Selba- It looks delicious and Im sure your mom will be so happy with it!

  8. angele: Yes, very easy and simple, you can give it a try ;)
    Well, in Indonesia, the mother's day is actually on 22nd December but funny part, people tend to follow the 'international' celebration day, hehehe..

    pearl: Thank you. Happy Mother's Day to your mom too :)

    donna-ffw: Thanks :) Yes, she did enjoy her lunch.

  9. Pork Rica so easy to do! looks appetizing XD

  10. Mmm, looks delicious! Lucky mom!

  11. i luvv pork! and nope, not gonna be scared of swine or wat-ever nots ;)

    the final dish looks really gd and yet ur instructions so simple!

    now if only i'm not so lazy ;)

  12. TNG: Hahaha... *hi5* One of the best meat on earth is pork, ya? It's a simple dish, hope you manage to make it someday ;D

  13. Love reading about new-to-me dishes on your blog. This must be so aromatic.

  14. looks simple but I'm sure lots of efforts are put in :)
    looks delicious!

  15. This must be sooo fragrant as it cooks. This would make any Mom happy and I might add.....VERY PROUD.

  16. What a wonderful meal for your mother! This looks fantastic - I will have to bring out my mortar and pestle just for this.

  17. mmm. this sounds nice and spicy and delicious. i'm sure your mom will love it :)

  18. This is so simple but very delish...Your mom must be very proud of you. Happy Mothers Day!!

  19. So pleasant to see a great loving babi recipe coming out of the greatest Islamic country in da world !

    Well done daughter of da year !

  20. aww, so sweet! happy mother's day to your mum and my mum and all mums out there;)

  21. jude: Yes, it’s very aromatic indeed :)

    allie: Actually, it’s not really efforts at all except for the ground chili and garlic ;)

    mary: Definitely very fragrant because of the lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves :)

  22. tangled noodle: Thanks :) Mortar and pestle can be quite handy. To bash the lemongrass, I used the pestle.

    heather: Hehehe… actually, we both enjoyed the food ;)

    marybeth: I hope that my mom is proud of me :) Happy Mother’s Day!

  23. BSG: LOL… Thank you *blushing*

    cumi & ciki: Happy Mother’s Day to your mom :)

  24. My kind of home-cooked food. Happy day for your mother.

  25. worldwindows: It's nice homecooked, ya? :) Happy Mother's Day to your mom and your wife.

  26. How very sweet of you to cook for your mom!

  27. This is so sweet of you to prepare a good meal for your mom. She must love you so much.

  28. monica h: try to make my mom happy :)

    helene: yes, she does :)

  29. so sweet of you ... :)
    your mum should be proud.

  30. j2kfm: Hehehe... try to be a good daughter :D

  31. Your mom must have been really happy to have this for Mother's Day! Since Indonesia also celebrates Mother's Day in December, do you cook this dish twice a year? If so, your mom is REALLY lucky! :) It looks delicious, and your directions are easy to follow. Thanks!

  32. sapuche: The Indonesian people tend to forget the nationality Mother's Day and follow the international one so, no, only once a year being celebrated :)
    Hope that you can try this recipe someday :)

  33. no worry of swine flu if the pork are properly cooked.
    Wouldn't it be more aromatic if you finely sliced the kaffir leaves?
    Happy mother day to your mum.

  34. foodbin: You are right, it would be more aromatic if the kaffir lime leaves are being finely sliced, but since, we don't intend to eat the kaffir lime leaves thus I didn't slice it, in order to take it out easily from the dish :)

  35. This looks yummy...especially with lemongrass and kafir leaves! A bowl of rice would be lovely with this... =D

  36. bangsar-babe: Yes, a bowl of warm rice is the best companion for this kind of dish :)

  37. I know your mother must have been pleased with this gorgeous rice dish. Hope she had a great day.

  38. MCK: Yes, I think she had a great day :)

  39. Thanks for such a great recipe Selba can't wait to give it a try.

  40. This dish sounds delicious! How wonderful that you made it for you mom! I can't wait to try this recipe!

  41. Mmm. What a delicious dish to make for your mom...I love all the flavors.

  42. Loooks delicious and flavourful!

  43. Pounding of ingredients done with a BIG Heart and LOTS of LUV for Mother's day; you will be a great mother one day too!

