Monday, August 17, 2009

Tukang Siomay (steamed fish cake man)

Remember my post the "Tukang Batagor and Siomay"?

This vendor is also selling Siomay(steamed fish cake) but without the batagor (fried fish cake) and instead selling on a cart, he uses a bicycle to sell the siomay.
Let's see together what's inside the big pan ;)

Siomay (fish cake), bitter gourd, cabbage, tofu (bean curd), potato - everything is steamed.

Cut into pieces.
The peanut sauce, chili sauce and sweet soysauce as the condiments of Siomay.

Pour the peanut sauce and drizzle some sweet soy sauce.

Not forgetting the kaffir lime juice.

I love Siomay because it's savory and tasty. It's also chewable because of the starch. With or without the peanut sauce, I'm OK but yes, the peanut sauce and kaffir lime juice made the siomay so tasteful.
If you like hot, then you can ask for chili sauce on the side of the plate :)


  1. I love the sound of these steamed fish cakes especially with the peanut sauce and kaffir lime juice! Very yummy!

  2. 5 SF: It is very yummy :) One of my favorite snacks.

  3. Initially I thought it is Siew Mai, but look at the last photo, it is like a combination of all the steam stuffs.

  4. Nice shots! But how many of those limes do you need to have some juice? They're tiny! ;)

  5. little inbox: Well, actually siomay is another form from siew mai, the difference is just the "meat" which siew mai is made from pork and and siomay is from fish, and siomay is eaten with peanut sauce :)

    daziano: hi there, long time no see! :) Usually we only need one or two kaffir limes coz' it's very fragrant.

  6. oooooo, you're making me salivate.....looove your blog and any free time these past two days i've been coming back to "eat" here bol (oops, that's coco...)

    do visit us when you get the chance again as coco wants to get to know your precious ones better
    coco's mum

  7. I would love to sample that. I doubt if I will ever get to sample any though. It has got to be a very healthy dish. We have two Chinese restaurants and 1 Japanese restaurant and 3 Mexican restaurants in our small town. No Thai or Vietnamese place. I will have to check in the city where we go. Beautiful pictures.

  8. Yum! I wish we had bicycles with fish cake apparatus on the back here!

  9. I really admire how you share your cuisine so up close and personal and it's impressive that the food vendors are so generous and allow you to take the beautiful phjotos you take.

  10. Your street food posts just may be my favorites. (although I adore your restaurant reviews also:) Heck, I just love your blog!!!

    How kind of the vendors to share such intimate glimpses and what a feast for the eyes. I only wish I could have just one teeny tiny taste.

    Thanks for sharing Selba...

  11. I love the way these steamed cakes look and sound. You've made me hungry and it is way too soon for me to eat again. Have a wonderful day.

  12. yummy! definitely must have it with chili sauce, hot one please! :0

  13. This looks good, what a healthy and delicious dish!

  14. The kaffir limes are so cute - they remind me of key limes that we had in the Bahamas. Do they have seeds?

  15. with peanut sauce. Hmm.... interesting

  16. Another yummy looking snack!! Is that kaffir lime? I tot kaffir lime is all wrinkled up??

  17. peanutsauce on sounds delicious.. I would love to have a day and walk around your place.

  18. really nice to read ur blog, the same thing we had in Msia, but eat it at a totally different way there...

  19. cocorue: thank you for you kind words, Lilian aka Coco’s mum :) Sure, Me and my puppies definitely will visit your little coco’s blog again because we would love to get to know more.

    QMM: Thanks for the compliment of the pictures, QQM. To have 2 chinese restaurant and 1 japanese restaurant is nice enough :) Hope that in the bigger cities, you can find Indonesian restaurant so you can try how Indonesian food tasted.

    mica: Hehehe…. Yeah… it’s great to have those vendors on their bicycles.

    KA: Thank you for your compliments, Katherine :)

    louise: Thank you for loving my blog, Louise. It really makes my day :)

  20. mary: hehehe… was it just dinner when you saw these steamed fish cakes? Have a wonderful day too, Mary.

