Monday, September 14, 2009

Bunga Rampai Restaurant


Yesterday, I had lunch with my mom and her friends at Bunga Rampai Restaurant.

Bunga Rampai restaurant has opened since 2007 and very well known for high society expatriates and ambassadorial gatherings because it's a fine dining restaurant providing Indonesian cuisine in an old Dutch colonial house.

The name of Bunga Rampai is taken from the Indonesian term of traditional Indonesian flower arrangement with assorted flowers i.e: jasmine, rose and frangipani/plumeria.

You can definitely really feel the Dutch colonial ambiance inside the restaurant.

The main dining area.

It's a nice place for photo shooting.

Lovely chinaware.

There're left and right wings of the restaurant.


Now about the Food & Drinks.

First, we started with the drinks.

Above (Left to Right): Water Equil (Rp. 25.000), Banana Smoothies (Rp. 45.000), Strawberry Smoothies (Rp. 45.000)
Bottom (Left to Right): Strawberry Juice (Rp. 35.000), Menteng Frost - Oreo, Fresh Milk, Vanilla ice cream, coffee (Rp. 38.500), Special juice - Melon and Oranges (Rp. 45.000)

And then appetizer:
Kembang Pacar (Rp. 75.000)
Deep fried prawn are served in hand wrapped spring roll and served with sweet and sour sauce.

Pempek Sutera Palembang (Rp. 45.000)
A popular fish cake from Palembang - South Sumatra, this deep fried delicacy is complemented diced cucumber, dried shrimp and a palm sugar vinaigrette dressing.

Followed with the main course.

Left: Nasi Bakar - Burnt Rice with mushroom, corn, salty fish and Indonesian basil leaves (Rp. 66.000)
Right: Nasi Merah - Brown Rice (Rp. 16.500)

Condiments for the Nasi Bakar:
Deep fried beef with grated old coconut

Sweet soybean cake on skewers.

Konro Bakar (Rp. 106.500)
These beef back ribs has been lovingly prepared in a sweet soy and coriander sauce. The meat was very tender.

Rendang MalinKundang (Rp. 68.500)
Original beef marinated with coconut and herbs.

Sate BungaRampai (Rp. 183.500)
These satay are the MOST expensive satay that I've ever eaten in my life! I'm not joking! With the same price of it (or even less), you can already eat a delicious and satisfying buffet dinner at a 5 stars hotel. The satay (total only of 4 skewers on a plate) are assorted meat (chicken, beef) and seafood (fish, prawn) . Seriously, there's nothing special of the taste.

A close up picture of the fish on lemongrass skewer.

Teratai (Rp. 60.500)
Sautéed pakcoy with tofu and prawn. Very salty for my taste buds!

Ayam Kremes (Rp. 70.000)
Deep fried chicken with grated old coconut. It tasted mediocre.

Kangkung Balacan (Rp. 49.500)
Morning glory sautéed with spicy paced red chili, tomato and finely ground dry shrimp. Supposedly tasty but turned out tasteless.
Align CenterRestaurant

Kerapu Goreng saus asam jawa (Rp. 103.000)
Deep fried grouper fish served with traditional Javanese sauce. It tasted pretty good.

At the end... Dessert:

Home made ice cream (Rp.22.000/scoop)

All prices are subject to 10% government tax & 5% service charge
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 10.000

Overall, I quite like the ambiance of this restaurant but not really fond for the food and seriously, I think the prices are just extremely too expensive for the kind of food and taste that are being served. Absolutely, this is not a place for people with Indonesian average income ;)

Bunga Rampai Restaurant
Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 35, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 3192 6224 /25

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. I guess you are paying for the ambience ;) Place looks gorgeous and so does the cutlery!

  2. Food and location looks great. the Kembang Pacar looks funny .. like feet up in the air. LOL

  3. unkaleong: Yeah... you are so right, totally paying for the ambiance! :P

    cumi & ciki: LOL Must be nice legs!

  4. I like the china, very sweet. The decor looks very comfortable and pretty. Shame about the food.

  5. DA: Hehehe.. yup, shame about the food :D

  6. Mmm.. Menteng not a good place for Malaysians to go at the moment:-) These are the Indonesian food I crave for while there. The beef with grated coconut, rendang and ribs look excellent.

  7. Excellent, very english setting! Great variety too! The food looked so inviting too.

  8. Nothing like a bit of the colonial treatment, ja? :)

  9. the Konro baklar looks really good, as well as the strawberry smoothie..

  10. worldwindows: Why is Menteng not a good place for Malaysian? Menteng is the old prestigious and also high society area ;)

    BBO:This is a Dutch colonial setting :P

    LFB: Well, the services actually was quite good :)

    peachkins: The konro bakar was the best dish yesterday :)

  11. What a gorgeous and formal looking restaurant. I love the big gold mirror and the rice formed in a pyramid. It's a shame it was so expensive. I wonder why restaurants think people will pay more the for food (and settle for less quality of the meal) if there are fancy surroundings?

  12. The food looks so delicious! I love the plating too. But, I'd be terrified just to move in the restaurant! With the fancy China and the dish cabinet, I'd be scared of breaking something.

