Saturday, August 1, 2009

Roast Pork and an award

So happy, when I heard that mom was going to make roast pork for lunch :)

What should I say after I finished a plate of mom's cooking beside yummy? Thank you, Mom! :)

This is how my mom made the roast pork served with red beets salad and boiled potatoes.

Roast Pork
- 1.7 kg piece of pork from the shoulder.
- Make a cut every 3 centimeters or so on the meat.

- Rub the meat on all sides with 1/2 tsp ground caraway seed, 6 ground garlic, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp white pepper.
- Brush olive oil onto the meat.

- On the base of a shallow roasting pan, put first the sliced onions, follow with chopped carrots and celery, then put the pork bones along, on the top put the seasoned pork.

- Preheat the oven to 180°C for about 10 minutes
- As soon as the pork is put in the low rack of oven, turn the oven temperature up to 220°C for 20-25 minutes, then reduce to 180° for the rest of the cooking time (total of 120 to 130 minutes).
- Occasionally pour some broth (or dark beer) - total about 1/2 liter to the roast.

Boiled potatoes and red beets
Red beets salad:
- Cut the red beets into slices
- Put in the bowl
- Mix with sugar and white vinegar

See how my little Vincent was sniffing the yummy fragrance from the roast pork lunch while I took the picture of it :)

An Award

Helene and Bits of Taste have kindly passed the "Kreativ Blogger Award" to me.

Thank you very much, it's so kind and thoughtful of you two! :)

The rules:

1- Thank the person who awarded you.
2- Copy the logo and paste it on your blog
3- Link to the person who nominated you for the award
4- Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
5- Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6- Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
7- Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they’ve been nominated

So here are 7 things about me:
1. I love cold and gloomy weather
2. I love history and culture
3. I love languages
4. I love chocolate
5. I love collecting post stamps
6. I love kungfu movies
7. I love learning new stuff

I'm passing to 7 kreativ bloggers:
1. Food-4Tots
2. Cake, Batter and Bowl
3. Duchess of Tea
4. ChezWhat?
5. Dustjacket Attic
6. ♥peachkins♥
7. the ungourmet

Happy Weekend!


  1. Moms cook the best!! This pork looks delicious!! Congrats on your award!

  2. Nice of you to honor your mom. Thanks for sharing the fun facts about you.

  3. donna-ffw: yes, they are! :D Thank you!

    FwLT: Oh.. another fact, I love mom's cooking :)

  4. Roast pork is a great meal, especially with garlic-it adds a wonderful flavor!
    Mom's cooking is aleays the best!

  5. lynda: you are so right, the garlic adds wonderful flavor :)

  6. cute dog! hahaah ... mine would certainly drool, or lick our legs/hands to get our attention!

  7. I bet the pork is delicious with the caraway seeds! Cute doggy! :0)

    Thanks for the lovely award! It was so nice of you to think of me!

    I love reading a little bit about you. I love learning new stuff as well.

  8. congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me... cant beat garlicky pork....

  9. Tks a lot for this great award! I really appreciate it. I also love to collect post stamp but they are now collecting dust in my storeroom. Hehehe!

  10. Awesome dish there, it's has all of my favorite things, pork, beets, veggies...

    I've never done caraway seeds before though, this is a really cool idea. I'm down like a clown on this :)

  11. Your Mom's roast pork looks wonderful. You're a lucky girl to have a Mom who makes such great comfort food. Congratulations on your award. I too love languages and chocolate, but I'm much better at eating chocolate than I am learning a new language.

  12. LOVELY!!!
    good thing that u do eat pork! We can go for some serious porky biz when ya here ya!!

  13. My dog is such a beggar too. Everytime I'm in the kitchen and she smells something yummy she comes to visit me. too cute!

  14. Moms are always the best cooks! I love all the veggies in this dish...yum! Congrats on your award! :)

  15. j2kfm: Hahaha… actually sometimes my dogs also are doing the same like yours when they are too excited but then they know if they know when they behave well, definitely they will get the share ;)

    the ungourmet: happy to pass the award to you, hope to learn more about you ;)

    doggybloggy: absolutely… garlic and pork are match each other, hehehe

  16. FFT: whoa… everyone is collecting something, you collect post stamp, post stamp collects dust, now.. I wonder what does the dust collect? Hehehehe…

    adam: hehehe… don’t worry… there’s still plenty of time to try different spices and food ;)

    MCK: Hehehe.. I think chocolate is one of the best things that God has created ;)

  17. TNG: Sure! Can’t wait for the day to come soon!!! :D

    monica: Ah.. the cute Autumn is also a beggar? Hehehe….

    faith: yes, true… thanks, Faith :)

  18. The roast pork sounds incredible! Congrats on your award!

  19. The roast pork looked delicious... its good to have a good cook mum... :)

  20. 5 star foodie: Thanks :)

    wilson: yup, agreed :)

  21. sophie: Thank you, Sophie... and happy Sunday :)

  22. Awww, thanks so much Selba!!

    Love that pork, it looks like a really yummy and comforting dish!

  23. Nothing can beat Mom's home cooking. That pork looks delicious.

  24. Thanks for the pork and well done on your award !

  25. Yummy Roast Pork!..I'll be grabbing the award later Selby..Thanks!

  26. kerstin: you are welcome :)

    palidor: yes, mom's home cooking is the best :)

    BSG: thanks, BSG :)

    peachkins: Okiedokie... don't forget to grab your award ;)

  27. First the meal looks great and you deserve this award.

  28. Your mum's roasted pork looks fantastic. And your doggy is so cute too! hehe

  29. helene: thank you, Helene :)

    noobcook: thanks, noobcook :)

  30. Interesting red beet salad. Only had red beets in soup which of course made the soup all bloody-like. =P

  31. tummythoz: Hahaha... I think I can imagine how the "blood" soup looks like, scary! :P

  32. How great is your Mom!!! The roast pork looks so awesome! I miss my Mom's cooking :-(

  33. 550ml jar of faith: thanks :) Oh... you are living far away from your mom?

  34. Oh! Thank you darling, you are so sweet. I sincerely appreciate it and I am truly touched. I shall display it on my blog with pride later today.

    Duchess xx

  35. duchess of tea: You are welcome, Duchess. Happy to pass it to you :)

  36. mum's cooking is always the best!

  37. Congrats on the award Selba! The Roast Pork looks so darn good I could eat it now and it's breakfast time in PA!!!

  38. foodbin: yes, it's so true :)

    louise: thank you, Louise! I wish I could share it with you :)

  39. Nice! I always love new pork recipes to try!

    Oh yeah kungfu movies about as cool as ninja movies too.

  40. jeff: Hope you will be able to give it a try to this pork recipe because it tasted wonderful ;)

    Like ninja movies too!