    BBO: Love hot and spicy? ;)

    faith: yes, it’s healthy and delicious indeed :)

    MCK: Yes, most of kaffir limes have seeds, actually a lot! :)

    FP: the peanut sauce is so gooooooddddd… ;)

  21. PP: Yes, those are kaffir limes, actually they are a little bit wrinkled up ;)

    peachkins: It would be great if you can come and try the Indonesian food someday :)

    SG: thanks, SimpleGirl :)

  22. this looks awesome thanks for stopping by my blog, yours looks great yummy food will follow along LOL Rebecca

  23. chow and chatter: Hi Rebecca, welcome to my blog, hope to see you again here :)

  24. I love peanut sauce, and I would definitely try that!

  25. This looks so good...I'd love to try this dish!

  26. over here we use sweet Soy bean sauce and chillies sauce with a sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds

  27. ooohhh, served with lime juice. now that's new to me! will try to do that with my siew mais next time! interesting.

  28. wow, awesome pictures! I love ethnic foods and trying different cuisines, so interesting and such better flavor :) yum!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello!

  29. I bet all of those sauces are so much better than any of the bottled sauces here!

    I just love those little limes! They are so wonderful!

  30. 1st time seeing that fish cake can pair with peanut sauce!!

  31. fantastic variety. what we call food at every nook and corner. cheap cheap !

  32. That looks so yummy! I love the combination of peanut and sweet soy sauce. You know, that's the first time I've seen a keffir life. It's so tiny and cute!

  33. jenn: Peanut sauce is wonderful :)

    lynda: It's very yummy :)

    foodbin: Whoaaa.. the toasted sesame seeds sounds wonderful :)

    nic: not just lime juice but kaffir lime juice ;) Give it a try and I think you will love it :)

  34. kristen :): Hi Kristen, welcome to my blog! Good to know that you love ethnic foods and trying different cuisines, hope that my blog can show the variety of ethnic food :)

    the ungourmet: Definitely a yes, and the good part there's no preservative in those peanut sauce :)

  35. yum yum. i love all your street food.
    one thing wonderful about indonesia is that, street vendors are allowed to carry on their small biz and they won't starve and can still support their family.

  36. mimid3vils: It's very yummy, hope you get a chance to try it ;)

    BSG: Hehehe... Hooray!

    palidor: many of Indonesian food have a drizzle of kaffir lime :)

  37. tuti: thanks! Yeah, that's the great thing for those vendors on the street, they can still survive and support their family :)

  38. does it taste the same as the siew mais? i think this is the version that goes indonesian. hehe...

    kyh @

  39. kyh: Yup, you are so right, siomay is the version of Indonesian siew mai :) It has a similar texture.

  40. yes, hot sauce would be an essential part for me--i like everything spicy! the peanut sauce-lime juice combination sounds like an interesting and absolutely delicious topper.

  41. Another fantastic looking dish! Anything with peanut sauce works for me, add kafir limes..and I bet this is over the top!

  42. Interesting siumay with peanut sauce and kaffir limes! Looks and sounds yummy!

  43. grace: If you like spicy, Manado food might become your favorite because everything is hot and spicy :)

    catherine: Peanut sauce and the kaffir limes are a great combination :)

    FFT: It is indeed :)

  44. Did you say bicycle? I can''t believe he has a whole restaurant on his bicycle. It all looks so yummy too.

  45. i like it extra hot, hot hot!!

  46. MTC: Nice, hope that you can try it someday :)

    FwLT: Yes, it's on bicycle :D

    cumi & ciki: Not afraid of getting your tongue burnt? ;)

  47. just like lok lok in pg..steamed/boiled and eaten with different sauces. this one with peanut sauce looks very good!!

  48. buzzingbee: cute name.. lok lok, hehehe... I wanna try! :)

  49. Sounds like a lovely dish! You describe it so well.

  50. donna-ffw: it is indeed, thanks :)