  13. MCK: The problem is that some people sometimes are not looking for the food but more for the prestigious place.

  14. palidor: Hahaha... As long as you don't move the plates around then you'll be OK ;)

  15. ha i can practically 'taste' the dishes and it's a shame when the food does not live up to the image....

    i my mumster loves following you on your culinary adventures

  16. cocorue: yeah... too bad that the food isn't as nice as the place. Ah.. I'm so glad that your mumsters loves following my culinary adventure :)

  17. wow... the interior looks nice and cosy. And the foods look awesome. ^-^

  18. Bah, it's disappointing that the food isn't good because the decor of that restaurant is awesome!

  19. mica: Yup! too bad.. too bad... but the expatriates really love dining at this place.

  20. we have a general guide to eating which is:
    cheap stalls has good food but lousy ambience and fantastic looking restaurants with cool ambience is overly expensive with average taste .

    Home food is best but boring

  21. BSG: Hahahaha... the statement is quite true!!! :D

  22. great and grand setting-did you eat the pineapple that came with the Kembang Pacar.?

  23. What a beautiful restaurant. I know what you mean about the price though. It is difficult to rate something great when they are flavors and foods you can get just as good elsewhere for less.

    It does look intriguing though. Those smoothies are beautiful and I just love that pineapple with the spring rolls!

  24. foodbin: eh.. the pineapple is just for decor, hehehe....

    lori: I guess great place needs high maintenance thus the customers have to pay for it :)

  25. A very elegant setting! Too bad it's a bit overpriced but the food looks delicious!

  26. It is absolutely gorgeous there! I love all the different drinks...yum!

  27. The restaurant is gorgeous and it looks like you had a fantastic meal. Your photos are, as usual, gorgeous.

  28. gosh.... some of the prices are outrageous.... seriously ..... :) but I bet u had a great time there.

    PS. Love the Rainbow horse cookies, the rainbow ducks, the rainbow fish, the rainbow star and the rainbows flowers.... Just love all those colors :D
    I wanna keep them as collectibles instead of eating them :)

  29. 5SF: A very elegant setting with very nice service :)

    faith: The drinks are quite good actually but not for the prices ;)

    mary: the meal was really fantastic, only a few dishes were "good".

    HR: Well, the restaurant has really a nice ambiance, probably to have just a cup of coffee or tea once in awhile there, would be OK ;)
    Glad that you love my rainbow cookies. oh as collectibles? hehehehe.... still always can bake it again, and seriously, it tasted good too :)

  30. looks like a fantastic place for photography! the food's interesting too. i think it's a good way to splurge once in a while. in the company of friends and family somemore. nice!

  31. nic: People do their pre-wedding or family pictures in this restaurant :) Yeah, you are so right... once in awhile with a good company ;)

    little inbox: Absolutely! Kinda insane! kekeke...

  32. What a fancy restaurant! But since you do not recommend the food, I won't go there! :)

  33. It's a very beautiful restaurant. Too bad the food wasn't up to par. I like the floral china and the white decor. The beverages look the tastiest to me :-)

  34. ambiance is really good! but really killing price, esp the sate!

  35. jakarta seriously there's alot of nice place like that ...
    the food just look so good.!

  36. MTC: Hehehe.. but it's really nice ambience :)

    monica: I also like the floral chinaware, so pretty :)

    email2me: Yup, it is indeed :)

    simplegirl: Unbelievable, right? kekeke

    taufulou: yes... but not really for the taste ;)

  37. Hi, your food corner now become a professional level blog. Well done.

  38. Lovely place, sad that the food is not upto par. Thats why I think at times, Indonesian street food rocks. Who can resist the gadu gadu from the cart? Its just too good.

  39. What a beautiful place! But not all of the food looks as good as the building :). I like the ice cream and drinks though. They look beautiful and yummy.

  40. golfer: Hi there, nice to see you again and thanks for your kind words :)

    laveena: Hehehe.. yeah, I agree... street food rocks!

    ETE: The drinks are nice but then usually drinks are nice, right? hehehe...

  41. Wow, the restaurant looks very nice....! I should visit this place when I go back to Jakarta again one day. The last time I visited Indo was about 2 years ago. But you're right, the food doesn't look so appealing - except for the pempek and smoothies...But I would definitely like to try this place one day. Keep you restaurant reviews coming, so that I know which good restaurant to go to when I am home again :)

  42. C-G: 2 years already? Whoaaa.. time to come back! ;) This restaurant has a very nice ambiance and good for photo shooting. Yup, restaurant reviews are on the way... stay tune! ;)

  43. Love the table and the restaurant setting! Kinda classy huh? :D

  44. angele: yes, classy coz' it's fine dining with the Dutch colonial setting ;)

  45. wah keren keren keren skaliiiiiii *pingin

  46. riri: hi Riri, welcome to my blog! Come.. come.. come to Jakarta if you want to try it ;)

  47. This restaurant is really good and those foods they offers looks very delicious I am craving for it. Hope I can travel to Indonesia and visit this restaurant so that I can taste those foods they offers. Thanks.

    Kirstz @ restaurants in Laguna Philippines

  48. This restaurant just pissed me off,
    i guess my 300k is just a waste, not even close with lip smacking good....
    tp yg mendingan adalah servicenya yg luar biasa sopen, srasa punya asisten pribadi yg siap nuangi air klo dh abis digelas...hahaha