  44. Looks delicious - you are a very sweet daughter to make this for her!!

  45. This sounds delicious! I love pork and I love lemongrass, so I'm sure I'd enjoy this.

  46. Oh, good girl. Unlike you, I wasn't there to celebrate with mom. Sad sad.

  47. I love the flavors in the dish, it looks delicious! Happy mother's day to your mom.

  48. Wow that looks so good!

    Your momma is lucky!

  49. netts nook: Nice to share this recipe :)

    5 star foodie: It will be really an aromatic dish, hope you like it :)

    pam: It’s asian flavors ;)

    jo: Thanks :)

  50. jencooks: Hehehe… you make it sounds so sweet, thank you :)

    Debbie: thank you, Debbie :)

    sara: Lemongrass is so aromatic, ya? ;)

  51. little inbox: Oh… sorry to hear it but it’s ok, there’ll still years to celebrate it with your :)

    sarah: Thanks, Sarah! Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mom too :)

    jenn: Thanks, Jenn :)

  52. Oh delicious!! This is much better than being ripped off at other outlets offering special Mother's Day meals! Send some this way! :-P

  53. ohh, i can imagine that with some rice. that'll be really really nice. great way to celebrate mother's day, selby! ;D

  54. So many different flavors and spices used in making this Rica-rica. I always like tomato with meats. The result always tastes good :).

  55. 550ml: Hahaha... I wish I could DHL some of it to you :D

    nic: Thanks, Nic! Warm rice with this dish make it perfect ;)

  56. ETE: I agreed with you, tomato and meat are a perfect combination :)

  57. Yum this looks good, and I friend I am visiting in Dallas next month ask me to make this, so I am emailing her you post!

  58. chef e: Wow! That's nice. Hope that your friend will enjoy the dish :)

  59. This looks so delicious and special for your Mom!

  60. katherine aucoin: Thank you, Katherine :)

    mimidevils: It's simple indeed ;)

  61. You can never go wrong with a dish that is simple, quick, and has amazing ingredients.

    Plus this will give me a chance to use my poor underutilized wok.

    Nicely done!

  62. if you use other meat
    that no babi rica la......

  63. I like the name - rica rica! :)

  64. It looks really flavorful - yum! You have a luck mom :)

  65. jeff: Yay! Good reason to use your wok :)

    pisang goreng: Hahaha.. yeah, that's true :D

    tigerfish: cute, isn't it ;)

    kerstin: Yes, flavorful indeed :)

  66. Selba this sounds super tastey. I am happy to see a recipe so I can taste some of this food I see on your blog. Thank you!

  67. lori: Glad to share the recipe, Lori :)

  68. In Indonesia the North Sulawesi area they will cook this with Dog met also,aka,Rintek Wuuk -RW

  69. unkown: I've heard that people in Sulawesi use dog meat in their cooking.

  70. My wife is from North Selawesi,We have a very small Manado Restor,iam from the USa,We live in Jakarta,we cok this same dish with Pork and Dog meat.

    1. unknown: What's the name of your Manado restaurant and where's the location?

  71. We are very small Just Tenda.,We are just starting out,But the food is very good (Not just saying that becos its my are in East Jakarta,Resto Grace,Sentra Timur,Residence, Parking lot in front of the apartments,we live in the apartments.We would vgo eat at Mando Restaurants,and i always felt my wifes food was just as good or most of the time better.The RW or babi we just sell maybe 2 days a week.

    1. unknown: Beautika is one of the best place for Manado food. Give it a try. But fyi, they don't sell RW which I appreciate it because I'm a dog lover :)

  72. There is a Mando Restaurant i like alot called "Tinoor Permai" In Central Jakarta,The Babi (Pork)Sate is ManTap! The food is very good there..My wife cooks "rw" but does no eat it any more,I do eat it, I just found your blog i really enjoy it,Im a lover of Indonesia iam really enjoying reading the present and past Blogs.Also what part of Jakarta is Beautika Located,I will go visit it.Do they serve Pork there?Where ilive there are many Medan Restaurants,They also serve Dog and Pork,But have it listed as B1 &B2,B1 meaning dog,& B2 meaning pork Cooked different then Manado.

    1. unknown: Thank you for your compliments regarding my blog. The locations of Beutika restaurants are in the Central and South of Jakarta.

  73. aybe next weel i will try to visit the "Beutika"
